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  1. Pragmatism, enactivism, and ecological psychology: towards a unified approach to post-cognitivism.Manuel Heras-Escribano - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):337-363.
    This paper argues that it is possible to combine enactivism and ecological psychology in a single post-cognitivist research framework if we highlight the common pragmatist assumptions of both approaches. These pragmatist assumptions or starting points are shared by ecological psychology and the enactive approach independently of being historically related to pragmatism, and they are based on the idea of organic coordination, which states that the evolution and development of the cognitive abilities of an organism are explained by appealing to the (...)
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  • Relations.Fraser MacBride - 2016 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    In this paper I provide a state of the art survey and assessment of the contemporary debate about relations. After (1) distinguishing different varieties of relations, symmetric from non-symmetric, internal from external relations etc. and relations from their set-theoretic models or sequences, I proceed (2) to consider Bradley’s regress and whether relations can be eliminated altogether. Next I turn (3) to the question whether relations can be reduced, bringing to bear considerations from the philosophy of physics as well as metaphysics. (...)
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  • Eden Benumbed: A Critique of Panqualityism and the Disclosure View of Consciousness.Itay Shani - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (1):233-256.
    In the marketplace of opinions concerning the metaphysics of mind and consciousness panqualityism (PQ) occupies an interesting position. It is a distinct variant of neutral monism, as well as of protophenomenalism, and as such it strives to carve out a conceptual niche midway between physicalism and mentalism. It is also a brand of Russellian monism, advocated by its supporters as a less costly and less extravagant alternative to panpsychism. Being clearly articulated and relatively well-developed it constitutes an intriguing view. Nonetheless, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Neutral monism.Leopold Stubenberg - 2005 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • A Plea for Descriptive Social Ontology.Kathrin Koslicki & Olivier Massin - 2023 - Synthese 202 (Special Issue: The Metametaphysi):1-35.
    Social phenomena—quite like mental states in the philosophy of mind—are often regarded as potential troublemakers from the start, particularly if they are approached with certain explanatory commitments, such as naturalism or social individualism, already in place. In this paper, we argue that such explanatory constraints should be at least initially bracketed if we are to arrive at an adequate non-biased description of social phenomena. Legitimate explanatory projects, or so we maintain, such as those of making the social world fit within (...)
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  • Language: The “Ultimate Artifact” to Build, Develop, and Update Worldviews.Lorenzo Magnani, Alger Sans Pinillos & Selene Arfini - 2022 - Topoi 41 (3):461-470.
    What role does language play in the process of building worldviews? To address this question, in the first section of this paper we will clarify what we mean by worldviews and how they differ, in our perspective, from cosmovisions. In a nutshell, we define worldviews as the biological interpretations agents create of the world around them and cosmovision the more general cultural-based reflections on it. After presenting our definition for worldview, we will also present the multi-shaped viewpoint that frames our (...)
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  • Radical Mediation.Richard Grusin - 2015 - Critical Inquiry 42 (1):124-148.
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  • Towards a Process Epistemology for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems.Maria Mancilla Garcia, Tilman Hertz & Maja Schlüter - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (2):221-239.
    This paper proposes an epistemological approach to analyse social-ecological systems from a process perspective in order to better tackle the co-constitution of the social and the ecological and the dynamism of these systems. It highlights the usefulness of rethinking our conceptual tools taking processes and relations as the main constituents of reality instead of fundamental substances or essences. We introduce the concept of experience as understood in radical empiricism to critically revise our available concepts through focusing on the concept of (...)
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  • Conduct Pragmatism: Pressing Beyond Experientialism and Lingualism.Colin Koopman - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (2).
    Debates over the relative priority of experience and language have been among some of the most vexed, but also generative, disputes in pragmatist philosophy over the past few decades. These debates have, however, run into the ground such that both positions find themselves at a definitive standstill. I argue for a rejuvenation of pragmatism by way of moving beyond both the experience option (here represented by Dewey) and the linguistic turn in pragmatism (here represented by Brandom). We can move beyond (...)
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  • CRITIQUE OF IMPURE REASON: Horizons of Possibility and Meaning.Steven James Bartlett - 2020 - Salem, USA: Studies in Theory and Behavior.
