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  1. (1 other version)The two faces of personhood: Hobbes, corporate agency and the personality of the state.Sean Fleming - 2021 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (1):5-26.
    There is an important but underappreciated ambiguity in Hobbes’ concept of personhood. In one sense, persons are representatives or actors. In the other sense, persons are representees or characters. An estate agent is a person in the first sense; her client is a person in the second. This ambiguity is crucial for understanding Hobbes’ claim that the state is a person. Most scholars follow the first sense of ‘person’, which suggests that the state is a kind of actor – in (...)
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  • (1 other version)Hobbes and political realism.Robin Douglass - 2020 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (2):250-269.
    Thomas Hobbes has recently been cast as one of the forefathers of political realism. This article evaluates his place in the realist tradition by focusing on three key themes: the priority of legitimacy over justice, the relation between ethics and politics, and the place of imagination in politics. The thread uniting these themes is the importance Hobbes placed on achieving a moral consensus around peaceful coexistence, a point which distances him from realists who view the two as competing goals of (...)
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  • A linguagem dos interesses no republicanismo moderno.Alberto R. G. de Barros - 2015 - Dissertatio 41:47-63.
    A linguagem dos interesses passou a dominar o discurso político no início da modernidade, em especial na Inglaterra no decorrer do século XVII. Este texto visa compreender as razões do uso desta linguagem e analisar a sua repercussão no republicanismo moderno, em particular na concepção clássica de governo misto, com base nos escritos políticos de Marchamont Nedham e James Harrington, talvez os principais defensores do regime republicano estabelecido na Inglaterra entre 1649 e 1660.
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  • Humor, Contempt, and the Exemption from Sense.Bryan Lueck - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (1):205-220.
    Building on the theory of humor advanced by Yves Cusset in his recent book Rire: Tractatus philo-comicus, I argue that we can understand the phenomenon in terms of what Jean-Luc Nancy, following Roland Barthes, has called the exemption from sense. I attempt to show how the humorous sensibility, understood in this way, is entirely incompatible with the experience of others as contemptible. I conclude by developing some of the normative implications of this, focusing specifically on the question whether it is (...)
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  • (1 other version)Hobbes and political realism.Robin Douglass - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (2):147488511667748.
    Thomas Hobbes has recently been cast as one of the forefathers of political realism. This article evaluates his place in the realist tradition by focusing on three key themes: the priority of legit...
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  • Hobbes’s materialism and Epicurean mechanism.Patricia Springborg - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (5):814-835.
    ABSTRACT: Hobbes belonged to philosophical and scientific circles grappling with the big question at the dawn of modern physics: materialism and its consequences for morality. ‘Matter in motion’ may be a core principle of this materialism but it is certainly inadequate to capture the whole project. In wave after wave of this debate the Epicurean view of a fully determined universe governed by natural laws, that nevertheless allows to humans a sphere of libertas, but does not require a creator god (...)
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  • Muisti.Jani Hakkarainen, Mirja Hartimo & Jaana Virta (eds.) - 2013 - Tampere: Tampere University Press.
    Proceedings of the annual congress of the Finnish Philosophical Association in 2013. Theme: memory.
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  • Hobbes and Human Irrationality.Sandra Field - 2015 - Global Discourse 5 (2):207-220.
    Hobbes’s science of politics rests on a dual analysis of human beings: humans as complex material bodies in a network of mechanical forces, prone to passions and irrationality; and humans as subjects of right and obligation, morally exhortable by appeal to the standards of reason. The science of politics proposes an absolutist model of politics. If this proposal is not to be idle utopianism, the enduring functioning of the model needs to be compatible with the materialist analysis of human behaviour. (...)
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  • A genealogy of the modern state.Quentin Skinner - 2009 - In Skinner Quentin (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 162, 2008 Lectures. pp. 325.
    This lecture presents the text of the speech about the genealogy of the modern state delivered by the author at the 2008 British Academy Lecture. It explains that to investigate the genealogy of the state is to discover that there has never been any agreed concept to which the word state has answered. The lecture suggests that any moral or political term that has become so deeply enmeshed in so many ideological disputes over such a long period of time is (...)
