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Philosophy Now 35:4-4 (2002)

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  1. Édouard Glissant, philosopher: Heraclitus and Hegel in the whole-world.Alexandre Leupin - 2021 - Albany: State University of New York Press. Edited by Andrew Brown & Alexandre Leupin.
    One of the greatest writers of the late twentieth century, Edouard Glissant's body of work covers multiple genres and addresses many cogent contemporary problems, such as borders, multiculturalism, postcolonial and decolonial studies, and global humanities. This book maps out this writer's entire work in relation to philosophy.
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  • Translation as a New Tool for Philosophizing the Dialectic between the National and the Global in the History of Revolutions: Germanizing the Bible, and Sinicizing Marxist Internationalism.Sinkwan Cheng - 2019 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 21 (2):138-153.
    This paper uses Martin Luther and Mao Zedong's translation strategies to philosophize anew the dialectic between the national and the global in the history of revolutions. Luther and Mao each instigated a "revolution" by translating a universal faith into a vernacular; the end product in each case was the globalization of his vernacularized faith and the export of his local revolution all over the world. By vernacularizing a universal faith, Luther and Mao respectively inaugurated a new national idiom, a new (...)
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  • Single-Assumption Systems in Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Leonardo Ceragioli - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (5):1019-1054.
    Proof-theoretic semantics is an inferentialist theory of meaning, usually developed in a multiple-assumption and single-conclusion framework. In that framework, this theory seems unable to justify classical logic, so some authors have proposed a multiple-conclusion reformulation to accomplish this goal. In the first part of this paper, the debate originated by this proposal is briefly exposed and used to defend the diverging opinion that proof-theoretic semantics should always endorse a single-assumption and single-conclusion framework. In order to adopt this approach some of (...)
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  • The socio-economic context of Capernaum’s limestone synagogue and Jewish–Christian relations in the late-ancient town.Wally V. Cirafesi - 2021 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 32 (1):46-65.
    In this article, I consider a set of contextual questions related to the social and economic influences on the construction and use of Capernaum’s great limestone synagogue, and ask what these influences might tell us about Jewish–Christian relations in this village during the fifth and sixth centuries CE. After a survey of current scholarship, I address issues of method and engage in the interpretation of the relevant primary sources, some of which have only very recently been discov­ered, while others have (...)
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  • Toleration.Andrew Jason Cohen - 2021 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 5150-5160.
    Contemporary philosophical debates surrounding toleration have revolved around three issues: What is toleration? Should we tolerate and, if so, why? What should be tolerated? These questions are of central importance to social and political thought.
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  • Francisco Suárez: Metaphysics, Politics and Ethics.Simone Guidi, Mario Santiago Carvalho & Manuel Lázaro Pulido (eds.) - 2020 - Coimbra, Portogallo: Coimbra University Press.
    This volume publishes the Proceedings of the 1st International Meeting "Thinking Baroque in Portugal" (26-28 June 2017), which dealt with the metaphysical, ethical and political thought of Francisco Suárez. Counting on the collaboration of some of the greatest international specialists in the work and thought of this famous professor of the University of Coimbra in the 17th century, this volume celebrates the 400th anniversary of his death and marks the productivity of his philosophical-theological legacy.
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  • Lenin without dogmatism.Joe Pateman - 2019 - Studies in East European Thought 71 (2):99-117.
    A longstanding criticism of Lenin is that his epistemological contributions to the theory of scientific socialism prompted the decline of Marxism in dogmatism and despotism in the twentieth century. According to this narrative, Lenin claimed to possess the objective truth, and he therefore refused to tolerate alternative perspectives. This article subjects these claims to a textual analysis, and it argues that they are erroneous. Lenin defends a fallibilist account of science that affirms the uncertainty of knowledge in the natural, philosophical (...)
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  • The Historical Basis for the Understanding of a State in Modern Russia: A Case Study Based on Analysis of Components in the Concept of a State, Established Between the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries.Natalia P. Koptseva & Alexandra A. Sitnikova - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (1):47-74.
    Using semiotic and historical methods, the article recovers the ancient Russian concept of ‘state’, which appeared and gained a foothold in the Russian social and cultural space in the fourteen and fifteenth centuries. In the authors’ opinions, this content has determined the basic features for understanding the State in modern post-Soviet Russian society to date. Accordingly, it is important to reassemble the main conceptual threads in the ‘state’ concept during the epoch of Ivan the Terrible, the Muscovite Tsar, the epoch (...)
