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Green Political Theory

Cambridge, MA, USA: Polity (1992)

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  1. (1 other version)Environmental ethics.Andrew Brennan - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents. This entry covers: (1) the challenge of environmental ethics to the anthropocentrism (i.e., humancenteredness) embedded in traditional western ethical thinking; (2) the early development of the discipline in the 1960s and 1970s; (3) the connection of deep ecology, feminist environmental ethics, and social ecology to politics; (4) the attempt to apply (...)
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  • The Ethics of Historic Preservation.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (12):786-794.
    This article draws together research from various sub-disciplines of philosophy to offer an overview of recent philosophical work on the ethics of historic preservation. I discuss how philosophers writing about art, culture, and the environment have appealed to historical significance in crafting arguments about the preservation of objects, practices, and places. By demonstrating how it relates to core themes in moral and political philosophy, I argue that historic preservation is essentially concerned with ethical issues.
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  • Why Wake the Dead? Identity and De-extinction.Christopher Hunter Lean - 2020 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (3):571-589.
    I will entertain and reject three arguments which putatively establish that the individuals produced through de-extinction ought to be the same species as the extinct population. Forms of these arguments have appeared previously in restoration ecology. The first is the weakest, the conceptual argument, that de-extinction will not be de-extinction if it does not re-create an extinct species. This is misguided as de-extinction technology is not unified by its aim to re-create extinct species but in its use of the remnants (...)
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  • Animals and democratic theory: Beyond an anthropocentric account.Robert Garner - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (4):459-477.
    Two distinct approaches to the incorporation of animal interests within democratic theory are identified. The first, anthropocentric, account suggests that animal interests ought to be considered within a democratic polity if and when enough humans desire this to be the case. Within this anthropocentric account, the relationship between democracy and the protection of animal interests remains contingent. An alternative account holds that the interests of animals ought to be taken into account because they have a democratic right that their interests (...)
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  • Why it is Important to Take Account of History.Alan Holland - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (3):377 - 392.
    Ethics, Policy & Environment, Volume 14, Issue 3, Page 377-392, October 2011.
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  • Democracy in the Anthropocene.Marit Hammond, John Dryzek & Jonathan Pickering - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (1):127-141.
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  • The Role of Moral Judgments Within Expectancy-Value-Based Attitude-Behavior Models.Richard Shepherd & Paul Sparks - 2002 - Ethics and Behavior 12 (4):299-321.
    Rational choice models are characterized by the image of the self-interested Homo economicus. The role of moral concerns, which may involve a concern for others' welfare in people's judgments and choices, questions the descriptive validity of such models. Increasing evidence of a role for perceived moral obligation within the expectancy-value-based theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior indicates the importance of moral-normative influences in social behavior. In 2 studies, the influence of moral judgments on attitudes toward food (...)
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  • Wilderness, cultivation and appropriation.John O'Neill - 2002 - Philosophy and Geography 5 (1):35 – 50.
    "Nature" and "wilderness" are central normative categories of environmentalism. Appeal to those categories has been subject to two lines of criticism: from constructivists who deny there is something called "nature" to be defended; from the environmental justice movement who point to the role of appeals to "nature" and "wilderness" in the appropriation of land of socially marginal populations. While these arguments often come together they are independent. This paper develops the second line of argument by placing recent appeals to "wilderness" (...)
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  • Trajectories of green political theory.Andrew Dobson, Sherilyn MacGregor, Douglas Torgerson & Michael Saward - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (3):317-350.
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  • The Ways That Nature Matters: The World and the Earth in the Thought of Hannah Arendt.Anne Chapman - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (4):433-445.
    One of the many sets of distinctions made by Hannah Arendt was that between the world and the earth. I give two different interpretations of this distinction then set out four different ways in which nature matters to us, depending on whether nature is regarded as world or as earth, and whether humans are seen as biological beings or as beings who create and inhabit a world. These different ways are represented in different forms of environmentalism and theories of environmental (...)
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  • An exploration of the value of naturalness and wild nature.Ben Ridder - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (2):195-213.
    The source of the value of naturalness is of considerable relevance for the conservation movement, to philosophers, and to society generally. However, naturalness is a complex quality and resists straightforward definition. Here, two interpretations of what is “natural” are explored. One of these assesses the naturalness of species and ecosystems with reference to a benchmark date, such as the advent of industrialization. The value of naturalness in this case largely reflects prioritization of the value of biodiversity. However, the foundation of (...)
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  • Integral ecology: The what, who, and how of environmental phenomena.Sean Esbjörn-Hargens - 2005 - World Futures 61 (1 & 2):5 – 49.