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  • Toward a Realist Ethics of Intervention.Michael Wesley - 2005 - Ethics and International Affairs 19 (2):55-72.
    Since the September 11 attacks, a new security agenda has swept aside much of the old sensitivity and apathy about intervening in “failing” states. The war on terror has redefined “governance” from concentrating on issues of economic viability and popular rights to a focus on the capacity of states to generate sufficient “order” to deter or capture the agents of the new transnational security threats: terrorists, smugglers, money launderers, the carriers of zoonotic disease. As part of this process, the governance (...)
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  • Ignes fatui or apt similitudes ?- the apparent denunciation of metaphor by Thomas Hobbes1.Andreas Musolff - 2005 - Hobbes Studies 18 (1):96-112.
    Thomas Hobbes's condemnation of metaphor as one of the chief "abuses of speech" in Leviathan occupies a famous place in the history of thinking about metaphor. From the viewpoint of cognitive metaphor theory, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson have depicted Hobbes and John Locke as the founding fathers of a tradition in which "metaphor and other figurative devices [became] objects of scorn". Similar verdicts on Hobbes and on Locke as arch-detractors of metaphor can be found in many other accounts of (...)
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  • (1 other version)Heidegger and the romantics: the literary invention of meaning.Pol Vandevelde - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    <P>While there are many books on the romantics, and many books on Heidegger, there has been no book exploring the connection between the two. Pol Vandevelde’s new study forges this important link. </P> <P>Vandevelde begins by analyzing two models that have addressed the interaction between literature and philosophy: early German romanticism (especially Schlegel and Novalis), and Heidegger’s work with poetry in the 1930s. Both models offer an alternative to the paradigm of mimesis, as exemplified by Aristotle’s and Plato’s discussion of (...)
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  • Hobbes and the purely artificial person of the state.Q. Skinner - 1999 - Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (1):1–29.
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  • El Indómito cuerpo del Leviatán. Notas sobre la democracia en Thomas Hobbes.Julián A. Ramírez Beltrán - 2022 - Perseitas 11:185-223.
    Las distinciones conceptuales propuestas por Thomas Hobbes reflejan el problema político de considerar lo múltiple en la unidad o la convergencia de innumerables cuerpos, deseos y pasiones en la consolidación de una voluntad soberana unitaria. Ejemplo de ello son las nociones de potentiae (potencias) y potestas (poder), junto a otras como multitud y pueblo o súbditos y soberano. Todas ellas reflejan el problema de la estabilidad del Estado y su legitimidad institucional: la necesidad de generar, de manera continua, un poder (...)
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  • ‘This man is my property’: Slavery and political absolutism in Locke and the classical social contract tradition.Johan Olsthoorn & Laurens van Apeldoorn - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2):253-275.
    It is morally impossible, Locke argued, for individuals to consensually establish absolute rule over themselves. That would be to transfer to rulers a power that is not ours, but God’s alone: ownership of our lives. This article analyses the conceptual presuppositions of Locke’s argument for the moral impossibility of self-enslavement through a comparison with other classical social contract theorists, including Grotius, Hobbes and Pufendorf. Despite notoriously defending the permissibility of voluntary enslavement of individuals and even entire peoples, Grotius similarly endorsed (...)
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  • Locke on private language.Hannah Dawson - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (4):609 – 637.
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  • Was Thomas Hobbes the first biopolitical thinker?Samuel Lindholm - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (3-4):221-241.
    Thomas Hobbes's name often comes up as scholars debate the history of biopower, which regulates the biological life of individual bodies and entire populations. This article examines whether and to what extent Hobbes may be regarded as the first biopolitical philosopher. I investigate this question by performing a close reading of Hobbes's political texts and by comparing them to some of the most influential theories on biopolitics proposed by Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Roberto Esposito, and others. Hobbes is indeed the (...)
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  • Hobbes y la autonomia de la politica.Andrés Rosler - 2009 - Dois Pontos 6 (3).
