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Heidegger and Dilthey: Language, History, and Hermeneutics.Eric S. Nelson - 2015 - In Megan Altman & Hans Pedersen, Horizons of Authenticity in Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Moral Psychology: Essays in Honor of Charles Guignon. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer. pp. 109-128.details
Natural Awareness: The Discovery of Authentic Being in the rDzogs chen Tradition: Natural Awareness as Authentic Being.Eran Laish - 2015 - Asian Philosophy 25 (1):34-64.details
Paul and the Plea for Contingency in Contemporary Philosophy: A Philosophical and Anthropological Critique.Carlos A. Segovia & Sofya Gevorkyan - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):625-656.details
Philosophy's Nostalgia.Jeff Malpas - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 87--101.details
A Heideggerian Phenomenology Approach to Higher Education as Workplace: A Consideration of Academic Professionalism.Paul Gibbs - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (3):275-285.details
Knowledge and Knowers: Towards a realist sociology of education.Liangtao Lai & Renhua Wang - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (5):531-535.details
Heidegger’s philosophical botany.Tristan Moyle - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (3):377-394.details
American Civilization.Peter Murphy - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 85 (1):64-92.details
The Birth Pangs of the Absolute: Longing and Angst in Schelling and Kierkegaard.Bettina Bergo - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 105--121.details
The Proto-Ethical Dimension of Moods.Shlomo Cohen - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 173--184.details
Leibniz's Monad: A Study in Melancholy and Harmony.Ilit Ferber - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 53--68.details
A Mood of Childhood in Benjamin.Eli Friedlander - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 39--50.details
Attentiveness: A Phenomenological Study of the Relation of Memory to Mood.Wayne J. Froman - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 27--38.details
Kant on the Affective Moods of Morality.Ido Geiger - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 159--172.details
When Reason Is in a Bad Mood: A Fanonian Philosophical Portrait.Lewis R. Gordon - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 185--198.details
Artwork as Technics.Mark Jackson - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (13).details
Moods and Philosophy.Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 3--10.details
Attunement and Disorientation: The Moods of Philosophy in Heidegger and Sartre.Stephen Mulhall - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 123--139.details
How Death Deals with Philosophy.Ben-Ami Scharfstein - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 201--208.details
Social Efficiency and Instrumentalism in Education: Critical essays in ontology, phenomenology, and philosophical hermeneutics.Elias Schwieler - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (5):527-531.details
Anxiety and Identity: Beyond Husserl and Heidegger.Yaron Senderowicz - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 141--156.details
“Perhaps Truth Is a Woman”: On Shame and Philosophy.Daniel Strassberg - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 69--85.details
On Thinking (and measurement).Raymond Aaron Younis - 2014 - In R. Scott Webster Steven A. Stolz, Measuring up in education. PESA. pp. 255-267.details
Noting Silence.Krzysztof Ziarek - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (3):359-377.details
‘I Have Regained Memory’ (smṛtir labdhā): The Bhagavad Gītā as a Parrhesiastic Journey Against Forgetfulness.Raquel Ferrández-Formoso - 2020 - Comparative Philosophy 11 (2).details