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French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century

New York: Cambridge University Press (2001)

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  1. The Neo-Lamarckian Tools Deployed by the Young Durkheim: 1882–1892.Snait B. Gissis - 2023 - Journal of the History of Biology 56 (1):153-190.
    I argue that the French sociologist Émile Durkheim (1858–1917) decided to constitute sociology, a novel field, as ‘scientific’ early in his career. He adopted evolutionized biology as then practiced as his principal model of science, but at first wavered between alternative repertoires of concepts, models, metaphors and analogies, in particular Spencerian Lamarckism and French neo-Lamarckism. I show how Durkheim came to fashion a particular deployment of the French neo-Lamarckian repertoire. The paper describes and analyzes this repertoire and explicates how it (...)
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  • Man of science, man of faith: Pierre Duhem's "physique de croyant".Robert J. Deltete - 2008 - Zygon 43 (3):627-637.
    The essay "Physique de croyant" is an important statement of Pierre Duhem's position on the relation between his science and his religion. Duhem trod a difficult path, some might say an impossible one, in Republican France because he was both a physicist and a devout Catholic. In this essay, using "Physique de croyant" as a touchstone, I explore the way in which he tried to reconcile his conflicting allegiances. There are several strands in Duhem's strategy that need to be teased (...)
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  • Vom ‚Scham-Ersparen’. Über Nietzsches fragiles Verständnis von Anerkennung in Abgrenzung zur französischen Verkennungslinie.Sarah Bianchi - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 4 (2):15-40.
    Während Nietzsche in der Debatte um Anerkennung bisher vorwiegend in Bezug zur Verkennungslinie interpretiert wird, geht es in dem Beitrag dagegen um die Abgrenzung Nietzsches zu dieser vorwiegend französisch geprägten Verkennungslinie. Dies soll an der sozialen Praktik der Scham als distinktes Beispiel für eine konkrete Situation von Anerkennungsbeziehungen im Lebenszusammenhang gezeigt werden. Für die Verkennungslinie wird exemplarisch Jean Paul-Sartres Verständnis von Scham aus Das Sein und das Nichts als Anerkennungsbeziehung herangezogen. Dazu kontrastierend soll auf Nietzsches Beschreibung des „Scham-Ersparens“ als konkrete (...)
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  • (1 other version)Asimilación y rechazo de la filosofía francesa en Alemania. La recepción de Manfred Frank: romanticismo, hermenéutica y deconstrucción.Naím Garnica - 2018 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 22 (4):37-67.
    El ensayo pretende reconstruir los debates filosóficos franco-alemanes de los años 80. La llegada del pensamiento francés de Derrida, Foucault, Lacan, etc., generó en la filosofía alemana la polaridad asimilación-rechazo. Sostenemos que dicha polaridad es producto del rechazo o integración de las propias tradiciones alemanas que los autores franceses poseen. En consecuencia, creemos que son claves las obras de Manfred Frank sobre el pensamiento francés para entender tanto el debate como sus derivaciones en las discusiones sobre modernidad-posmodernidad, sujeto-no-sujeto, deconstrucción-hermenéutica, racionalidad-irracionalidad.
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  • Errant life, molectular biology, and biopower: Canguilhem, Jacob, and Foucault.Samuel Talcott - 2014 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 36 (2):254-279.
    This paper considers the theoretical circumstances that urged Michel Foucault to analyse modern societies in terms of biopower. Georges Canguilhem’s account of the relations between science and the living forms an essential starting point for Foucault’s own later explorations, though the challenges posed by the molecular revolution in biology and François Jacob’s history of it allowed Foucault to extend and transform Canguilhem’s philosophy of error. Using archival research into his 1955–1956 course on “Science and Error,” I show that, for Canguilhem, (...)
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  • Beyond Ideology Althusser, Foucault and French Epistemology.Massimiliano Simons - 2015 - Pulse: A Journal of History, Sociology and Philosophy of Science 3:62-77.
    The philosophy of Louis Althusser is often contrasted with the ideas of Michel Foucault. At first sight, the disagreement seems to be about the concept of ideology: while Althusser seem to be huge advocate of the use of the concept, Foucault apparently dislikes and avoids the concept altogether. However, I argue in this article that this reading is only superficial and that it obscures the real debate between these two authors. Althusser, especially in his recently posthumously published Sur la reproduction (...)
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  • Scientific revolutions.Thomas Nickles - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Paul Ricoeur.Bernard Dauenhauer - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Beyond Porn and Discreditation: Epistemic Promises and Perils of Deepfake Technology in Digital Lifeworlds.Mathias Risse & Catherine Kerner - 2021 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 8 (1):81-108.
    Deepfakes are a new form of synthetic media that broke upon the world in 2017. Bringing photoshopping to video, deepfakes replace people in existing videos with someone else’s likeness. Currently most of their reach is limited to pornography, and they are also used to discredit people. However, deepfake technology has many epistemic promises and perils, which concern how we fare as knowers. Our goal is to help set an agenda around these matters, to make sure this technology can help realize (...)
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  • Gabriel Marcel and the question of human dignity.Marián Palenčár - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (2):116-130.
    This article explores the concept of human dignity in the work of French philosopher Gabriel Marcel. It demonstrates how this lesser-known aspect of his philosophical thinking is organic to his work and draws attention to the current relevance of the way he resolves the question of human dignity for philosophy and ethics. The first part of the article looks at the basic ideas behind Marcel’s understanding of man as a being on the road, as unfinished, temporal, in the process of (...)
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  • Jacques Derrida.Leonard Lawlor - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • La actualidad de Levinas. Una ampliación ética de la racionalidad teórica.Dolores Conesa - 2008 - Pensamiento y Cultura 11 (2):303-312.
    La revalorización del pensamiento de Levinas en los últimos años se debe, en buena medida, al giro ético del pensamiento contemporáneo. Levinas propone ampliar la racionalidad para hacerla capaz de abrirse a la alteridad, entendida como una diferencia no-indiferente. Esto supone de inmediato hablar de una racionalidad en clave ética que excede los límites de la racionalidad teórica.
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  • The return of the relative: Hamilton, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty and French phenomenology.Phillip Tonner - 2009 - Janus Head 11 (1-2):307-18.
    In this paper we explore the complex relationship between the philosophies of Sir William Hamilton and Henri Bergson. We then place these philosophies in a critical relation to French phenomenological philosophy, particularly, Merleau-Ponty's. By so doing we examine a historical and theoretical 'ark' that rises in 19th Century Scotland and falls in 20th Century France, an ark that has received little attention hitherto by historians of philosophy. Our aim is to open up a new dimension of these philosophies and provoke (...)
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  • Intuição e Exercícios Espirituais.Evaldo Sampaio - 2017 - Doispontos 14 (2).
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