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  1. Kant, Neo‐Kantians, and Transcendental Subjectivity.Charlotte Baumann - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):595-616.
    This article discusses an interpretation of Kant's conception of transcendental subjectivity, which manages to avoid many of the concerns that have been raised by analytic interpreters over this doctrine. It is an interpretation put forward by selected C19 and early C20 neo-Kantian writers. The article starts out by offering a neo-Kantian interpretation of the object as something that is constituted by the categories and that serves as a standard of truth within a theory of judgment. The second part explicates transcendental (...)
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  • Brandom's Hegel.Robert B. Pippin - 2005 - European Journal of Philosophy 13 (3):381–408.
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  • Hegel and Husserl on Phenomenology, Logic, and the System of Sciences: A Reappraisal.Rosemary R. P. Lerner - 2023 - Husserl Studies 39 (3):301-330.
    Husserl envisages transcendental phenomenology as a radically founding science that lays bare the higher-order experiences whereby logic and a theory of science become constituted. On the other hand, according to a usual presentation of Hegel’s philosophy, phenomenology is “logic’s precondition,” and science presents itself as its “result.” This alleged precedence of Hegel’s phenomenology (with its experiential and historical horizons) regarding logic may be a motif behind the current affinities recently traced between Hegelian and Husserlian notions of phenomenology that highlight their (...)
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  • (1 other version)Hegel's Speculative Sentence.Andrew Haas - 2021 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 54 (3):213-239.
    ABSTRACT Almost all philosophers recognize the fundamental importance of the Phenomenology of Spirit. But Hegel's way of thinking and speaking—which he names, “speculative”—needs explaining. The example of “the speculative sentence” is helpful—for here, speculating means implying, that is, neither bringing meaning to presence nor keeping it in absence; but rather, speaking and thinking by implication. If the history of philosophy, however, overlooks what is implied, then it cannot grasp what is, and what is thought and said in the speculative sentence. (...)
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  • Self-Unfolding of the Phenomenon of Hryhorii Skovoroda.M. I. Boichenko - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 22:5-13.
    Мета. У цій статті передбачено провести морфологічне дослідження життя Григорія Сковороди як самоконструювання філософа порівняно з життям таких філософів, як Іммануїл Кант, Фрідріх Ніцше, Мартін Гайдеґґер і Генрі Торо. Теоретичний базис. В основі дослідження лежить застосування монадологічного підходу до історії у сполученні з біографічним методом. Ідеї класичних філософських систем Ґотфріда Ляйбніца та Освальда Шпенглера застосовано з урахуванням їхнього переосмислення українськими філософами Іваном Бойченком та Вадимом Менжуліним. Завдяки цьому життя українського філософа Григорія Сковороди розглянуто як монаду, яка невпинно здійснює власне смислове (...)
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  • Understanding dialectical thinking from a cultural-historical perspective.Wan-chi Wong - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (2):239 – 260.
    The present essay aims to throw light on the study of dialectical thinking from a cultural-historical perspective. Different forms of dialectic are articulated as ideal types, including the Greek dialectic, the Hegelian dialectic, the contemporary German negative dialectic, the Chinese dialectic, and the Indian negative dialectic. These influential cultural products in the history of the East and the West, articulated as ideal types, serve as constellations that could facilitate further empirical studies on dialectical thinking. An understanding of the complexity of (...)
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  • Hegel’s logic of finitude.Rocío Zambrana - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (2):213-233.
    In “Violence and Metaphysics” Jacques Derrida suggests that “the only effective position to take in order not to be enveloped by Hegel would seem to be…to consider false-infinity…irreducible.” Inversely, refuting the charge of logocentrism associated with Hegelian true infinity ( wahrhafte Unendlichkeit ) would involve showing that Hegel’s speculative logic does not establish the infinity of being exempt from the negativity of the finite. This paper takes up Derrida’s challenge, and argues that true infinity is crucial to Hegel’s understanding of (...)
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  • Individual freedom against liberalism: Hegel's nonliberal individualism.Andrés F. Parra-Ayala - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 61 (4):622-637.
    In this article, I argue that the main contribution of Hegel's philosophy of right to the contemporary political debate is that it opens a window on the idea that liberalism and individual freedom are incompatible. My main thesis is that the liberal conception of the State and law, structured from a nonrelational account of singularity, ends up denying the individual freedom that it claims to defend. I begin by reconstructing the Hegelian concept of freedom from its most general lines, showing (...)
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  • Theorien des Nichtidentischen im Anschluss an Hegel und Adorno.Georg Oswald & Mariana Dimópulos - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (1):36-55.
