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  1. Neutrality, Partiality, and Meaning in Life.Thaddeus Metz - 2017 - De Ethica 4 (3):7-25.
    Discussion of whether values and norms are neutral or not has mainly appeared in works on the nature of prudential rationality and morality. Little systematic has yet appeared in the up and coming field of the meaning of life. What are the respects in which the value of meaningfulness is neutral or, in contrast, partial, relational, or ‘biased’? In this article, I focus strictly on answering this question. First, I aim to identify the salient, and perhaps exhaustive, respects in which (...)
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  • From the meaning triad to meaning holism: Unifying life’s meaning.Joshua Seachris - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (4):363-378.
    Claims that talk of life’s meaning is misguided, unmanageable or, worse, nonsensical, are overblown. Such claims especially track the cosmically focused the meaning of life. “The meaning of life” is perfectly intelligible, and is centered on a cluster of ideas encapsulated by what I call the “meaning triad.” One component of this triad—I-MEANING—provides the hermeneutical and conceptual resources for understanding the question “What is the meaning of life?” as asking for a single thing, in contrast to amalgam and pluralist views. (...)
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  • Partiality and Meaning.Benjamin Lange - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-28.
    Why do relationships of friendship and love support partiality, but not relationships of hatred or commitments of racism? Where does partiality end and why? I take the intuitive starting point that important cases of partiality are meaningful. I develop a view whereby meaning is understood in terms of transcending self-limitations in order to connect with things of external value. I then show how this view can be used to distinguish central cases of legitimate partiality from cases of illegitimate partiality and (...)
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  • The Ordinary Meaningful Life.Joshua Glasgow - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (3):408-425.
    It is widely thought that we have good reason to try to be important. Being important or doing significant things is supposed to add value to our lives. In particular, it is supposed to make our lives exceptionally meaningful. This essay develops an alternative view. After exploring what importance is and how it might relate to meaning in life, a series of cases are presented to validate the perspective that being important adds no meaning to our lives. The meaningful life (...)
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  • (1 other version)Morality and the Meaning of Life: Some First Thoughts.Norman Dahl - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):1 - 22.
    Although there may be many questions about the meaning of life that will ultimately prove intractable, I think that there are some questions that can be answered. Furthermore, I think that progress towards answering them can be made through work that has and will be done in moral philosophy. In support of this I shall articulate a set of questions that I think are often at issue when people ask about the meaningfulness of life. These questions give rise to a (...)
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  • Sinn- eine dritte Dimension des guten Lebens?Christoph Halbig - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 5 (2):55-78.
    Die These, dass neben dem Wohlergehen und der Moral der Sinn eine dritte, irreduzibel eigenständige und fundamentale Dimension des guten Lebens darstellt, hat im Zuge des erneuten Interesses an der Kategorie des Sinns breite Beachtung gefunden. Das Ziel dieses Beitrags besteht erstens darin zu erkunden, was diese These eigentlich beinhaltet. Bei näherer Prüfung zeigt sich nämlich, dass die These auch und gerade von ihren Vertretern bisher überwiegend durch Appelle an Intuitionen und durch Abgrenzung zu alternativen Positionen, aber eben nur unzureichend (...)
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  • God’s Role in a Meaningful Life: New Reflections from Tim Mawson.Thaddeus Metz - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (3):171-191.
    Characteristic of the contemporary field of life's meaning has been the combination of monism in method and naturalism in substance. That is, much of the field has sought to reduce enquiry into life's meaning to one question and to offer a single principle as an answer to it, with this principle typically focusing on ways of living in the physical world as best known by the scientific method. T. J. Mawson's new book, God and the Meanings of Life, provides fresh (...)
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  • Despair as a Threat to Meaning: Kierkegaard’s Challenge to Objectivist Theories.Jeffrey Hanson - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (4):92.
    The question of meaning in life has enjoyed renewed attention in analytic discourse over the last few decades. Despite the apparently “existential” quality of this topic, existential philosophy has had little impact on this re-energized conversation. This paper draws on Kierkegaard’s _The Sickness unto Death_ in order to challenge the objectivist theory of meaning in life. According to that theory, a meaningful life is one replete with objective goods. Kierkegaard, however, exposits four forms of the spiritual sickness he calls despair (...)
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  • How God Could Assign Us a Purpose without Disrespect: Reply to Salles.Thaddeus Metz - 2013 - Quadranti - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Contemporanea 1 (1):99-112.
    In one of the most widely read texts on what makes a life meaningful, composed more than 50 years ago, Kurt Baier presents an intriguing argument against the view that meaning in life would come by fulfilling a purpose God has assigned us. Baier contends that God could not avoid degrading us were He to assign us a purpose, which would mean that God, as a morally ideal being by definition, would not do so. Defenders of God-centred accounts of meaning (...)
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  • آيا هدف خداوند مى تواند سرچشمه معناى زندگى باشد؟* (Persian: Could God's Purpose Be the Source of Life's Meaning?).Thaddeus Metz - 2003 - Naqd Va Nazar: Quarterly Journal of Philosophy and Theology 8 (29-30):149-183.
    Persian translation by Mohammad Saeedi of 'Could God's Purpose Be the Source of Life's Meaning?' (first published in Religious Studies 2000).
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  • Imagination, Suffering, and Perfection: A Kierkegaardian Reflection on Meaning in Life.Jeffrey Hanson - 2021 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (4):337-356.
    Engaging the thought of the Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard, I challenge a tendency within the analytic tradition of philosophy on the subject of meaning in life. Taking as a starting point Kierkegaard's insights about meaning in life, the striving needed to attain an imagined ideal self, and his paradoxical conception of the perfection available to human life, I claim that meaning in life is a function of an individual's striving for an ideal self. This continuous effort to achieve myself is (...)
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  • Sentido da Vida E valor da Vida: Uma diferença crucial.Júlio Cabrera - 2004 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 9 (1).
    Neste trabalho, vou sustentar que perguntar pelo sentido da vida (humana) não é o mesmo que perguntar pelo seu valor; que freqüentemente estas duas questões se confundem; que ambas as questões têm respostas claras; que, para ser respondidas, elas devem colocar-se numa dupla dimensão, habitualmente ignorada pelos filósofos de tendência analítica: o sentido ou valor da vida mesma, e o sentido ou valor do que acontece dentro da vida. Sustentarei que não reconhecer essa dupla dimensão prejudica os tratamentos analíticos usuais (...)
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  • Science, religion, and the meaning of life and the universe: “Amalgam” narratives of polish natural scientists.Maria Rogińska - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):904-924.
    This article deals with phenomena occurring at the interface of the existential, the religious, and scientific inquiry. On the basis of in-depth interviews with Polish physicists and biologists, I examine the role that science and religion play in their narrative of the meaning of the Universe and human life. I show that the narratives about meaning have a system-related character that is associated with responses to adjacent metaphysical questions, including those based on scientific knowledge. I reconstruct the typical amalgam questions (...)
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