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  1. Naturalizing psychedelic spirituality.Chris Letheby - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):623-642.
    A pressing philosophical problem is how to respond to the existential, anxiety and disenchantment resulting from a naturalistic worldview that eschews transcendent foundations for meaning and value. This problem is becoming more urgent as the popularization of neuroscientific findings renders a disenchanted conception of human beings ever more vivid, compelling, and widespread. I argue that the study of transformative experiences occasioned by classic psychedelic drugs such as lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin may reveal the nature of a viable practical solution (...)
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  • (1 other version)From Biology to Consciousness to Morality.Ursula Goodenough & Terrence W. Deacon - 2003 - Zygon 38 (4):801-819.
    Social animals are provisioned with pro-social orientations that transcend self-interest. Morality, as used here, describes human versions of such orientations. We explore the evolutionary antecedents of morality in the context of emergentism, giving considerable attention to the biological traits that undergird emergent human forms of mind. We suggest that our moral frames of mind emerge from our primate pro-social capacities, transfigured and valenced by our symbolic languages, cultures, and religions.
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  • Dualism 101: Terminal Lucidity and an Explanation.Ted Christopher - 2022 - Open Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):687-700.
    In simple terms, psychological dualism purports that there is an underlying complementary, non-material/physical cognitive component associated with a living organism. Thus mind would not simply be an expression of brain function. Science embraces materialism and generally views any form of dualism with disdain. Yet there are a number of accepted phenomena that are suggestive of dualism and in particular are consistent with the existence of souls. One such phenomenon is terminal lucidity, in which people inexplicably return to mental coherence shortly (...)
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  • Chasing Butterflies Without a Net: Interpreting Cosmopolitanism.David T. Hansen - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (2):151-166.
    In this article, I map current conceptions of cosmopolitanism and sketch distinctions between the concept and humanism and multiculturalism. The differences mirror what I take to be a central motif of cosmopolitanism: the capacity to fuse reflective openness to the new with reflective loyalty to the known. This motif invites a reconsideration of the meaning of culture as well as of the relations between home and the world.
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  • A critique of emergent theologies.Joanna Leidenhag - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):867-882.
    This article is an analysis and critique of emergent theologies, focusing on areas of Christology and pneumatology. An increasing number of Christian theologians are integrating emergence theory into their work. I argue that, despite the range of theological commitments and methodological approaches represented by these scholars, each faces similar problematic tendencies when their Christian doctrines are combined with emergence theory. It is concluded that the basic logic of emergence theory, whereby matter is seen to precede mind, makes it difficult for (...)
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  • The changing cultural context of the institute on religion in an age of science and zygon.Karl E. Peters - 2014 - Zygon 49 (3):612-628.
    Since Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science was founded 49 years ago and since one of its co-publishers, the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS), was founded 60 years ago, there have been significant developments in their various cultural contexts—in science, in religion, in culture, in academia, and in the science and religion dialogue. This article is a personal remembrance and reflection that compares the context of IRAS in 1954 when it was first organized with the context (...)
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  • From authority to authenticity: Iras and zygon in new contexts.Willem B. Drees - 2015 - Zygon 50 (2):439-454.
    In the 60 years since IRAS was founded, and the 50 years since Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science started, science has developed enormously. More important, though less obvious, the character of religion has changed, at least in Western countries. Church membership has gone down considerably. This is not due to arguments, for example, about science and atheism, but reflects a change in sources of authority. Rather than the traditional and communal authority, an individualism that emphasizes “authenticity” characterizes religion and (...)
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  • A consilience of equal regard: Stephen Jay Gould on the relation of science and religion.Alister E. McGrath - 2021 - Zygon 56 (3):547-565.
    This article offers a fresh assessment of the views of the American paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould on the relation of science and religion. Gould is best known for his celebrated notion of “nonoverlapping magisteria,” which is often seen in somewhat negative terms as inhibiting dialogue. However, as a result of his critique of the unificationist approach to knowledge developed in Edward O. Wilson's Consilience, Gould later made increased use of the more positive notion of a “consilience of (...)