    This paper reevaluates Adorno’s theory of non-identity following from a critical examination of his reading of Hegel. The main discussion revolves around two theses central to both philosophers: 1. Conceptual thinking forms the centre of philosophical thought (identification). 2. Philosophical thought aspires to become everything (totality). The analysis of two distinct interpretations, one stricter and one more moderate, demonstrates that Adorno takes the hardline view. With the moderate view, however, not only do the limits of Hegelian philosophy become more pronounced, (...)
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  • The Event of Primary Experience and Philosophy. Metatheory of Experience in Kant and Quine’s Epistemologies.Mykhailo Minakov - 2015 - Sententiae 33 (2):64-74.
    The author argues that Quine’s criticism of Kantian analytical/synthetic distinction, as well as transcendentalist reductionism, is not entirely adequate. Furthermore, the author states that Kant’s and Quine’s theories of experience and cognition (transcendentalist and holistic) are based on a common dogma, the one of consistency. Taking into account their uncritical ac-ceptance of experience as a system that is able to adjust new and old elements to each other, both philosophers have much more in common than Quine and his followers might (...)
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  • La métaphysique et l’intérêt pratique chez Kant. Remarques sur la transition vers la systématicité idéaliste.Augustin Dumont - 2016 - Dialogue 55 (4):759-789.
    L’objectif de cet article est d’interroger la transition Kant-Fichte sur le double plan de la systématicité et du primat de la raison pratique. S’il est admis que Kant voyait dans l’exercice critique l’occasion de renouveler, plutôt que de supprimer, la possibilité d’une métaphysique positive, il est aujourd’hui convenu de rapporter son ébauche de «système» au seul héritage de laSchulmetaphysik. A contrario, on cherche ici à prendre à la lettre l’exigence kantienne d’un système qui attend du «pratique» une nouvelle et absolue (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Role of Religion in Hegel's Epistemology.Ardis B. Collins - 2002 - Hegel Bulletin 23 (1-2):36-55.
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  • (1 other version)Rationality, Anthropomorphism, and Hegel's Metaphysics of Nature: Remarks on Alison Stone's Petrified Intelligence.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 2005 - Hegel Bulletin 26 (1-2):13-21.
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  • Jacques Derrida’s Writing and Difference.Maurizio Ferraris - 2007 - Topoi 26 (2):279-286.
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  • Wat is pantheïsme?H. Robbers - 1951 - Bijdragen 12 (4):314-344.
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  • (1 other version)Truth, Judgment and Speculative Logic.Ioannis D. Trisokkas - 2008 - Hegel Bulletin 29 (1-2):154-172.
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  • Hegel on the Idealism of Practical Life.David V. Ciavatta - 2016 - Hegel Bulletin 37 (1):1-28.
    This paper investigates Hegel’s thesis that we are, in our practical relation to the world, inherently committed to certain aspects of idealistic metaphysics. For Hegel, our practical attitude is fundamentally at odds with a naïve realism that would take the world to consist ultimately of self-contained, self-sufficient individuals whose relations to one another are fundamentally external to their identities. Hegel contends that our practical attitude is premised upon an overcoming of this mutual externality, and especially the externality which is supposed (...)
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  • On Human Temporality: Recasting Whoness Da Capo.Michael Eldred - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    Eldred offers a remedy to the consequences of ancient Greek misconceptions of time that are also entrenched in today’s mathematized physics. Here time is spatialized as the one-dimensionally linear ‘arrow of time’ for the sake of predicting and controlling movement. But such spatialized time distorts the phenomenon of time itself. An alternative, hermeneutic-phenomenological path begins with a pre-spatial concept of time that is genuinely three-dimensional. This paves the way for recasting who we are as humans in belonging, first of all, (...)
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  • Geometrical Studies.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 2008 - Hegel Bulletin 29 (1-2):132-153.
    The fragmentary nature ofGSmakes it difficult to read as it stands, and for this reason, I have rearranged the material slightly so that it falls into four primary, reasonably coherent, parts. Their titles are: ‘The nature of mathematical objects’, ‘Thirteen propositions of Euclid 1’, ‘The philosophy of parallel lines’ and ‘On the algebra of geometrical figures’.GSactually starts with ‘Thirteen propositions of Euclid 1’. The justification for the reversal of order in the translation is to have Hegel's philosophical basis for geometry (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Hegel's Critique of Foundationalism in the “Doctrine of Essence”.Stephen Houlgate - 1999 - Hegel Bulletin 20 (1-2):18-34.
