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  1. The choreography of everyday life—a missing brick in the general evolution theory.Mika Pantzar - 1989 - World Futures 27 (2):207-226.
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  • Rethinking practices and structures.T. J. Berard - 2005 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (2):196-230.
    Social theory remains puzzled by the relation between practices and structures, or the link between ‘micro’ and ‘macro’. Grand theorists including Giddens and Bourdieu have gained distinction for their writings on these questions, trying to marry insights and concerns of a ‘micro’ sociological nature with traditional ‘macro’ structural questions including inequality, power relations, and social reproduction. These theorists arguably fail, however, in their attempts to move social theory beyond traditional dualisms. Relevant but neglected contributions from ethnomethodology are introduced and compared (...)
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  • Realism in One Country?Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2009 - Journal of Critical Realism 8 (2):203-232.
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  • Reflections on a catalytic companion Kenneth J. Gergen.Kenneth J. Gergen - 1990 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 20 (4):305–321.
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  • Farm to institution programs: organizing practices that enable and constrain Vermont’s alternative food supply chains.Sarah N. Heiss, Noelle K. Sevoian, David S. Conner & Linda Berlin - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (1):87-97.
    Farm to institution programs represent alternative supply chains that aim to organize the activities of local producers with institutions that feed the local community. The current study demonstrates the value of structuration theory :75–80, 1983; The constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1984) for conceptualizing how FTI agents create, maintain, and change organizational structures associated with FTI and traditional supply chains. Based on interviews with supply chain agents participating in FTI programs, we (...)
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  • Concepts of "action", "structure" and "power" in "critical social realism": A positive and reconstructive critique.Heikki Patomäki - 1991 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 21 (2):221–250.
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