    Este trabajo se propone contribuir al proyecto de atribuirle a Hobbes una teoríaautónoma de la política, la cual defiende la existencia de cuestiones políticas que nopueden ser subordinadas lógicamente a otras esferas como la moral o la religión. Segúnesta posición los conflictos políticos no pueden ser meramente atribuidos, por ejemplo, ala inmoralidad o irreligiosidad de los involucrados, sino que incluso personas completamentemorales y religiosas podrían llegar a verse envueltas en conflictos políticos.
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  • Children, ADHD, and Citizenship.E. F. Cohen & C. P. Morley - 2009 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (2):155-180.
    The diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a subject of controversy, for a host of reasons. This paper seeks to explore the manner in which children's interests may be subsumed to those of parents, teachers, and society as a whole in the course of diagnosis, treatment, and labeling, utilizing a framework for children's citizenship proposed by Elizabeth Cohen. Additionally, the paper explores aspects of discipline associated with the diagnosis, as well as distributional pathologies resulting from the application of the diagnosis (...)
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  • (1 other version)The two faces of personhood: Hobbes, corporate agency and the personality of the state.Sean Fleming - 2021 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (1):5-26.
    There is an important but underappreciated ambiguity in Hobbes’ concept of personhood. In one sense, persons are representatives or actors. In the other sense, persons are representees or characters. An estate agent is a person in the first sense; her client is a person in the second. This ambiguity is crucial for understanding Hobbes’ claim that the state is a person. Most scholars follow the first sense of ‘person’, which suggests that the state is a kind of actor – in (...)
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  • Tensions entre la liberté et l’égalité dans le Discours sur la liberté de penser d’Anthony Collins.Kim Noisette - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (1):91-119.
    Anthony Collins’Discourse on Freethinking(1713) claims an equal right of examining freely any proposition for each human being. However, the right he claims isn’t always clear, and a close reading shows that, in fact, he successively defends three versions of this right, each weighing the role of equality differently. In the first section, where both values appear consistent with one another, claimed freedom and equality of rights are, in fact, in tension with one another and Collins hesitates too much to solve (...)
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  • Mother Lords: Original Maternal Dominion and the Practice of Preservation in Hobbes.Meghan Robison - forthcoming - Hypatia:1-21.
    Hobbes's justification for original maternal dominion is often evaluated in connection to the ambiguous status of women in his political thought. Many feminist interpreters explain this ambiguity as a contradiction: following Carole Pateman, they see maternal dominion as one term of the “paradox of parental power.” The first aim of this article is to elaborate a second, alternative approach within some critical responses to Pateman's reading. Rather than as one part of a contradiction, in these interpretations maternal dominion emerges as (...)
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  • Hobbes on Teleology and Reason.Guido Parietti - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1107-1131.
    Starting from considering how radical Hobbes' rejection of teleology was, this paper presents a coherent reading of Hobbesian reason, as applied to the justification of political obligation, striking a more perspicuous third way between the ‘orthodox’ and the ‘revisionist’ readings. Both families of interpretations are partial to some elements of Hobbes' thought, therefore incapable of providing a coherent reading of its whole. A precise rendering of Hobbes' deontological reason allows a better hermeneutical understanding of his philosophy as well as a (...)
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  • Fear and the Illusion of Autonomy.Frost Samantha, Manzano Juan A. Fernández & de Lucas Gustavo Castel - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (9):175-200.
    Este ensayo aborda el tratamiento que Hobbes da a la complejidad de la causalidad en conjunción con su análisis materialista del modo en que el miedo orienta al sujeto en el tiempo con el fin de defender que para Hobbes el miedo es tanto una respuesta como una negación de la imposibilidad de la auto-soberanía. El ensayo argumenta que los movimientos de la memoria y la anticipación que Hobbes describe como centrales en la pasión del miedo transforman el campo causal (...)
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  • Os fundamentos do governo na teoria política de James Harrington.Alberto Ribeiro G. De Barros - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (1).
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  • Poetry, myth and storytelling in the history of political theory.Sophie Smith - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    Tae-Yeoun Keum begins her beautifully written book, Plato and the Mythic Tradition in Political Thought, clear-eyed about how the contested definitions of myth we find in the literature – especiall...
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  • Thomas Hobbes: theorist of the law.Anthony F. Lang & Gabriella Slomp - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (1):1-11.
