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  1. Emoções Musicais.Federico Lauria - 2023 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica, Ricardo Santos e David Yates (Eds.), Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
    A música pode causar emoções fortes. Como havemos de compreender as respostas afetivas à música? Este artigo apresenta os principais enigmas filosóficos atinentes às emoções musicais. O problema principal diz respeito ao chamado "contágio": os ouvintes percebem a música como sendo expressiva de uma certa emoção (por exemplo, tristeza) e a música suscita neles essa mesma emoção. O contágio é desconcertante, pois entra em conflito com a principal teoria da emoção, de acordo com a qual as emoções são experiências de (...)
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  • Mimicry of partially occluded emotional faces: do we mimic what we see or what we know?Joshua D. Davis, Seana Coulson, Christophe Blaison, Ursula Hess & Piotr Winkielman - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (8):1555-1575.
    Facial electromyography (EMG) was used to investigate patterns of facial mimicry in response to partial facial expressions in two contexts that differ in how naturalistic and socially significant the faces are. Experiment 1 presented participants with either the upper- or lower-half of facial expressions and used a forced-choice emotion categorisation task. This task emphasises cognition at the expense of ecological and social validity. Experiment 2 presented whole heads and expressions were occluded by clothing. Additionally, the emotion recognition task is more (...)
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  • Emotional mimicry: a communication accommodation approach.Quinten S. Bernhold & Howard Giles - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):799-804.
    This commentary addresses emotional mimicry from a communication accommodation theory (CAT) perspective. After reviewing CAT, we outline commonalities between CAT and the Emotional Mimicry as Social Regulator view. We then discuss how CAT and the Emotional Mimicry as Social Regulator view can contribute to each other. Finally, we provide directions for future research on emotional mimicry informed by CAT, including ways to incorporate individual differences, listener-oriented perceptions, and variables relevant to families.
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  • Putting a label on someone: impact of schizophrenia stigma on emotional mimicry, liking, and interpersonal closeness.Mathilde Parisi, Stéphane Raffard, Pierre Slangen, Till Kastendieck, Ursula Hess, Heidi Mauersberger, Tifenn Fauviaux & Ludovic Marin - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (7):1015-1031.
    Affiliation is both an antecedent and a consequence of emotional mimicry (i.e. imitating a counterpart’s emotional expression). Thus, interacting with a disliked partner can decrease emotional mimicry, which in turn can further decrease liking. This perpetuating circle has not been investigated in the context of mental health stigma yet. The present study tested the influence of the label “schizophrenia” on liking, interpersonal closeness, and emotional mimicry. In an online experiment (n = 201), participants recruited from the general population saw several (...)
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  • Mimicry eases prediction and thereby smoothens social interactions.M. E. Kret & R. Akyüz - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):794-798.
    In their “social contextual view” of emotional mimicry, authors Hess and Fischer (2022) put forward emotional mimicry as a social regulator, considering it a social act, bound to certain affiliative contexts or goals. In this commentary, we argue that the core function of mimicry is to ease predicting conspecifics’ behaviours and the environment, and that as a consequence, this often smoothens social interactions. Accordingly, we make three main points. First, we argue that there is no good reason to believe that (...)
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  • “Anger? No, thank you. I don't mimic it”: how contextual modulation of facial display meaning impacts emotional mimicry.Michal Olszanowski & Aleksandra Tołopiło - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (4):530-548.
    Research indicates that emotional mimicry predominantly occurs in response to affiliative displays, such as happiness, while the mimicry of antagonistic displays, like anger, is seldom observed in social contexts. However, contextual factors, including the identity of the displayer (e.g. social similarity with the observer) and whose action triggered the emotional reaction (i.e. to whom display is directed), can modulate the meaning of the display. In two experiments, participants observed happiness, sadness, and anger expressed by individuals with similar or different social (...)
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  • Social Isolation Affects the Mimicry Response in the Use of Smartphones.Veronica Maglieri, Anna Zanoli, Dimitri Giunchi & Elisabetta Palagi - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (1):88-102.
    Humans are social animals that rely on different ways to interact with each other. The COVID-19 pandemic strongly changed our communication strategies. Because of the importance of direct contact for our species, we predict that immediately after the forced social isolation, people were more prone to engage in direct rather than in virtual interactions, thus showing a lower mimicry response in the use of smartphones. In a non-longitudinal study, we collected behavioral data under naturalistic contexts and directly compared the data (...)
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