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  • Peer Review — An Insult to the Reader and to Society: Milton's View.Steven James Bartlett - 2017 - Willamette University Faculty Research Website.
    Pre-publication certification through peer review stands in need of philosophical examination. In this paper, philosopher-psychologist Steven James Bartlett recalls the arguments marshalled four hundred years ago by English poet John Milton against restraint of publication by the "gatekeepers of publication," AKA today's peer reviewers.
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  • Narrating Sāṃkhya Philosophy: Bhīṣma, Janaka and Pañcaśikha at Mahābhārata 12.211–12.Angelika Malinar - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (4):609-649.
    The account of the conversation between King Janaka and the Ṛṣi Pañcaśikha on the fate of the individual after death is one of the philosophical texts that are included in the Mokṣadharmaparvan of the Mahābhārata. There are different scholarly views on the history and composition of the text as well as the philosophical teachings propagated by Pañcaśikha. In contrast to earlier studies this paper not only analyzes the whole text, but also pays attention to the narrative framework in which the (...)
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  • Three Chilean Thinkers.Solomon Lipp - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
    Three Chilean Thinkers, a companion piece to Three Argentine Thinkers, attempts to examine some of the outstanding characters of Chile's intellectual development by way of analyzing the contribution of three of her distinguished representatives. Each thinker or philosopher, whichever the case may be, is symbolic of a definite sociopolitical movement which left its unmistakable imprint upon the cultural scene. Moreover, each thinker, no doubt, was strongly influenced by European philosophical trends, but should in now way be considered a mere imitator. (...)
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  • The Problem of the Soul in Aristotle's De anima.Marian Hillar - 1994 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 3.
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  • This Phenomenological Patchwork. [REVIEW]Donald A. Landes - 2012 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20 (4):565-578.
    A Critical Notice of "The Routledge Companion to Phenomenology," Edited by Sebastian Luft and Søren Overgaard.
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  • Nuncjusze prascy oraz ich stosunek do innowierców na przełomie XVI i XVII wieku.Tomáš Černušák - 2022 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 28 (1):35-48.
    Miejscem pobytu cesarza Rudolfa II na przełomie XVI i XVII w. była Praga, która stała się również centrum międzynarodowej dyplomacji oraz siedzibą dyplomatów z różnych mocarstw. Należeli do nich także stali nuncjusze apostolscy, którzy na dworze cesarskim reprezentowali papieża będącego głową Kościoła katolickiego, jak również władcą suwerennego Państwa Kościelnego. W trakcie ich wieloletniej i ciągłej pracy w stolicy Królestwa Czeskiego musieli pogodzić się z faktem, że ich rezydencja znajduje się w wyraźnie niekatolickim mieście, gdzie nawet jedna z konfesji korzystała z (...)
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  • Ecumenical Movement and Interreligious Dialogue.Tudor Cosmin Ciocan - 2019 - Dialogo 5 (2):123-130.
    For me, as a teacher in a theological faculty, the discussion about ecumenical movement and interfaith usually crosses roads with colleagues or students. There is no occasion in which these two are not placed under the same roof, overlaid or confused. That is why the sudden preoccupation to settle this topic as clear as I can so that it can stand for a groundwork when researching about this relationship. Their overlapping is probably the most common hindrance and at the same (...)
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  • Altering Infamy: Status, Violence, And Civic Exclusion in Late Antiquity.Sarah Bond - 2014 - Classical Antiquity 33 (1):1-30.
    This paper investigates the application of the legal stigma of infamia in Late Antiquity. The legal status is used as a lens through which to view the changing systemic, religious, and social landscapes between the reigns of Diocletian and Justinian, indicating the various uses and, ultimately, abuses of the status, as well as the marked consequences of expanding its definition. The use of the legal status to marginalize religious deviants in particular is inspected. This analysis reveals that the amendment of (...)
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  • Paratheism: A Proof that God neither Exists nor Does Not Exist.Steven James Bartlett - 2016 - Willamette University Faculty Research Website: Http://Www.Willamette.Edu/~Sbartlet/Documents/Bartlett_Paratheism_A%20Proof%20that%20God%20neither%2 0Exists%20nor%20Does%20Not%20Exist.Pdf.
    Theism and its cousins, atheism and agnosticism, are seldom taken to task for logical-epistemological incoherence. This paper provides a condensed proof that not only theism, but atheism and agnosticism as well, are all of them conceptually self-undermining, and for the same reason: All attempt to make use of the concept of “transcendent reality,” which here is shown not only to lack meaning, but to preclude the very possibility of meaning. In doing this, the incoherence of theism, atheism, and agnosticism is (...)
