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  1. Common Knowledge and its Limits.Jennifer Nagel - forthcoming - In Alex Burri & Michael Frauchiger (eds.), Themes from Williamson. De Gruyter.
    What is common knowledge? According to the dominant iterative model, a group of people commonly knows that p if and only if they each individually know that p, and they furthermore each know that they each know that p, and so on to infinity. According to the integrative model proposed in this paper, a group commonly knows that p when its members are united in a state of mind of the type whose contents must be true. Epistemic integration within a (...)
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  • Epistemic status and the recognizability of social actions.Jonas Ivarsson, Gustav Lymer & Oskar Lindwall - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (5):500-525.
    Although the production and recognition of social actions have been central concerns for conversation analysis from the outset, it has recently been argued that CA is yet to develop a systematic analysis of ‘action formation’. As a partial remedy to this situation, John Heritage introduces ‘epistemic status’, which he claims is an unavoidable component of the production and recognition of social action. His proposal addresses the question how is social action produced and recognized? by reference to another question how is (...)
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  • Reverting to a hidden interactional order: Epistemics, informationism, and conversation analysis.Jean Wong & Michael Lynch - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (5):526-549.
    This article critically examines the relations between epistemics in conversation analysis and linguistic and cognitivist conceptions of communicative interaction that emphasize information and information transfer. The epistemic program adheres to the focus on recorded instances of talk-in-interaction that is characteristic of CA, explicitly identifies its theoretical origins with ethnomethodology, and points to implications of its research for the social distribution of knowledge. However, despite such affiliations with CA and ethnomethodology, the EP is cognitivist in the way it emphasizes information exchange (...)
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  • Epistemics in social interaction.Paul Drew - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (1):163-187.
    My argument here is principally that the ubiquity of epistemics is evident in the ways in which knowledge claims and attributions of knowledge to self and other are embedded in turns and sequences, inform the design of turns at talk, are amended in the corrections that speakers sometimes make, to change from one epistemic stance to another, and are contested, in the occasional ‘struggles’ between participants, as to which of them has epistemic primacy. I show that these cannot be understood (...)
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  • Which epistemics? Whose conversation analysis?Geoffrey Raymond - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (1):57-89.
    In a Special Issue of Discourse Studies titled ‘The Epistemics of Epistemics’, contributing authors criticize Heritage’s research on participants’ orientations to, and management of, the distribution of knowledge in conversation. These authors claim that the analytic framework Heritage developed for analyzing epistemic phenomena privileges the analysts’ over the participants’ point of view, and rejects standard methods of conversation analysis ; that and are adopted in developing and defending the use of abstract analytic schemata that offer little purchase on either the (...)
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  • The tacit dimension of expertise: Professional vision at work in airport security.Chiara Bassetti - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (5):597-615.
    Whereas “professional vision” has been mostly analyzed in apprenticeship and other settings where knowledge is made explicit or reflected upon, I focus on how expertise tacitly plays out in task-oriented interaction among practitioners. The paper considers orientation both to the coworker’s and one’s own expertise in the collaborative accomplishment of airport security work. I show how screeners recruit action from colleagues in largely underspecified ways, based on shared access to the visibility field and expected professional vision. Requesting is tacitly accomplished (...)
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  • Expertise as a domain in interaction.Mika Simonen & Ilkka Arminen - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (5):577-596.
    We start this article from Gilbert Ryle’s distinction between propositional knowledge, ‘knowing-that’, and procedural knowledge, ‘knowing-how’, and investigate how participants in interaction display orientation to the latter in various settings. As the knowledge of how things are done, know-how can be analyzed in terms of its relevance and consequentiality for parties in interaction. Similarly, as participants adjust their actions and understandings according to their sense of what they know and assume others to know, their know-how and its distribution may form (...)
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  • Spelling out consequences: Conditional constructions as a means to resist proposals in organisational planning process.Riikka Nissi - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (3):311-329.
    Organisational planning processes often materialise as a series of meetings, where the future of the organisation is jointly discussed and negotiated as a part of local decision-making sequences. Using conversation and discourse analytical approaches, this article investigates how proposals concerning the future can also be resisted by employing a specific device, a conditional construction. The data for the study originate from a city organisation, whose customer services are being developed. The results show how the conditional constructions work in two interrelated (...)