    Providing an overview of Integral Ecology, this article defines and explains some of the key terms and concepts that underlie an approach to the environment that is inspired by and makes use of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory. First Integral Ecology is distinguished from other environmental approaches. Then Wilber's Integral Theory is introduced, which provides a foundation for a participatory approach to ecology. Next, the ontology, epistemology, and methodology of environmental phenomena is examined in light of Wilber's framework and illustrated with (...)
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  • (1 other version)Universal human rights as a shared political identity impossible? Necessary? Sufficient?Andreas Føllesdal - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (1):77-91.
    Abstract: Would a global commitment to international human rights norms provide enough of a sense of community to sustain a legitimate and sufficiently democratic global order? Sceptics worry that human rights cannot help maintain the mutual trust among citizens required for a legitimate political order, since such rights are now too broadly shared. Thus prominent contributors to democratic theory insist that the members of the citizenry must share some features unique to them, to the exclusion of others—be it a European (...)
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  • Los principios Del orden cosmopolita.David Held - 2005 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 39:133-169.
    Cosmopolitanism is concerned to disclose the ethical, cultural and legal basis of political order in a world where political communities and states matter, but not only and exclusively. In circumstances where the trajectories of each and every country are tightly entwined, the partiality, one sidedness and limitedness of ‘reasons of state’ need to be recognized. While states are hugely important vehicles to aid the delivery of effective public recognition, equal liberty and social justice, they should not be thought of as (...)
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  • Sustainability—a theoretical idea or a practical recipe?Matthias Jahnke & Hans G. Nutzinger - 2003 - Poiesis and Praxis 1 (4):275-294.
    In this paper, the notion of sustainability as a general regulative idea is distinguished from sustainable development as a more concrete concept leading to practical actions. After that, different economic meanings of sustainable development are discussed, and a concept of critical sustainability is proposed especially with respect to the problem of climate change. Maintaining critical crash barriers and bottlenecks presupposes, however, demanding, continuous improvements in energy efficiency. After discussing problems of decision theory in cases of uncertainty, which is constitutive for (...)
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  • Missing the forest for the trees: justice and environmental economics.Steve Vanderheiden - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (1):51-69.
    The field of environmental economics, while offering powerful tools for the diagnosis of environmental problems and the design of policy solutions to them, is unable to effectively incorporate normative concepts like justice or rights into its method of analysis, and so needs to be supplemented by a consideration of such concepts. I examine the two main schools of thought in environmental economics ? the New Resource Economics and Free Market Environmentalism ? in order to illustrate the shortcomings of their methods (...)
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  • The green case for a randomly selected chamber.Antoine Verret-Hamelin & Pierre-Étienne Vandamme - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (1):24-45.
    One of the greatest challenges facing current generations is the environmental and climate crisis. Democracies, so far, have not distinguished themselves by their capacity to bring about appropriate political responses to these challenges. This is partly explicable in terms of a lack of state capacity in a globalized context. Yet we also argue that election-centered democracies suffer from several flaws that make them inapt to deal with this challenge properly: youth is not appropriately represented; parliaments suffer from a lack of (...)
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  • La condición tecno-ecológica. Heidegger ante los nuevos post-humanismos.Rodrigo Y. Sandoval - 2019 - Silex 9 (2):35-55.
    Much of the contemporary thought about ecology begins with the questioning of the human exceptionality. By means of this, anthropocentrism is rejected and replaced by a post-humanist framework. In this context, Martin Heidegger‘s oeuvre is credited for its search of alternatives to humanism, particularly because of its rejection of Sartre‘s anthropocentrism. However, while post-humanisms tend to behold the role of technology positively, Heidegger‘s critiques to the technique as a consequence of the same metaphysical and anthropocentric movement are widely known. Instead (...)
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  • Differential Perception of Human Life Value and Bioethics.Pushkar Aggarwal - 2014 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 24 (4):117-118.
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  • (1 other version)Democracy for the Future: A Conceptual Framework to Assess Institutional Reform.Wallimann-Helmer Ivo, Meyer Lukas & Burger Paul - 2016 - In Wallimann-Helmer Ivo, Meyer Lukas & Burger Paul (eds.).
    There seem to be good reasons that democratic institutions must be reformed in order to minimize the danger of unsustainable policy decisions infringing upon duties of intergenerational justice. This is why there exist a number of different proposals of how to reform democratic states in order to foster their duties towards the future. However, the debate lacks a systematic assessment of these suggested reforms within a coherent theoretical and norma-tive framework. This paper aims at developing such a framework. We suggest (...)
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