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  1. Characterization of ‐like and c 0 ‐like equivalence relations.Longyun Ding - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (4-5):273-279.
    In this paper, notions of ‐like and c0‐like equivalence relations are introduced. We characterize the positions of ‐like and c0‐like equivalence relations in the Borel reducibility hierarchy by comparing them with equivalence relations and.
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  • Borel equivalence relations induced by actions of the symmetric group.Greg Hjorth, Alexander S. Kechris & Alain Louveau - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1):63-112.
    We consider Borel equivalence relations E induced by actions of the infinite symmetric group, or equivalently the isomorphism relation on classes of countable models of bounded Scott rank. We relate the descriptive complexity of the equivalence relation to the nature of its complete invariants. A typical theorem is that E is potentially Π03 iff the invariants are countable sets of reals, it is potentially Π04 iff the invariants are countable sets of countable sets of reals, and so on. The proofs (...)
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  • Comparing Borel Reducibility and Depth of an ω-Stable Theory.Martin Koerwien - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (4):365-380.
    In "A proof of Vaught's conjecture for ω-stable theories," the notions of ENI-NDOP and eni-depth have been introduced, which are variants of the notions of NDOP and depth known from Shelah's classification theory. First, we show that for an ω-stable first-order complete theory, ENI-NDOP allows tree decompositions of countable models. Then we discuss the relationship between eni-depth and the complexity of the isomorphism relation for countable models of such a theory in terms of Borel reducibility as introduced by Friedman and (...)
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  • Explanation in Descriptive Set Theory.Carolin Antos & Mark Colyvan - 2024 - In Alastair Wilson & Katie Robertson (eds.), Levels of Explanation. Oxford University Press.
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  • Complexity of distances: Theory of generalized analytic equivalence relations.Marek Cúth, Michal Doucha & Ondřej Kurka - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (1).
    We generalize the notion of analytic/Borel equivalence relations, orbit equivalence relations, and Borel reductions between them to their continuous and quantitative counterparts: analytic/Borel pseudometrics, orbit pseudometrics, and Borel reductions between them. We motivate these concepts on examples and we set some basic general theory. We illustrate the new notion of reduction by showing that the Gromov–Hausdorff distance maintains the same complexity if it is defined on the class of all Polish metric spaces, spaces bounded from below, from above, and from (...)
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  • Basis problem for turbulent actions I: Tsirelson submeasures.Ilijas Farah - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 108 (1-3):189-203.
    We use modified Tsirelson's spaces to prove that there is no finite basis for turbulent Polish group actions. This answers a question of Hjorth and Kechris 329–346; Hjorth, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2000, Section 3.4.3).
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  • Glimm-Effros for coanalytic equivalence relations.Greg Hjorth - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (2):402-422.
    Assuming every real has a sharp, we prove that for any $\mathop \prod \limits_\~ _1^1 $ equivalence relation either Borel reduces E₀ or in a $\mathop \Delta \limits_\~ _3^1 $ manner allows the assignment of bounded subsets of ω₁ as complete invariants.
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  • The Classification Problem for Automorphisms of C*-Algebras.Martino Lupini - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):402-424.
    We present an overview of the recent developments in the study of the classification problem for automorphisms of C*-algebras from the perspective of Borel complexity theory.
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  • A complicated ω-stable depth 2 theory.Martin Koerwien - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):47 - 65.
    We present a countable complete first order theory T which is model theoretically very well behaved: it eliminates quantifiers, is ω-stable, it has NDOP and is shallow of depth two. On the other hand, there is no countable bound on the Scott heights of its countable models, which implies that the isomorphism relation for countable models is not Borel.
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  • New directions in descriptive set theory.Alexander S. Kechris - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (2):161-174.
    §1. I will start with a quick definition of descriptive set theory: It is the study of the structure of definable sets and functions in separable completely metrizable spaces. Such spaces are usually called Polish spaces. Typical examples are ℝn, ℂn, Hilbert space and more generally all separable Banach spaces, the Cantor space 2ℕ, the Baire space ℕℕ, the infinite symmetric group S∞, the unitary group, the group of measure preserving transformations of the unit interval, etc.In this theory sets are (...)
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  • Galois groups of first order theories.E. Casanovas, D. Lascar, A. Pillay & M. Ziegler - 2001 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 1 (02):305-319.
    We study the groups Gal L and Gal KP, and the associated equivalence relations EL and EKP, attached to a first order theory T. An example is given where EL≠ EKP. It is proved that EKP is the composition of EL and the closure of EL. Other examples are given showing this is best possible.
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  • The restriction of a Borel equivalence relation to a sparse set.Howard Becker - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (4):335-347.
    We consider sparseness, smoothness and the Glimm-Effros Dichotomy for the restriction of a Borel equivalence relation on a Polish space to definable subsets of that space.
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