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  1. Composition and Identities.Manuel Lechthaler - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Otago
    Composition as Identity is the view that an object is identical to its parts taken collectively. I elaborate and defend a theory based on this idea: composition is a kind of identity. Since this claim is best presented within a plural logic, I develop a formal system of plural logic. The principles of this system differ from the standard views on plural logic because one of my central claims is that identity is a relation which comes in a variety of (...)
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  • The Groundwork for Dialectic in Statesman 277a-287b.Colin C. Smith - 2018 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 12 (2):132-150.
    In Plato’sStatesman, the Eleatic Stranger leads Socrates the Younger and their audience through an analysis of the statesman in the service of the interlocutors’ becoming “more capable in dialectic regarding all things” (285d7). In this way, the dialectical exercise in the text is both intrinsically and instrumentally valuable, as it yields a philosophically rigorous account of statesmanship and exhibits a method of dialectical inquiry. After the series of bifurcatory divisions in theSophistand earlyStatesman, the Stranger changes to a non-bifurcatory method of (...)
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  • Potentiality and the Matter of Composite Substance.Jonathan Beere - 2006 - Phronesis 51 (4):303-329.
    The paper examines the connection between Aristotle's theory of generated substance and his notion of potentiality in "Metaphysics" Θ.7. Aristotle insists that the matter of a substance is not what that substance is, against a competing view that was widely held both in his day and now. He coined the term thaten (ἐ[unrepresentable symbol]νινονον) in order to make this point. The term highlights a systematic correspondence between the metaphysics of matter and of quality: the relationship between a thing and its (...)
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  • Galen and the Stoics: Mortal Enemies or Blood Brothers?Christopher Gill - 2007 - Phronesis 52 (1):88-120.
    Galen is well known as a critic of Stoicism, mainly for his massive attack on Stoic (or at least, Chrysippean) psychology in "On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato" (PHP) 2-5. Galen attacks both Chrysippus' location of the ruling part of the psyche in the heart and his unified or monistic picture of human psychology. However, if we consider Galen's thought more broadly, this has a good deal in common with Stoicism, including a (largely) physicalist conception of psychology and a (...)
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  • Facet Theory and the Mapping Sentence As Hermeneutically Consistent Structured Meta-Ontology and Structured Meta-Mereology.Paul M. W. Hackett - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Gadamer and the Lessons of Arithmetic in Plato’s Hippias Major.John V. Garner - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (1):105-136.
    In the 'Hippias Major' Socrates uses a counter-example to oppose Hippias‘s view that parts and wholes always have a "continuous" nature. Socrates argues, for example, that even-numbered groups might be made of parts with the opposite character, i.e. odd. As Gadamer has shown, Socrates often uses such examples as a model for understanding language and definitions: numbers and definitions both draw disparate elements into a sum-whole differing from the parts. In this paper I follow Gadamer‘s suggestion that we should focus (...)
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  • X-R estless F orms and C hangeless C auses.Fiona Leigh - 2012 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 112 (2pt2):239-261.
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  • Platão e a mereologia da luz.Edrisi Fernandes - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 11:143-148.
    Os povos da civilização islâmica clássica viram Platão (Aflātūn, Falāṭūn, Flātūn; raramente Aflāṭus ou Falāṭus) como um dos “sete sábios” ou “mestres de sabedoria” da Grécia, segundo Abū ’l-Fatḥ alShahrastānī (m. em. 1153) no Kitāb al-Milal wa’l-Nihal (“Livro das Seitas e Credos”), ou, conforme Alī ibn Yūsuf ibn al-Qifṭī (m. em 1248) no Kitāb Ikhbar al-‘Ulama‘ bi Akhbar al-Ḥukama’ (“Livro das Notícias dos Eruditos com os Relatos dos Sábios”, mais conhecido como Ta'rikh al-Ḥukama’, “História dos Sábios”), um dos sete “pilares (...)
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  • Making the World Body Whole and Complete: Plato's Timaeus, 32c5-33b1.Brad Berman - 2016 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 10 (2):168-192.
    Plato’s demiurge makes a series of questionable decisions in creating the world. Most notoriously, he endeavors to replicate, to the extent possible, some of the features that his model possesses just insofar as it is a Form. This has provoked the colorful complaint that the demiurge is as raving mad as a general contractor who constructs a house of vellum to better realize the architect’s vellum plans (Keyt 1971). The present paper considers the sanity of the demiurge’s reasoning in light (...)
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  • A Mapping Sentence for Understanding the Genre of Abstract Art Using Philosophical/Qualitative Facet Theory.Paul M. W. Hackett - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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