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  • The story of ‘Oh’, Part 1: Indexing structure, animating transcript.Michael Lynch, Jean Wong & Douglas Macbeth - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (5):550-573.
    The expression ‘Oh’ in natural conversation is a signal topic in the development of the Epistemic Program. This article attempts to bring into view a sense of place for this simple expression in the early literature, beginning with ‘Oh’ as a ‘change-of-state token’ and through its subsequent treatments in the production of assessments. It reviews them with an interest in two allied developments. One is the rendering of ‘Oh’ as an expression that ‘indexes’ epistemic structure. The other, pursued in the (...)
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  • Language-specific resources in talk: A study of epistemic stance coding in Alto Perené (Arawak) agreements.Elena Mihas - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (2):165-187.
    Based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork in lowland Peru, this study examines linguistic resources used for coding agreements in Alto Perené conversation. The study draws on the anthropological tradition of conversation analysis-informed ethnographies. The investigation of agreeing responses is limited to those which allow a projectedly ‘knowing’, or K-plus, participant to raise his or her epistemic status from the sequentially second position. It is shown that Alto Perené K-plus response formats include the evaluative property word kametsari ‘good’ with an intensifier and/or (...)
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  • The story of ‘Oh’, Part 2: Animating transcript.Jean Wong & Douglas Macbeth - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (5):574-596.
    In conversation analysis, through Sacks, Schegloff, Jefferson, and others, the conceptual architecture is joined at the hip to a technical architecture of transcripts, sequence, and turn productions. That the conceptual was to be found and demonstrated in the material detail of temporal productions was central to CA’s extraordinary innovations. As with CA, an Epistemic CA has the task of giving evidence of its conceptual order in actual materials, and thus animating the materials to show them. The task and relationship are (...)
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  • Epistemic responsibility predicts developing frame awareness in early childhood: A language socialization perspective.Sarah Rose Bellavance - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (6):675-691.
    This article examines the emergent relationship between epistemic responsibility and frame awareness in early childhood, wherein a mother uses language socialization practices to guide her child into a new frame. The pair co-constructs the parameters of the new frame through negotiation of epistemic responsibility and remedial interchanges. The analysis demonstrates that these remedial interchanges arise from conflicting understandings of the embeddedness of frames and the epistemic dynamics that these frames entail. The child maintains epistemic primacy in her concurrent play frame, (...)
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  • Throwing the baby out with the bath water? Commentary on the criticism of the ‘Epistemic Program’.Trine Heinemann & Jakob Steensig - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (5):597-609.
    It is timely and important that new developments in conversation analysis become the subject of principled debate. John Heritage’s recent papers on the role of epistemics constitute one such development, and by re-analysing excerpts from this work, the articles in this Special Issue reveal some significant problems with a programmatic approach to epistemics. This commentary agrees with the critics that there are dangers in an overemphasis on epistemics and in using isolated utterances and proposing abstract scales and terms. But the (...)
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  • Deontic authority in intervention discourse: Insights from bystander intervention.Xu Huang & Yongping Ran - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (5):540-560.
    Our study offers a linguistic–pragmatic examination of instances of bystander intervention, a social action that takes place when a bystander or a group of bystanders intervenes when a wrongdoer abuses a victim or behaves outside socially acceptable norms. We approach this social phenomenon by analyzing data drawn from a database of 11 video-recordings that all involve naturally occurring interactions in public settings in China. The notion of intervention discourse is tentatively introduced in this study to distinguish it from those used (...)
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  • Managing epistemic imbalances in peer interaction during mathematics lessons.Eija Kärnä, Lasse Eronen, Piia Björn & Anniina Kämäräinen - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (3):280-299.
    In this study, we investigated how students manage their lack of/insufficient understanding of the content of a mathematical task with the aim of reaching shared understanding and epistemic balance in peer interaction. The data consist of recordings collected during a mathematics project in a Finnish lower secondary school. The findings, drawing on conversation analysis, showed two markedly different sequence trajectories: how interaction between a K+ and a K− student proceeded relatively smoothly when these positions were accepted by both participants, and (...)
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  • Constructing young citizens’ deontic authority in participatory democracy meetings.Simon Magnusson - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (6):600-618.
