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  1. Awe and Wonder in Scientific Practice: Implications for the Relationship Between Science and Religion.Helen De Cruz - 2020 - Issues in Science and Theology: Nature – and Beyond.
    This paper examines the role of awe and wonder in scientific practice. Drawing on evidence from psychological research and the writings of scientists and science communicators, I argue that awe and wonder play a crucial role in scientific discovery. They focus our attention on the natural world, encourage open-mindedness, diminish the self (particularly feelings of self-importance), help to accord value to the objects that are being studied, and provide a mode of understanding in the absence of full knowledge. I will (...)
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  • Defending Niebuhr from Hauerwas.David Novak - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (2):281-295.
    In his 2001 book, With the Grain of the Universe, Stanley Hauerwas has made an extended case for Karl Barth as the model for how to do Christian ethics, and for Reinhold Niebuhr as the model for how not to do it. Though Barth's closer and deeper theological connection to the Christian tradition appeals to a Jewish traditionalist by analogy, nevertheless, Niebuhr's approach to social ethics, based as it is on a version of natural law, is of greater appeal. That (...)
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  • Call or Question: a Rehabilitation of Conscience as Dialogical.Nathan Eric Dickman - 2018 - Sophia 57 (2):275-294.
    It is by way of the call that one is enabled to wake up to responsibility. What is the illocutionary mood of the ‘call’ of conscience, though? Is this transcendental enabler of responsibility an imposing demand or an invitational question? Both Levinas and Heidegger emphasize the impositional character of the call in conscience. The call seems to be the very essence of imperatives. I develop an apology for questioning by way of appeal to crumbs scattered throughout Jewish traditions as well (...)
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  • Desconstrucción Del otro hombre: Hacia Una manifestación de dios más allá Del sistema de significación ontometafísico.Jorge Brower Beltramin - 2010 - Escritos 18 (40):14-35.
    La desconstrucción permite situarnos en los límites de la textualidad articulada desde el logos ontometafísico. Constituye de este modo, una plataforma de lectura comprensiva del lenguaje, que busca en su expresión metafórica, la nominación y renominación del ser, en una acción aplazante de su existencia, más allá de los sistemas de significación logocéntricos. En este artículo, se asume esta lectura- ímite para desplazarnos sobre un vasto campo discursivo (metafísico) con la intención de movernos hacia una exterioridad anterior al lenguaje, a (...)
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  • Existential faith and biblical philosophy.William L. Power - 2012 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 72 (3):199-210.
    In this article, I present a case for a kind of existential theology which would be philosophical and metaphysical, though not broadly Platonic and classical, and biblical though not illogical. What I present will be an attempt to clarify and justify what I call "existential hayatological theism". In so doing I will draw on insights from what Edmond La B Cherbonnier and Claude Tresmontant designated as "biblical philosophy" and "biblical metaphysics" as well as from the neo-classical philosophies of Charles Hartshorne (...)
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  • Exploring the concept of spirit as a model for the God-world relationship in the age of genetics.Lindon Eaves & Lora Gross - 1992 - Zygon 27 (3):261-285.
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  • Go and Tend the Earth: A Jewish View on an Enhanced World.Laurie Zoloth - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (1):10-25.
    In this essay, the author considers how one particular faith community, contemporary Judaism, in all its internal diversity, has reflected on the issue of how far the project of genetic intervention ought to go when the subject of the future - embodied, willful, and vulnerable - is at stake. Knowing, naming, and acting to change is not only a narrative of faith traditions; it is a narrative of biological science as well.
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  • Towards a dialogue between utilitarianism and medicine.Y. Michael Barilan - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (2):163-173.
    Utilitarianism focuses on the optimization of personal well being in ways that seems to make the practice of medicine irrelevant to the well being of the practitioners, unless given external incentives such as money or honor. Care based on indirect incentives is considered inferior to care motivated internally. This leads to the paradox of utilitarian care. Following Nozick's conceptual Pleasure Machine it is argued that in addition to the promotion of personal well being, people care about fulfilling their well being (...)
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