    It is a commonplace among certain recent philosophers that there is no such thing as theessenceof anything. Nietzsche, for example, asserts that things have no essence of their own, because they are nothing but ceaselessly changing ways of acting on, and reacting to, other things. Wittgenstein, famously, rejects the idea that there is an essence to language and thought — at least if we mean by that somea priorilogical structure underlying our everyday utterances. Finally, Richard Rorty urges that we “abandon (...)
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  • Czym dla Hegla jest pojęcie, pozorność i zjawisko?Artur Jochlik - 2023 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 25:81-99.
    The article is concentrated on three major concepts in the Hegelian System, namely: Begriff (notion), Schein (appearance), and Erscheinung (phenomenon). It reveals the interrelationship of this terms and unveils them by showing their triadic notion-elements – their abstracts, negations and concretes (sometimes called "thesis, antithesis and synthesis").
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  • The Modest Account of Truth Reconsidered: With a Postscript on Metaphysical Categories.Wolfgang Künne - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (3):563-596.
    A response to critics, Douglas Patterson and Mark Textor, on Künne's modest theory of truth in *Conceptions of Truth*.
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  • Plato or Platonism. A topic in descending dialectic.Eduardo Luft - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (2):407-427.
    ***Platão ou Platonismo. Um tópico em dialética descendente***A ontologia dialética pode ser reconstruída percorrendo dois caminhos complementares. A via ascendente parte da influência da ontologia de Platão, mediada por Nicolau de Cusa, sobre Bertalanffy, o fundador da teoria de sistemas. Esta abordagem teórica, uma vez convergindo com o darwinismo, dará nascimento à teoria dos sistemas adaptativos complexos e logo se espalhará pelas diversas ciências, transmudando-se de uma ontologia regional em parte relevante de uma nova ontologia geral. O caminho descendente, a (...)
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  • (1 other version)G. W. F. Hegel: Geometrical Studies Introduction.Alan L. T. Paterson - 2008 - Hegel Bulletin 29 (1-2):118-131.
    Throughout his life, Hegel showed great interest in physics and mathematics. His most sustained, surviving treatment of Euclidean geometry is his early work ‘Geometrische Studien’, which he completed while he was a private tutor [Hoffmeister] in Frankfurt, shortly before leaving for Jena to join Schelling.GSis not easy reading, but despite that, it seems to me that Hegel presents in it a remarkably erudite as well as interesting and insightful critique of geometry. He investigates some of the themes from the foundations (...)
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  • Philosophical aesthetics.Donald Phillip Verene - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (4):89-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.4 (2006) 89-103 MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Philosophical AestheticsDonald Phillip VereneIs there an aesthetics of philosophy? Does philosophical discourse have a foundation in sense and sensibility? If the answer to these questions is affirmative and there is in some sense a philosophical aesthetics, what conclusions might be drawn for philosophical education?Put another way: Does philosophy require the power of the imagination and the product (...)
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  • Геґель, гьольдерлін і ми, українці, або чи варто прислуховуватись до порад німецького ідеалізму?Марія Култаєва - 2021 - Filosofska Dumka 2021 (2):99-113.
    29 жовтня 2020 року інститут філософії імені г.С. Сковороди нан україни спільно з гро- мадською організацією «in situ» провели online круглий стіл, присвячений 250-річчю з дня на родження ґ.В.Ф. Геґеля. У заході взяли участь не лише наукові працівники ін с ти туту філософії, а й викладачі та дослідники провідних вищих навчальних закладів ук раї- ни – національного університету «києво-могилянська академія», київського національного університету імені тараса шевченка, харківського національного педагогічного університе- ту імені г.С. Сковороди, а також незалежні вітчизняні дослідники філософії геґеля. (...)
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  • Із сьогоденних проблем опанування геґелевої спадщини: «Феноменологія духа» в українському переданні.Ігор Бурковський - 2021 - Filosofska Dumka 2021 (2):114-130.
    Статтю присвячено двом українським перекладам «Феноменології духа» Ґ.В.Ф. Геґеля. Їх піддано зіставному критичному розгляду, щоб з’ясувати, чи достатньо адекватно вони відтворюють ориґінал. В обох виявлено численні серйозні помилки, принагідно їх подекуди відзначено і в інших перекладах. З огляду на відомий факт надзвичайної важкозрозумілості Геґелевої «Фено ме но логії» це цілком природно, як і те, що перші українські спроби її тлумачення, без достатньої підготовки, не були успіш- ними. Отже, відповідний крок в освоюванні спадщини генія лишається для нас актуальним завданням. Подальші міркування (...)
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