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  • The relevance of emergence theory in the science–religion dialogue.Mikael Leidenhag - 2013 - Zygon 48 (4):966-983.
    In this article, I call into question the relevance of emergence theories as presently used by thinkers in the science–religion discussion. Specifically, I discuss theories of emergence that have been used by both religious naturalists and proponents of panentheism. I argue for the following conclusions: (1) If we take the background theory to be metaphysical realism, then there seems to be no positive connection between the reality of emergent properties and the validity of providing reality with a religious interpretation, though (...)
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  • A framework of spirituality for the future of naturalism.John Calvin Chatlos - 2021 - Zygon 56 (2):308-334.
    William James wrote that the life of religion “consists of the belief that there is an unseen order, and that our supreme good lies in harmoniously adjusting ourselves thereto.” Naturalism organizes our experiences of the universe within a science-grounded philosophical and/or religious framework aligning it with what is supremely good for our lives. This article describes a science-grounded specific “Framework of Spirituality” identifying part of this unseen order that opens a “spiritual core” within persons as a source of healing and (...)
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  • Is Nature Enough? No.John F. Haught - 2003 - Zygon 38 (4):769-782.
    This essay is based on a lecture delivered at the 2002 IRAS Star Island conference, the theme of which was “Is Nature Enough? The Thirst for Transcendence.” I had been asked to represent the position of those who would answer No to the question. I thought it would stimulate discussion if I presented my side of the debate in a somewhat provocative manner rather than use a more ponderous approach that would argue each point in a meticulous and protracted fashion. (...)
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  • Naturalizing Badiou: mathematical ontology and structural realism.Fabio Gironi - 2014 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This thesis offers a naturalist revision of Alain Badiou’s philosophy. This goal is pursued through an encounter of Badiou’s mathematical ontology and theory of truth with contemporary trends in philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of science. I take issue with Badiou’s inability to elucidate the link between the empirical and the ontological, and his residual reliance on a Heideggerian project of fundamental ontology, which undermines his own immanentist principles. I will argue for both a bottom-up naturalisation of Badiou’s philosophical approach (...)
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  • Zygon 's dual mission.Ian G. Barbour - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):81-94.
    The first mission of Zygon has been the exploration of the relation between Religion and Science. The second, I suggest, has been consideration of the relation between Ethics and Technology. Some articles have given attention to the relation of Religion to Ethics, or that of Science to Technology. The interaction of Ethics and Science, and that of Religion and Technology, are also significant. I give examples of articles or symposia in each of these categories and close with great hope for (...)
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  • Meaning beyond Molecules and Hubris: A Gross Case Supporting the General Religious Belief Package and Some Critical Perspectives.Ted Christopher - 2022 - Open Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):644-664.
    Any meaningful investigation into the potential validity of religious beliefs—including God—should prominently include their innate presence in children. That presence offers an enormous challenge to the scientific perspective and appears to be more relevant than established arguments. As an initial backdrop to discussions here, I begin with some quotes conveying the import of the contemporary scientific vision of life, as well as quotes conferring that vision’s underlying DNA reliance. The article will then briefly argue that that confident vision—and in particular, (...)
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  • The Orders of Nature.Lawrence Cahoone - 2013 - State University of New York Press.
    A systematic theory of naturalism, bridging metaphysics and the science of complexity and emergence.
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  • Religion, science, and globalization: Beyond comparative approaches.Whitney Bauman - 2015 - Zygon 50 (2):389-402.
    Using case studies from the Indonesian context, this article argues that the current truth regimes we now live by are always and already “hybrid” and that we need new methods for understanding meaning-making practices in an era of globalization and climate change than comparative approaches allow. Following the works of such thinkers as physicist Karen Barad, political philosopher William Connolly, and eco-critic Timothy Morton, this article develops the idea that an event-oriented or object-oriented approach better captures our hybrid meaning-making practices. (...)