    Young citizens are increasingly being invited to take part in participatory democracy meetings as joint decision-making has grown popular in public administration. The backbone of participatory democracy is that some authority is granted to the citizenry and by drawing on video data from a year-long participatory project, this conversation analytic study shows that the adolescents are instructed to a deontic role rooted in epistemics, benefactive considerations, as well as temporal aspects relating to future citizenship and hope. The institutional representatives perform (...)
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  • The epistemic stance between the author and reader: A driving force in the cohesion of text and writing.Danielle S. McNamara - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (5):579-595.
    This article explores the role of text cohesion in the comprehension and production of text. While most discourse models have considered the roles of the text features and the reader, the crucial role of writers’ epistemic stance has not been widely considered. The thesis explored here is that levels of cohesion emerge in text based on the epistemic stance of the author relative to the reader. Evidence is provided indicating that text genres show compensatory relationships between different features related to (...)
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  • Meaning construction in interactive academic talk.Yun Pan - 2019 - Pragmatics and Cognition 26 (2-3):414-446.
    Mental spacesare conceptual structures for meaning representation and interpretation in discourse. They are pervasive in everyday language as an important aspect of ongoing language processing and meaning construction (Hamawand 2016). The application ofMental Space Theory(MST) to the analysis of real, attested examples of discourse (e.g. Conversation Analysis) has been undertaken through productive exchanges (seeHougaard 2004,2005,Oakley & Hougaard 2008,Oakley 2009). The integration links external, observable language behaviors to internal, conceptual mental operations (Williams 2008), revealing that the cognitive dimensions of discursive approaches (...)
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  • An epistemic illumination of the acceptance of advice in Chinese phone-in counseling for family problems.Zhuo Peng - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (3):291-306.
    This study, by means of conversation analysis, comprehensively illuminates the advisee’s acceptance of advice in Chinese phone-in counseling for family problems from the perspective of Epistemics, and reveals advisee’s type of management of the epistemic status relationship as well as the epistemic stances during executing the management. The study finds that the advisee tacitly approved of the asymmetric relationship of epistemic status between an adviser and himself/herself when accepting advice; that this type of relationship management can be executed through four (...)
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  • ‘Answer in any way you want’: Discursive tensions in conversations of a citizen participation process.Maria Sjögren - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (6):778-793.
    This paper contributes to empirical knowledge of citizen participation as a communicative event, by analyzing discursive tensions in interviews between civil servants and citizen-parents, that are part of a participatory process on how to mitigate violence in a suburban area in Sweden. Citizen participation events are increasingly initiated by public institutions in Western societies. Research, however, shows that goals of participatory processes often conflict with formal decision-making structures and institutional boundaries. Yet, how such tensions play out on the level of (...)
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  • Ignorance-unmasking questions in the Royal–Sarkozy presidential debate: A resource to claim epistemic authority.Andrzej Zuczkowski, Ilaria Riccioni, Ramona Bongelli & Laura Vincze - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (4):430-453.
    The article presents an analysis of the ways in which knowledge is displayed, contested and renegotiated in the 2007 French presidential debate between Ségolène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy. Knowledge displays can be achieved through a series of ‘neutral’ resources, such as informing, explanation or comment, or through face-damaging resources, such as questioning an unknowledgeable interlocutor to prove his inferior epistemic status and boost one’s own. The article focuses on this latter type of knowledge display where a knowledgeable participant engages in (...)
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  • Swahili conditional constructions in embodied Frames of Reference: Modeling semantics, pragmatics, and context-sensitivity in UML mental spaces.Roderick Fish - 2020 - Dissertation, Trinity Western University
    Studies of several languages, including Swahili [swa], suggest that realis (actual, realizable) and irrealis (unlikely, counterfactual) meanings vary along a scale (e.g., 0.0–1.0). T-values (True, False) and P-values (probability) account for this pattern. However, logic cannot describe or explain (a) epistemic stances toward beliefs, (b) deontic and dynamic stances toward states-of-being and actions, and (c) context-sensitivity in conditional interpretations. (a)–(b) are deictic properties (positions, distance) of ‘embodied’ Frames of Reference (FoRs)—space-time loci in which agents perceive and from which they contextually (...)
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