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  • Combining morality and rationality: Hobbes on contracts and covenants.Olli Loukola - 1998 - Hobbes Studies 11 (1):70-93.
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  • Neo-Despotism as Anti-Despotism.Bülent Diken - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society:026327642097828.
    I treat despotism as a virtual concept. Thus it is necessary to expose its actualizations even when it appears as its opposite, refusing to recognize itself as despotism. I define despotism initially as arbitrary rule, in terms of a monstrous transgression of the law. But since the monster is grounded in its very formlessness, it cannot be demonstrated. However, one can always try to de-monstrate it through disagreements. In doing this, I deal with despotism not as a solipsistic undertaking but (...)
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  • Bernard Mandeville and the doctrine of laissez-faire.Renee Prendergast - 2016 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 9 (1):101.
    The view of Mandeville as a pioneer of laissez-faire is difficult to reconcile with his repeated insistence that private vices were turned into public benefits by the 'dexterous management of the skilful politician'. Even if references to the skilful politician are regarded as shorthand for a legal and institutional framework, there remains the question of whether such a framework is a spontaneous order or the product of purposeful experiment as Mandeville thought? Mandeville warned about the harmful effects of meddling but (...)
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  • Trust and Confidence: History, Theory and Socio-Political Implications. [REVIEW]Christian Morgner - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (4):509-532.
    Even before trust became a buzzword, theoretical developments were made, which have instigated the development of two forms of trust which are described as personal trust and system trust/confidence. However, this distinction remained rather secondary in the overall literature. There is an overall lack on the historical developments of these forms of trust, their internal logic and how they interlink, overlap, or work against each other. The paper aims to advance these three aspects: first through a historical overview of the (...)
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  • L'Humor.Aaron Smuts - forthcoming - In Julien Deonna Emma Tieffenbach (ed.), Petite Dictionnaire des Valeurs.
    Most everything one might think about humor is in dispute. Only a few negative claims are fairly clear. Does humor always involve feelings of superiority? Probably not. But what properties do objects need in order to be amusing? Most plausibly, humorous objects present non-threatening incongruities. However, not all such incongruities are amusing. So there must be something more. -/- What is the connection between feelings of amusement and laughter? Amusement typically leads to laughter, but not always. And we often laugh (...)
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  • Hume sobre a volição e a faculdade da vontade/Hume on volition and the faculty of the will.Franco Nero Antunes Soares - 2013 - Natureza Humana 15 (1).
    Meu objetivo neste artigo é defender que podem ser atribuídos sentidos distintos para os termos “vontade” e “volição” na filosofia de Hume. Ao contrário das interpretações tradicionais, sustento que Hume não identifica vontade e volição. Inicialmente, apresento argumentos de Hobbes e Locke contra a concepção escolástica sobre a produção de ações voluntárias e defendo que Hume associa-se a esses dois filósofos. A seguir, apresento os argumentos da interpretação tradicional que identifica vontade e volição na filosofia humeana e também algumas objeções (...)
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  • Against the Authority of Books: Hobbes and the Invention of Political Science.Raffaella Santi - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (12).
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  • Échange, Contrat et Civilisation.Bertrand Binoche - 2008 - Revue de Synthèse 129 (1):85-103.
    On amalgame souvent, sous le terme d' « échange », le sauvage du contrat social avec celui du marché. Il s'agit ici a contrario de les distinguer en montrant comment ces deux personnages répondent en réalité à deux modes d'argumentation tout à fait différents que les Lumières ont contraints à coexister selon des modalités très diverses. Or le syntagme moderne de« société civile» n'ajamais résorbé cette ambiguïté et nous trouvons là matière à bien des enseignements car cela permet de réfléchir (...)
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  • Hobbes's contempt for opinions: Manipulation and the challenge for mass democracies.Geoffrey M. Vaughan - 1999 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 13 (1-2):55-71.
    Thomas Hobbes denied both that opinion provides access to truth and that it ought to be protected from political manipulation. Hobbes knew that his contempt for opinion put him at odds with the classical tradition of political philosophy. What he could not have known was that it also would put him at odds with modern, liberal democracy, which protects opinions—the opinions of the public—that it cannot invest with truth value.
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