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  • Moving beyond Mozert: Toward a democratic theory of education.Alisa Kessel - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (13-14):1419-1434.
    Most liberal political theorists of education argue that it is better to teach students to tolerate diversity, than to protect the potentially illiberal commitments of some members of the political communities. In fact, neither approach is wholly satisfying, yet they remain the focus of much political theorizing about education. This article suggests that this misguided focus is, in part, a consequence of a focus, by liberal political theorists of education, upon the 1987 Mozert v. Hawkins court case. Mozert raised serious (...)
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  • A Tentative Reconstruction of the Relative Chronology of the Śaiva Purāṇic and Śaiva Tantric Texts on the Basis of the Yoginī--related Passages.Olga Serbaeva-Saraogi - unknown
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  • Salut gnostique et métaphysique plotinienne.Jean-Marc Narbonne, Francis Lacroix, Mauricio Pagotto Marsola & Zeke Mazur - 2022 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Le recueil Salut gnostique et métaphysique plotinienne contient cinq études portant sur les relations entre Plotin et différents courants gnostiques, plus particulièrement celui des séthiens platonisants. L’ouvrage est le résultat de rencontres et de discussions intervenues entre les auteurs, mais aussi de la volonté de poursuivre la réflexion entamée par Zeke Mazur sur ce sujet à la suite de son décès en 2016. Les articles de ce recueil cherchent à relier entre elles plusieurs idées de même nature que l’on découvre (...)
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  • Agustín de Hipona Como Doctor Pacis: Estudios Sobre la Paz En El Mundo Contemporáneo Vol. 2.Anthony Dupont, Enrique Eguiarte Bendímez & Carlos Alberto Villabona Vargas - 2019 - Editorial Uniagustiniana.
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  • A Reply to Lataster and Bilimoria’s “Panentheism: What It Is and Is Not”.Benedikt Paul Göcke - 2019 - Journal of World Philosophies 4 (1):201-203.
    I summarize and critically respond to Raphael Lataster and Purushottama Bilimoria’s paper on panentheism. I show that their suggested concept of panentheism is useless for academic discourse because it refers to contradictory positions.
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  • Religious Movement as a Necessity for Early Middle Age ‘Heretics’ and the Church.Stephen Eperjesy - 2012 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 3 (2).
    The nature of the „Christian Middle Ages‟ in Europe and the interaction of „heretical groups‟ operating within France is anything but the simplistic model that we conjure in our minds when we hear the terms „Christian‟ Europe and „heretics‟. A juggernaut of power embodied by the Church, bending to nothing and rooting out the poor, unintelligent „heretics.‟ This paper will venture to enlighten the reader to the exceedingly complex relationship between the Church and the „heretical‟ groups. Furthermore, examining the membership (...)
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  • Mysticism and Its Cultural Expression: An Inquiry into the Description of Mystical Experience and Its Ontological and Epistemological Nature.Evgeny Torchinov - 2003 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 22 (1):40-46.
    The purpose of this paper is to critically explore the nature and ontological and epistemological significance of differences observed in how various cultural traditions describe and explain such experiences. After an initial consideration of definitional issues, the article focuses on the arguments supporting and challenging the idea of mystical experience being a universal phenomenon and a vehicle for true knowledge. The article also examines the problem of the unity of the mystical experience as a definite state of consciousness and the (...)
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  • New Essays in Logic and Philosophy of Science.M. M. D’Agostino, G. Giorello, F. Laudisa, T. Pievani & C. Sinigaglia (eds.) - 2010 - London College Publications.
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  • North Africa between Christians and Arabs.Hans Derks - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (2):195-198.
    Vandals, Romans and Berbers. New Perspectives on Late Antique North Africa. Edited by Andy H. Merrills, xv + 347 pp. £55.00 cloth.
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  • Speaking the Despicable: Blasphemy in Literature.Andreea Tereza Nitisor - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (16):69-79.
    This article examines the controversial issue of blasphemy in literature from the viewpoint of reception inside and outside the academia. The thesis of the article is that blasphemy in literature, though inherently related to religion and language, has a plurality of connotations and interpretations (dissidence, intertextuality, critique of colonialism, discursive strategy, alterity/Otherness, ethnicity, subversive text). Consequently, blasphemy in literature is an incentive for fruitful discussions regarding tolerance, freedom of expression, and the re-situation of the (post)modern self in today’s world, dominated (...)