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  • The spirit in the network: Models for spirituality in a technological culture.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2010 - Zygon 45 (4):957-978.
    Can a technological culture accommodate spiritual experience and spiritual thinking? If so, what kind of spirituality? I explore the relation between technology and spirituality by constructing and discussing several models for spirituality in a technological culture. I show that although gnostic and animistic interpretations and responses to technology are popular challenges to secularization and disenchantment claims, both the Christian tradition and contemporary posthumanist theory provide interesting alternatives to guide our spiritual experiences and thinking in a technological culture. I analyze how (...)
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  • Religious Naturalism and Naturalizing Morality.Ursula Goodenough - 2003 - Zygon 38 (1):101-109.
    I first offer some reflections on the term religious naturalism. I then outline how moral thought might be configured in the context of religious naturalism. It is proposed that the goal of morality is to generate a flourishing community and that humans negotiate their social interactions using moral capacities that are cultivated in the context of culture. Six such capacities are considered: strategic reciprocity, humaneness, fair–mindedness, courage, reverence, and mindfulness. Moral capacities are contrasted with moral susceptibilities, fueled by self–interest, and (...)
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  • Pantheism reconstructed: Ecotheology as a successor to the judeo-Christian, enlightenment, and postmodernist paradigms.John W. Grula - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):159-180.
    Abstract.The Judeo-Christian, Enlightenment, and postmodernist paradigms have become intellectually and ethically exhausted. They are obviously failing to provide a conceptual framework conducive to eliminating some of humanity's worst scourges, including war and environmental destruction. This raises the issue of a successor, which necessitates a reexamination of first principles, starting with our concept of God. Pantheism, which is differentiated from panentheism, denies the existence of a transcendent, supernatural creator and instead asserts that God and the universe are one and the same. (...)
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  • Reacting to Consecrating Science: What Might Amateurs Do?Sarah E. Fredericks - 2019 - Zygon 54 (2):354-381.
    In Consecrating Science: Wonder, Knowledge, and the Natural World, Lisa H. Sideris makes a compelling case that a new cosmology movement advocates for a new, universal, creation story grounded in the sciences. She fears the new story reinforces elite power structures and anthropocentrism and thus environmental degradation. Alternatively, she promotes genuine wonder which occurs in experiences of the natural world. As Sideris focuses on the likely logical outcome of the assumptions and arguments of the new cosmologies, she does not investigate (...)
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  • Panentheism and natural science: A good match?Willem B. Drees - 2017 - Zygon 52 (4):1060-1079.
    Is panentheism a metaphysical and religious understanding of the divine and of the world that aligns better with science than classical theism? In order to address this question, I'll present brief descriptions of theism, pantheism, and panentheism, and of religious visions as integrating models of the world and models for the world. In this respect, science has its limitations. The conclusion that I will argue for is that naturalistic varieties of theism, pantheism, and panentheism do equally well with respect to (...)
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  • The Multifaceted Nature of Wonder.Omar Jallon - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (4):1011-1021.
    This paper explores the concept of wonder by examining three distinct perspectives provided by Philip Fisher, Albert Einstein, and Anders Schinkel. Each author contributes a unique understanding of wonder, ranging from cognitive and intellectual explorations to emotional and ethical considerations. Fisher presents wonder as an intellectual journey that deepens our understanding of the world, Einstein emphasizes the emotional and aesthetic dimensions of wonder as a source of creativity, and Schinkel links wonder to educational and ethical engagement. The paper also provides (...)
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  • The Religion‐Science Discussion at Forty Years: “Reports of Mydeath Are Premature”.Philip Clayton - 2005 - Zygon 40 (1):23-32.
    The startling success of the religion‐science discussion in recent years calls for reflection. Have old walls been broken down, old antagonisms overcome? Have science and religion finally been reconciled? Or is all the activity just so much sound and fury signifying nothing? Postmodern equations of scientific and religious beliefs disregard a number of enduring differences that help make sense of the continuing tensions. Yet the skepticism of authors such as John Caiazza is also ungrounded. I describe five major types of (...)
