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  1. Corporate Tax Responsibility: Expectations of Implicit and Explicit CSR in the U.K. Media.Francesco Scarpa, Silvana Signori & Andrew Crane - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Corporations have increasingly been called on to assume responsibilities for paying fairer shares of tax, while, at the same time, governments have been repeatedly urged to develop more effective corporate tax systems to tackle tax avoidance. Therefore, institutional attributions of tax responsibility for companies seem to have features of both explicit and implicit corporate social responsibility (CSR). However, given that we lack a clear understanding of which form or forms of CSR in relation to tax are expected of companies and (...)
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  • Business News Framing of Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States and the United Kingdom: Insights From the Implicit and Explicit CSR Framework.Daniel Riffe & Tae Ho Lee - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (4):683-711.
    This study aims to contribute to the understanding of business news coverage of corporate social responsibility within a comparative international context by investigating two business newspapers, The Wall Street Journal from the United States and The Financial Times from the United Kingdom. Drawing on the news framing research and the implicit and explicit CSR framework of Matten and Moon, this content analysis shows that business news coverage of CSR in the United States and in the United Kingdom differs in terms (...)
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  • Which Firms Get Punished for Unethical Behavior? Explaining Variation in Stock Market Reactions to Corporate Misconduct.Edward J. Carberry, Peter-Jan Engelen & Marc Van Essen - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (2):119-151.
    ABSTRACT:Although there is ample evidence that stock markets react negatively to unethical corporate behavior, our understanding of the mechanisms that shape variation in these reactions across different incidents of misconduct remains underdeveloped. We propose and test a framework for explaining this variation by focusing on the role of the media in disseminating initial information about misconduct. We argue that the signaling effects of this information are important for investors because corporations have strong incentives to limit the information they disclose about (...)
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  • Business Infomediary Representations of Corporate Responsibility.Meri Frig, Martin Fougère, Veronica Liljander & Pia Polsa - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):337-351.
    Drawing on the recent discussion about the role information intermediaries play in affecting corporate responsibility adoption, we analyze the representation of CR issues in a business infomediary distributed by a leading business organization. The explicit task of the business infomediary is to promote a competitive national business environment. This paper contributes to research on CR, by providing new knowledge on the current CR discourse within the business community, and research on infomediaries, by introducing a distinction between watchdog-oriented and business-oriented infomediaries. (...)
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  • CSR and the Mediated Emergence of Strategic Ambiguity.Eric Guthey & Mette Morsing - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (4):555-569.
    We develop a framework for understanding how lack of clarity in business press coverage of corporate social responsibility functions as a mediated and emergent form of strategic ambiguity. Many stakeholders expect CSR to exhibit clarity, consistency, and discursive closure. But stakeholders also expect CSR to conform to varying degrees of both formal and substantive rationality. These diverse expectations conflict with each other and change over time. A content analysis of press coverage in Denmark suggests that the business media reflect and (...)
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  • CSR Communication, Corporate Reputation, and the Role of the News Media as an Agenda-Setter in the Digital Age.Mark Eisenegger & Daniel Vogler - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):1957-1986.
    By using social media, corporations can communicate about their corporate social responsibility (CSR) to the public without having to pass through the gatekeeping function of the news media. However, to what extent can corporations influence the public’s evaluation of their CSR activities with social media activities and if the legacy news media still act as the primary agenda setters when it comes to corporate reputation have not yet been thoroughly analyzed in a digitized media environment. This study addressed this research (...)
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  • The Story of Corporate Social Responsibility: An Attribution Analysis of the Coverage of U.S. Corporate Responsibility Cases.Hyun Ju Jeong & Deborah S. Chung - 2022 - Journal of Media Ethics 37 (4):266-280.
    Applying media effects and attributions to news coverage of corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues, this content analysis examines recent CSR news in the United States. Results showed that the news media presented CSR activities positively with episodic events, offering proactive solutions to social problems, particularly when the media attributed CSR to corporate motives for social benefits. Opposing results were detected when the media inferred corporations’ business motives from CSR activities. Further, the general non-business media favorably described CSR cases with social (...)
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  • A Descriptive Analysis of Environmental Disclosure: A Longitudinal Study of French Companies.Elisabeth Albertini - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):233-254.
    For the last 15 years, companies have extensively increased their environmental disclosure relative to their environmental strategy in response to institutional pressures. Based on a computerized content analysis of the annual reports of the 55 largest French industrial companies, we describe environmental disclosure with respect to the different strategies implemented by companies over a period of 6 years. The results show that environmental disclosure becomes more and more technical and precise for all the companies. Environmental innovations are presented as a (...)
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  • Dressing up for Diffusion: Codes of Conduct in the German Textile and Apparel Industry, 1997–2010.Florian Scheiber - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (4):559-580.
    I study the diffusion of codes of conduct in the German textile and apparel industry between 1997 and 2010. Using a longitudinal case study design, I aim to understand how the diffusion of this practice was affected by the way important “infomediaries”—a trade journal and a professional association—shaped its understanding within the industry. My results show that time-consuming processes of meaning reconstruction by these infomediaries temporarily hampered but finally facilitated the broader material diffusion of codes of conduct within the industry. (...)
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