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  • The mystery and the unity of the Church: Considerations from an Eastern Orthodox perspective.Nicolae V. Moșoiu - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-11.
    This article attempts an approach to discuss the mystery and the unity of the church and firstly, it underlined that the church cannot have a formal definition as the divine life extended from Christ's resurrected body into those who believe and receive the Holy Mysteria. At the same time, the process of becoming part of the church is a mystical one. In order for life in Christ to be possible, Christ must be formed in the human being. Becoming a Christian (...)
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  • An Aristotelian School in Romania.Daniela Maci - 2013 - Philosophy Today 57 (2):213-223.
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  • Thomas Hobbes's doctrine of conscience and theories of synderesis in Renaissance England.Dominique Weber - 2010 - Hobbes Studies 23 (1):54-71.
    Is there a specifically "Hobbesian moment" in the extremely complex history of the idea of conscience? In order to answer this question and to understand why Hobbes's conception of conscience was so innovative, one needs to look at the materials he used to build his system, including the medieval doctrine of synderesis. The article examines the way this doctrine was both perpetuated and altered in Renaissance England.
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  • Sylvester Kosov’s Exegesis : A Manifesto of the Kyiv-Mohyla Counter-Reformation?Ihor Isichenko - 2015 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 2:65.
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  • (2 other versions)Disappointment.M. S. Brady - 2010 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 84 (1):179-198.
    Miranda Fricker appeals to the idea of moral-epistemic disappointment in order to show how our practices of moral appraisal can be sensitive to cultural and historical contingency. In particular, she thinks that moral-epistemic disappointment allows us to avoid the extremes of crude moralism and a relativism of distance. In my response I want to investigate what disappointment is, and whether it can constitute a form of focused moral appraisal in the way that Fricker imagines. I will argue that Fricker is (...)
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  • (1 other version)Philosophy in the Mahābhārata and the History of Indian Philosophy.Angelika Malinar - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (4):587-607.
    The study of philosophical terms and doctrines in the Mahābhārata touches not only on important aspects of the contents, composition and the historical contexts of the epic, but also on the historiography of Indian philosophy. General ideas about the textual history of the epic and the distinction between “didactic” and “narrative” parts have influenced the study of epic philosophy no less than academic discussions about what is philosophy in India and how it developed. This results in different evaluations of the (...)
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  • An Examination of the Relationship Between Ethical Work Climate and Moral Awareness.Craig V. VanSandt, Jon M. Shepard & Stephen M. Zappe - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (4):409-432.
    This paper draws from the fields of history, sociology, psychology, moral philosophy, and organizational theory to establish a theoretical connection between a social/organizational influence (ethical work climate) and an individual cognitive element of moral behavior (moral awareness). The research was designed to help to fill a gap in the existing literature by providing empirical evidence of the connection between organizational influences and individual moral awareness and subsequent ethical choices, which has heretofore largely been merely assumed. Results of the study provide (...)
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  • Are debatable scientific questions debatable?John Ziman - 2000 - Social Epistemology 14 (2 & 3):187 – 199.
    Scientists often find difficulty in engaging in formal public debate about transcientific social issues. Although science is a highly disputatious institution, public argumentation amongst scientists follows very different conventional practices from those that rule in political and legal arenas. Amongst other differentiating features, scientific disputes are typically conducted in writing rather than orally, they are not sharply polarised or formally adversarial, they are seldom addressed to a specific proposition, and they do not reach decisive closure. As a result, the rhetorical (...)
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  • Heretics, Democracy, the Beyond.Kuangming Wu - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):360-371.
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  • Monks, Aristocrats, and Justice: Twelfth-Century Monastic Advocacy in a European Perspective.Charles West - 2017 - Speculum 92 (2):372-404.
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  • The Position and Influence of Christianity in European Culture: Reality and Mystery.Zhao Fusan - 2012 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 43 (3):50-60.
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  • Book reviews. [REVIEW]Mark Traugott, Jonathan Beecher, Frank Hearn, Edith Kurzweil & Nico Kielstra - 1982 - Theory and Society 11 (3).
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  • (2 other versions)Humes old and new: Four fashionable falsehoods, and one unfashionable truth.Peter Millican - 2007 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 81 (1):163-199.