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  • Natural Law: A Good Idea That Does Not Work Very Well.James R. Thobaben - 2016 - Christian Bioethics 22 (2):213-237.
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  • Aporetic possibilities in Catherine Keller's cloud of the impossible.Carol Wayne White - 2016 - Zygon 51 (3):765-782.
    In stressing the beauty of ignorance, of not knowing in the usual manner, Catherine Keller's Cloud of the Impossible evokes the death of a metaphysical uthorial presence and the dissolution of closed systems of meaning. In this article, I view her text as part of a crisis of modernity that challenges dominant theological pathways, on which certain problematic views of the human have been constructed. In my reading, Keller's Cloud enriches humanistic thinking in the West and I explore the themes (...)
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  • Where to Look for Guidance? On the Nature of “Religion and Science”.Willem B. Drees - 2004 - Zygon 39 (2):367-378.
    Abstract.For moral guidance we human beings may be tempted to turn toward the past (scripture, tradition), toward present science, or toward future consequences. Each of these approaches has strengths and limitations. To address those limitations, we need to consider how these various perspectives can be brought together—and “religion and science” is an area in which this may happen. That makes the question of where to look for guidance potentially a central one for religion and science, setting the agenda differently from (...)
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  • Polanyi on Teleology: Aresponseto John Apczynski and Richard Gelwick.Ervin Laszlo, Richard Gelwick, Walter B. Gulick, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Robert B. Glassman, Steven Reiss & Andrew Ward - 2005 - Zygon 40 (1):89-96.
    Michael Polanyi criticized the neo‐Darwinian synthesis on two grounds: that accidental hereditary changes bringing adaptive advantages cannot account for the rise of discontinuous new species, and that a Ideological ordering principle is needed to explain evolutionary advance. I commend the previous articles by John Apczynski and Richard Gelwick and also argue, more strongly than they, that Polanyi's critique of evolutionary theory is flawed. It relies on an inappropriate notion of progress and untenable analogies from the human process of scientific discovery (...)
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  • Environmental Decline and the Rise of Religion.Matthew Orr - 2003 - Zygon 38 (4):895-910.
    Historically, crises have spawned deliberate, widespread efforts to change a culture's worldviews. Anthropologists have characterized such efforts as “revitalization movements” and speculated that many of the world's religions, including Christianity, arose through revitalization. Some responses to the planet's environmental crisis share the characteristics of both a revitalization movement and an incipient religion. They call for a science‐based cosmology and an encompassing reverence for nature, and thus differ from responses to environmental decline offered by traditional religions. As environmental problems deepen, historical (...)
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  • Resolving Multiple Visions of Nature, Science, and Religion.James D. Proctor - 2004 - Zygon 39 (3):637-657.
    I argue for the centrality of the concepts of biophysical and human nature in science-and-religion studies, consider five different metaphors, or “visions,” of nature, and explore possibilities and challenges in reconciling them. These visions include (a) evolutionary nature, built on the powerful explanatory framework of evolutionary theory; (b) emergent nature, arising from recent research in complex systems and self-organization; (c) malleable nature, indicating both the recombinant potential of biotechnology and the postmodern challenge to a fixed ontology; (d) nature as sacred, (...)
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  • Cognitive Mysteries, Reincarnation-Based Explanations, and Some Complications.Ted Christopher - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (3):598-619.
    There are a number of reasons to question the established molecular-only (or materialist) model of life. These include a number of extraordinary behaviors and more generally the unfolding inability to identify a DNA (or genetic) basis for many innate, and presumed heritable, conditions. Perhaps the simplest way to question materialism, though, is by looking at prodigal (human) behaviors. There you can find some incredible abilities and inclinations which strongly challenge the plausibility of materialist explanations. Herein three such phenomena will be (...)
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  • What Poetry Brings to the Table of Science and Religion.Robert M. Schaible - 2003 - Zygon 38 (2):295-316.
