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Creation of the Universe as a Quantum Process

In Robert J. Russell, William R. Stoeger & George V. Coyne (eds.), Physics, philosophy, and theology: a common quest for understanding. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press [distributor]. pp. 375--408 (1988)

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  1. Hartle-Hawking cosmology and unconditional probabilities.Robert J. Deltete & Reed A. Guy - 1997 - Analysis 57 (4):304-315.
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  • Quantum cosmology's implication of atheism.Q. Smith - 1997 - Analysis 57 (4):295-304.
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  • Il Platonismo e l'Antropologia Filosofica di Gregorio di Nissa. Con Particolare Riferimento agli Influssi di Platone, Plotino e Porfirio. [REVIEW]Ignacio Yarza - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (2):422-425.
    Just after my return from a symposium at the University of Navarre on the dialogue between faith and culture in Christian antiquity, I had the opportunity to read Peroli's book. His approach is strikingly in accord with many of the claims made at Navarre. The overall approach of his study may be summed up with the following words: early Christian thought effected an authentic inculturation, [[sic]] not just by expressing the faith in the dominant philosophical categories of the time, but (...)
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  • (1 other version)Theological Misinterpretations of Current Physical Cosmology.Adolf Grünbaum - 1998 - Philo 1 (1):15-34.
    In earlier writings, I argued that neither of the two major physical cosmologies of the twentieth century support divine creation, so that atheism has nothing to fear from the explanations required by these cosmologies. Yet theists ranging from Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, and Leibniz to Richard Swinburne and Philip Quinn have maintained that, at every instant anew, the existence of the world requires divine creation ex nihilo as its cause. Indeed, according to some such theists, for any given moment t, God’s (...)
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  • Claude Tresmontant et la preuve cosmologique.Antoine Côté - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (2):271-.
    This paper examines Claude Tresmontant's attempt to provide a philosophical argument in favour of God's existence using the results of modern science. Like many contemporary theists, Tresmontant believes that discoveries in the field of astrophysics, rightly interpreted, lead to the postulation of a deity. This paper challenges the philosophical presuppositions of Tresmontant's argument and the thesis that current cosmological theories can be used to construct a valid proof of the existence of God.
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  • Creation as a pseudo-explanation in current physical cosmology.Adolf Grünbaum - 1991 - Erkenntnis 35 (1-3):233 - 254.
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  • Emerging from imaginary time.Robert J. Deltete & Reed A. Guy - 1996 - Synthese 108 (2):185 - 203.
    Recent models in quantum cosmology make use of the concept of imaginary time. These models all conjecture a join between regions of imaginary time and regions of real time. We examine the model of James Hartle and Stephen Hawking to argue that the various no-boundary attempts to interpret the transition from imaginary to real time in a logically consistent and physically significant way all fail. We believe this conclusion also applies to quantum tunneling models, such as that proposed by Alexander (...)
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  • Vacuum Genesis oraz spontaniczne powstanie wszechświata z niczego a klasyczna koncepcja przyczynowości oraz stworzenia ex nihilo.Mariusz Tabaczek - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (1):127-162.
    Vacuum Genesis and Spontaneous Emergence of the Universe from Nothing in Reference to the Classical Notion of Causality and Creation ex nihilo The article discousses philosophical and theological reflections inspired by the cosmological model of the origin of the universe from quantum vacuum through quantum tunneling and the model presented by Hartle and Hawking. In the context of the thesis about the possibility of cosmogenesis ex nihilo without the need of God the creator, the question is being raised concerning the (...)
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  • Hawking on God and creation.Robert J. Deltete - 1993 - Zygon 28 (4):485-506.
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  • La creazione nella cosmologia contemporanea.Juan José Sanguineti - 1995 - Acta Philosophica 4 (2).
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  • Dyskusja nad argumentem „God of the gaps”.Michał Oleksowicz - 2014 - Scientia et Fides 2 (1):99-124.
    Discussion about the argument “God of the gaps”: The encounter of Christian theology, particularly the western theology, with natural science constitutes a record of centuries-old discussion. One of the consequences was to show a problem known as ‘God of the gaps’. This argument uses God as hypothesis explaining the course of natural phenomena on causation surface. Such way of argumentation opts for existing and God’s acting. It is both the chance and what history shows an enormous threat for the theology (...)
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  • Quantum cosmologies and the "beginning".Willem B. Drees - 1991 - Zygon 26 (3):373-396.
    The cosmology proposed by Stephen Hawking has been understood as support for an atheistic stance, due mainly to its view of the nature of time in combination with the absence of explicit boundary conditions. Against such a view, this article argues that one might develop a theistic understanding of the Universe in the context of Hawking's cosmology. In addition, the quantum cosmologies of Andrej Linde and Roger Penrose are presented. The coexistence of different research programs and their implicit metaphysical views (...)
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  • Why the big Bang singularity does not help the Kal M cosmological argument for theism.J. Brian Pitts - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (4):675-708.
    The cosmic singularity provides negligible evidence for creation in the finite past, and hence theism. A physical theory might have no metric or multiple metrics, so a ‘beginning’ must involve a first moment, not just finite age. Whether one dismisses singularities or takes them seriously, physics licenses no first moment. The analogy between the Big Bang and stellar gravitational collapse indicates that a Creator is required in the first case only if a Destroyer is needed in the second. The need (...)
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  • (1 other version)Theological misinterpretations of current physical cosmology.Adolf Grünbaum - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (4):523-543.
    In earlier writings, I argued that neither of the two major physical cosmologies of the 20th century support divine creation, so that atheism has nothing to fear from the explanations required by these cosmologies. Yet theists ranging from Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, and Leibniz to Richard Swinburne and Philip Quinn have maintained that, at every instant anew, the existence of the world requires divine creation ex nihilo as its cause. Indeed, according to some such theists, for any given moment t. God's (...)
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  • The structure and interpretation of cosmology: Part II. The concept of creation in inflation and quantum cosmology.Gordon McCabe - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36 (1):67-102.
    The purpose of this paper is to review, clarify, and critically analyse modern mathematical cosmology. The emphasis is upon the mathematical structures involved, rather than numerical computations. The opening section reviews and clarifies the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models of General Relativistic Cosmology, while Section 2 deals with the spatially homogeneous models. Particular attention is paid to the topological and geometrical aspects of these models. Section 3 explains how the mathematical formalism can be linked with astronomical observation. Sections 4 and 5 provide a (...)
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  • Problems with John Earman's attempt to reconcile theism with general relativity.Quentin Smith - 2000 - Erkenntnis 52 (1):1-27.
    Discussions of the intersection of general relativity and thephilosophy of religion rarely take place on the technical levelthat involves the details of the mathematical physics of generalrelativity. John Earman's discussion of theism and generalrelativity in his recent book on spacetime singularities is anexception to this tendency. By virtue of his technical expertise,Earman is able to introduce novel arguments into the debatebetween theists and atheists. In this paper, I state and examineEarman's arguments that it is rationally acceptable to believethat theism and (...)
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