    Hume has traditionally been understood as an inductive sceptic with positivist tendencies, reducing causation to regular succession and anticipating the modern distinctions between analytic and synthetic, deduction and induction. The dominant fashion in recent Hume scholarship is to reject all this, replacing the ‘Old Hume’ with various New alternatives. Here I aim to counter four of these revisionist readings, presenting instead a broadly traditional interpretation but with important nuances, based especially on Hume’s later works. He asked that we should treat (...)
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  • Guercino’s Paintings and His Patrons’ Policies in Early Modern Italy.Lora Sigler - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (2):201-202.
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  • The suppression of nuns and the ritual murder of their special dead in two buddhist monastic texts.Gregory Schopen - 1996 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 24 (6):563-592.
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  • Francisco Suárez’s Encounter with Calvin Over Human Freedom.Victor M. Salas - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (6):103-118.
    This essay explores Francisco Suárez’s account of the nature of human free will. To that end, Suárez’s engagement with John Calvin is considered so as to place the Jesuit’s account into greater relief. The conclusion of this study will reveal that, for Suárez, the human will’s freedom of self–determination is both caused by God and consists in its own indifference regarding the power to act and the power not to act.
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  • Dostoevsky’s Dialectics and the Problem of Sin.Robert Reid - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (2):200-201.
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  • Competition in Religious Life.Jay Newman - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Press.
    In his latest work on the social consequences of religious commitment, Jay Newman reveals in clear and concise fashion the extent to which competitiveness is an essential feature of religious life. His assessment charts various classical strategies that have been proposed for either eliminating such competitiveness or directing it into appropriate channels. After a detailed philosophical analysis of the nature and value of competition, the author examines competition between denominations and within denominations, and considers religious competition in some of its (...)
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  • The Italian Fascist regime, the Catholic Church and Protestant religious minorities in ‘terre redente’.Gasper Mithans - 2019 - Approaching Religion 9 (1–2).
    This article explores the policies of discrimination and oppression towards Protestant communities in interwar Italy exercised by the state authorities and often incited by the Catholic Church. In particular, the circumstances in the multi-ethnic north-eastern region, the Julian March, are analysed in the context of so-called Border Fascism. The Protestant Churches had had in the past a prevalently ethnic character, but with the annexation to Italy, their background had been in several cases either concealed or, through migrations, Italians eventually became (...)
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  • Giordano Bruno and the heresy of many worlds.Alberto A. Martinez - 2016 - Annals of Science 73 (4):345-374.
    ABSTRACTThis paper analyses the importance of Giordano Bruno's belief in many worlds, including the Moon, the planets and the stars, in the context of his trial by the Inquisitions in Venice and Rome. Historians have claimed that this belief was not heretical and therefore was not a major factor in Bruno's trial or execution. On the contrary, by examining neglected treatises on theology, heresies and Catholic canon law, I show that the belief in many worlds was formally heretical. Multiple Christian (...)
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  • Oppositional trends within Judaism during the Talmudic and early Gaonic periods.Johann Maier - 1992 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 13 (1):1-11.
    The focus of this paper is oppositional trends in early Judaism. First, the author presents historical circumstances, namely the end of the Second Temple, and the diaspora and emerging Rabbinic Judaism. The traditional macro-structure of Israel in the rabbinic society was a crucial precondition for rival groups. According to tradition, the whole of Israel was divided into three groups of descent in the following order of rank: priests as “sons of Aaron”, Levites and Israel in the sense of “laics”. Those (...)
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  • “All Mind? No Matter”: The Self-Regulation Paradigm.Stanley Krippner - 2004 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 23 (1):46-49.
    In this short article, the author discusses the conflict between materialistic and transcendental paradigms in accounting for the nature of reality. After speculating on the meaning and implications of an idealist perspective where consciousness is seen as the fundamental ground of all phenomena, the author reframes the consciousness versus matter debate in terms of complex systems theory. Such a reframing allows for the mutual coexistence of both matter and consciousness in a manner which is nonreductive and inclusive of different epistemologies.
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  • Heretical constructions of anarchist utopianism.Ruth Kinna - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (8):1078-1092.
    ABSTRACT This paper examines a relationship between heresy and utopianism forged in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century socialist histories to reveal a significant, pervasive fault-line in the ideological construction of anarchism. It first looks at Marxist narratives which trace the lineages of socialism back to medieval religious dissent and argues that a sympathetic assessment of European heretical movements was qualified by a critique of utopianism, understood as the rejection of materialist ‘science’. It then argues that strands of this narrative have been (...)
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