    Ever since Plato’s famous attack on artists and poets in Book 10 of The Republic, lovers of literature have felt pressed to defend poetry, and indeed from ancient times down to the present, literature and art have had to fight various battles against philosophy, religion, and science. After providing a brief overview of this conflict and then arguing that between poetry and science there are some noteworthy similarities---that is, that some of the basic mental structures with which the scientist studies (...)
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  • Science, Religion, and Culture.Fraser Watts, Anthony K. Nairn & Arthur C. Petersen - 2022 - Zygon 57 (4):838-848.
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  • Religion on which the devout and skeptic can agree.Matt J. Rossano - 2007 - Zygon 42 (2):301-316.
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  • Theologies completing naturalism's limitations.Paul H. Carr - 2021 - Zygon 56 (4):1039-1044.
    Zygon®, Volume 56, Issue 4, Page 1039-1044, December 2021.
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  • Naturalism and religion: Hunting two snarks?Willem B. Drees - 2021 - Zygon 56 (4):950-959.
    Zygon®, Volume 56, Issue 4, Page 950-959, December 2021.
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  • The convergence of science and religion.Charles W. Fowler - 2021 - Zygon 56 (4):1008-1026.
    Zygon®, Volume 56, Issue 4, Page 1008-1026, December 2021.
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  • The emergence of selves and purpose.Ursula W. Goodenough & Jeremy E. Sherman - 2021 - Zygon 56 (4):960-970.
    Zygon®, Volume 56, Issue 4, Page 960-970, December 2021.
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  • Religious naturalism: The current debate.Mikael Leidenhag - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (8):e12510.
    This paper provides a survey of contemporary religious naturalism. It presents reductive and non‐reductive versions of religious naturalism, and some arguments in favour of this naturalistic perspective. Finally, it discusses three crucial demarcation issues that contemporary religious naturalism faces.
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  • The nature of time as a puzzle for naturalism.Peter Saulson - 2021 - Zygon 56 (4):922-942.
    Zygon®, Volume 56, Issue 4, Page 922-942, December 2021.
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  • Big Bang, an Idea Projected Beyond Cosmology: The Possible Contribution of Thematic Analysis to the Understanding of This Success.João Barbosa - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (2):181-187.
    The big bang idea is not only a dominant idea in cosmology but also a very successfully idea out of cosmology. Although sometimes just in metaphorical sense, the big bang idea is present, since some decades, in a variety of domains such as natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, arts, and it also has a great acceptance by the general public. Furthermore, the term Big Bang has become increasingly popular and currently it is often used with very different purposes, including commercial (...)
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  • (1 other version)Why Big Bang is so Accepted and Popular: Some Contributions of a Thematic Analysis.João Barbosa - 2021 - Axiomathes (3):1-26.
    Some important and decisive observations allowed a widespread and almost unquestionable acceptance of the big bang cosmology, but we can admit and search other factors that have contributed and continue to contribute to the enormous acceptance and great popularity of this cosmological conception, not only inside but also outside of cosmology and even in numerous no scientific contexts. To find some of those factors, a case study was undertaken based on thematic analysis, an analytical tool which is based on the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Why Big Bang is so Accepted and Popular: Some Contributions of a Thematic Analysis.João Barbosa - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (3):433-458.
    Some important and decisive observations allowed a widespread and almost unquestionable acceptance of the big bang cosmology, but we can admit and search other factors that have contributed and continue to contribute to the enormous acceptance and great popularity of this cosmological conception, not only inside but also outside of cosmology and even in numerous no scientific contexts. To find some of those factors, a case study was undertaken based on thematic analysis, an analytical tool which is based on the (...)
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  • The Author of the Epic: Tolkien, Evolution, and God's Story.Austin M. Freeman - 2021 - Zygon 56 (2):500-516.
