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  1. Semiotic Anthropology in Poland.Marcin Brocki - 2007 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 26:168-183.
    In British and American anthropological literature, the ethnology of Central and Eastern European countries has shared in the plight of descriptions of this part of the world: it was seen as exotic, foreign, remote, a backwater, focused on sideline problems and situated on the periphery of this field of science. This state of affairs has been the case since at least the beginning of the Cold War as the descriptions of the national characters of Eastern Bloc communities, drafted by American (...)
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  • Sibling interaction and symbolic capital: Toward a theory of political micro-economy.Chad Nilep - 2009 - Journal of Pragmatics 41 (9):1683-1692.
    Older siblings play a role in their younger siblings’ language socialization by ratifying or rejecting linguistic behavior. In addition, older siblings may engage in a struggle to maintain their dominant position in the family hierarchy. This struggle is seen through the lens of language and political economy as a struggle for symbolic capital. Bilingual adolescent sibling interactions are analyzed as expressions both of identity and of symbolic power. This paper proposes a theory of political micro-economy, by which analysts may trace (...)
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  • Cultural and Social Representations on the Border: From Disagreement to Coexistence.Jurij Fikfak - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (4):350-362.
    In the twentieth century, certain locations, symbols, and ritual practices along the Italian- Slovenian border were subject to various social and cultural representations. During that century, they primarily represented a subject of disagreement between both ethnic communities; however, in the last ten years, some groups and local authorities have been seeking opportunities to live together in coexistence.
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  • Beyond culture: Perspectives from social anthropology on diversity, agency and ethics in dealing with advance care directives.Michi Knecht - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (3):169-180.
    In Anerkennung der für Gegenwartsgesellschaften konstitutiven Diversität ihrer Bevölkerungen diskutieren Bioethik und Medizin verstärkt die kulturelle Relativität ihrer eigenen Voraussetzungen, die Kulturspezifik „anderer“ Positionen und die Möglichkeiten kulturübergreifender Orientierungen. Dabei kommt häufig ein Kulturbegriff zum Einsatz, der aus der Perspektive der aktuellen Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie zu statisch, zu homogenisierend und zu sehr auf Differenz und Abgrenzung hin orientiert ist. Der Beitrag diskutiert zunächst Konzepte von Kultur, die solche Verkürzungen zu vermeiden suchen. Sie betonen hingegen Verflechtungszusammenhänge unter dem Vorzeichen intensivierter Globalisierung (...)
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  • Ethical issues in communication of diagnosis and end-of-life decision-making process in some of the Romanian Roma communities.Gabriel Roman, Angela Enache, Andrada Pârvu, Rodica Gramma, Ştefana Maria Moisa, Silvia Dumitraş & Beatrice Ioan - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):483-497.
    Medical communication in Western-oriented countries is dominated by concepts of shared decision-making and patient autonomy. In interactions with Roma patients, these behavioral patterns rarely seem to be achieved because the culture and ethnicity have often been shown as barriers in establishing an effective and satisfying doctor–patient relationship. The study aims to explore the Roma’s beliefs and experiences related to autonomy and decision-making process in the case of a disease with poor prognosis. Forty-eight Roma people from two Romanian counties participated in (...)
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  • Staged History in Local Settings: The Popular Norwegian Spel Tradition.Anne Kathrine Larsen - 2010 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 12 (2):83-96.
    During the last few decades there has been an enormous increase in locally based historical plays in Norway. These are staged by amateurs, although professionals may hold important positions both on and behind the stage. The dramas have their origin in actual or invented historical events located in the area, and the stage is carefully selected to create an aura of authenticity to the performance. The environment creates dramatic scenery as they are mostly staged outdoor, and the audience frequently have (...)
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  • ‘Disciplining’ the Neohellenic Character:Records of Anglo-Greek Encounters and the Development of Ethnologicalhistorical Discourse.Rodanthi Tzanelli - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (3):21-50.
    The article examines the development of anthropological discourse in British travel accounts of modern Greece, and the Greek response. The study has several aims. First, it argues that in British travel accounts ethnographic remarks are encountered which point to a genealogy of the British discipline of anthropology. These remarks on the modern Greek character formulated problÈmatiquesin which history and ethnography, as well as Romanticism and Enlightenment ideas, merged. Second, the article examines Greek peasantreaction to British observation and ‘intrusion’, as a (...)
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  • Jenseits von Kultur: Sozialanthropologische Perspektiven auf Diversität, Handlungsfähigkeit und Ethik im Umgang mit Patientenverfügungen. [REVIEW]Dr Michi Knecht - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (3):169-180.
    In Anerkennung der für Gegenwartsgesellschaften konstitutiven Diversität ihrer Bevölkerungen diskutieren Bioethik und Medizin verstärkt die kulturelle Relativität ihrer eigenen Voraussetzungen, die Kulturspezifik „anderer“ Positionen und die Möglichkeiten kulturübergreifender Orientierungen. Dabei kommt häufig ein Kulturbegriff zum Einsatz, der aus der Perspektive der aktuellen Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie zu statisch, zu homogenisierend und zu sehr auf Differenz und Abgrenzung hin orientiert ist. Der Beitrag diskutiert zunächst Konzepte von Kultur, die solche Verkürzungen zu vermeiden suchen. Sie betonen hingegen Verflechtungszusammenhänge unter dem Vorzeichen intensivierter Globalisierung (...)
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  • The Second Somatic Revolution1.Brenda Farnell & Charles R. Varela - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (3):215-240.
    This paper proposes a dynamic theory of embodiment that aims to get beyond the absent moving body in embodied social theory. The first somatic revolution, inspired by Merleau Ponty, provided theories based on the feeling and experience of the body. The theory of dynamic embodiment focuses instead on the doing itself as embodied social action, in which the embodied person is fore-grounded as a complex resource for meaning making. This represents a theoretical enrichment of the earlier turn to the body (...)
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  • Doing Memory, Doing Identity: Politics of the Everyday in Contemporary Global Communities.Michalis Kontopodis & Vincenzo Matera - 2010 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 12 (2):1-14.
    The special issue Doing Memory, Doing Identity: Politics of the Everyday in Contemporary Global Communities draws on anthropological theory, performance studies, feminism, post-colonial studies and other theoretical traditions for an insightful examination of the everyday practices of doing memory. A series of ethnographies and qualitative studies from locations as diverse as Italy, Norway, Greece, France, Brazil and China complement profound theoretical analyses to investigate the multiple links between individual and collective pasts, futures and identities, especially focusing on emotions, embodiment, the (...)
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