    I argue that, because God is the author of history and has a purpose for his creation, evolution has a plot and can be analyzed with tools drawn from literary criticism. This necessitates engagement with the “epic of evolution” genre of scientific literature. I survey several prominent versions of the epic and distinguish between a purely naturalistic epic of evolution and a goal‐oriented Christian epic of evolution (CEE). In dealing with CEE, I use the thought of J. R. R. Tolkien, (...)
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  • An Introduction to the Study of Mysticism.Richard H. Jones - 2021 - SUNY Press.
    2022 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title The purpose of this book is to fill a gap in contemporary mystical studies: an overview of the basic ways to approach mystical experiences and mysticism. It discusses the problem of definitions of “mystical experiences” and “mysticism” and advances characterizations of “mystical experiences” in terms of certain altered states of consciousness and “mysticism” in terms of encompassing ways of life centered on such experiences and states. Types of mystical experiences, enlightened states, paths, and doctrines are (...)
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  • Flagellar export apparatus and ATP synthetase: Homology evidenced by synteny predating the Last Universal Common Ancestor.Nicholas J. Matzke, Angela Lin, Micaella Stone & Matthew A. B. Baker - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (7):2100004.
    We report evidence further supporting homology between proteins in the F1FO‐ATP synthetase and the bacterial flagellar motor (BFM). BFM proteins FliH, FliI, and FliJ have been hypothesized to be homologous to FO‐b + F1‐δ, F1‐α/β, and F1‐γ, with similar structure and interactions. We conduct a further test by constructing a gene order dataset, examining the order offliH,fliI, andfliJgenes across the phylogenetic breadth of flagellar and nonflagellar type 3 secretion systems, and comparing this to published surveys of gene order in the (...)
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  • Karl Peters: Theology as a confessing discipline.Ann Milliken Pederson - 2005 - Zygon 40 (3):683-690.
    Karl Peters's book Dancing with the Sacred brings together his insights from evolutionary biology and ecology, world religions, and process thought into an integrated autobiographical reflection on his thoughts, teaching, and life. The book simultaneously engages readers in their own reflections about religion and science and reminds them that their reflections are freighted with moral responsibility. For Peters, self‐understanding correlates with understanding the world. The celebration of diversity coincides with the universal concerns that all face living together on this planet. (...)
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  • Introduction.Jerome A. Stone - 2003 - Zygon 38 (1):85-87.
    The papers in this section were given as a panel on Religious Naturalism at the American Academy of Religion in Denver in November 2001. The panelists included Jerome Stone, Gordon Kaufman, Ursula Goodenough, Charley Hardwick, and Donald Crosby. This introduction briefly describes the panelists, lists three questions the panelists were asked to consider, and names other current and past religious naturalists.
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  • Enough is Enough.Barbara Whittaker-Johns - 2003 - Zygon 38 (4):839-853.
    God, the sacred, is radically indwelling and immanent; therefore, nature is enough to satisfy our thirst for transcendence. The transcendent is the radically indwelling capacity of love to bring new life and a sense of being at home in the universe to us and to the people of the world. The epic of evolution, the scientific story of evolution understood as cosmogenesis, is the foundation of this position. However, my primary focus is on one particular practice of internalizing the transforming (...)
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  • How could we get to a more peaceful and sustainable human world society? The role of science and religion.K. Helmut Reich - 2012 - Zygon 47 (2):308-321.
    This call to think, to feel, to read about the title subject and to act first lists five hurdles on the way to a more peaceful and sustainable human society. A number of successful solutions are then presented, such as the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea. There follow sections on potential contributions by religion and by collaboration between science and religion. My plea is for a widespread participation at all levels of society and an attitude of cautious, (...)
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  • Ontology of Divinity.Mirosław Szatkowski (ed.) - 2024 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume announces a new era in the philosophy of God. Many of its contributions work to create stronger links between the philosophy of God, on the one hand, and mathematics or metamathematics, on the other hand. It is about not only the possibilities of applying mathematics or metamathematics to questions about God, but also the reverse question: Does the philosophy of God have anything to offer mathematics or metamathematics? The remaining contributions tackle stereotypes in the philosophy of religion. The (...)
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