    PLEASE NOTE: This is the corrected 2nd eBook edition, 2021. ●●●●● _Critique of Impure Reason_ has now also been published in a printed edition. To reduce the otherwise high price of this scholarly, technical book of nearly 900 pages and make it more widely available beyond university libraries to individual readers, the non-profit publisher and the author have agreed to issue the printed edition at cost. ●●●●● The printed edition was released on September 1, 2021 and is now available through (...)
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  • Consciousness and existence as a process.Riccardo Manzotti - 2006 - Mind and Matter 4 (1):7-43.
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  • Explanation in theories of the specious present.Valtteri Arstila - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology:1–24.
    Time-consciousness theories aim to explain what our experi­ences must be like so that we can experience change, succes­sion, and other temporally extended events (or at least why we believe we have such experiences). The most popular and influential explanations are versions of theories of the spe­ cious present, which maintain that what we experience appears to us as temporally extended. However, the role that specious presents have in bringing about temporal experiences remains undescribed. The briefly mentioned suggestions maintain that having (...)
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  • Ceder, S. (2018). Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality. Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge.Sean Sturm - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (4):447-451.
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  • Drama as Philosophical Genre.Jessica Wahman - 2014 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 28 (4):454-471.
    This article will consider the unique contribution that the dramatic arts can make to philosophical practices of communication and reflection. While argumentation typically advocates a particular position over and against less plausible options, dramatic performance can convey the rich possibilities and tensions among conflicting points of view without ultimately taking a definitive stance. This genre, as a performed narrative involving multiple perspectives, can illuminate the complexity and legitimacy of a plurality of—often competing—theoretical commitments, whereas direct argumentation, by its very nature, (...)
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  • Pragmatic vs. Skeptical Empiricism: Hume and Dewey on Experience and Causation.Jason Jordan - 2013 - The Pluralist 8 (1):31-62.
    All knowledge 'begins with experience,' but it does not therefore 'arise' from experience.The classical American pragmatists are usually considered to be either empiricists or heirs to the empiricist tradition in philosophy. This is unsurprising given the nature of the pragmatist philosophical program as a late nineteenth-and early twentieth-century reaction against transcendental idealism. Pragmatists sought to ground their inquiry resolutely in experience sans speculative metaphysics. However, the pragmatists were also stridently opposed to certain doctrines and epistemological tendencies in British empiricism that (...)
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  • A Process Metaphysics and Lived Experience Analysis of Chicanxs, Spanglish, Mexicans and Mexicanidad.Kim Díaz - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (1):44-52.
    In the conclusion to “A World of Pure Experience”, William James writes, “experience grows by its edges.” I explore what this may mean vis-à-vis Chicanx culture and Spanglish to argue that Chicanxs are neither a bastardization of Anglo or Mexican people and culture, nor is Spanglish a bastardization of English or Español, and that in some ways Chicanxs feel their Mexicanidad more palpably than Mexicans who live in the interior of Mexico, where one’s Mexicanidad is not a predominant identifier. I (...)
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  • The indeterminacy of genes: The dilemma of difference in medicine and health care.Jamie P. Ross - 2017 - Social Theory and Health 1 (15):1-24.
    How can researchers use race, as they do now, to conduct health-care studies when its very definition is in question? The belief that race is a social construct without “biological authenticity” though widely shared across disciplines in social science is not subscribed to by traditional science. Yet with an interdisciplinary approach, the two horns of the social construct/genetics dilemma of race are not mutually exclusive. We can use traditional science to provide a rigorous framework and use a social-science approach so (...)
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  • (1 other version)Neutral Monism.Leopold Stubenberg & Donovan Wishon - 2023 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Solely Generic Phenomenology.Ned Block - 2015 - Open MIND 2015.
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  • Two Sides of the Same Coin? Neutral Monism as an Attempt to Reconcile Subjectivity and Objectivity in Personal Identity.Iva Apostolova & Nils-Frederic Wagner - 2020 - Metaphysica 21 (1):129-149.
    Standard views of personal identity over time often hover uneasily between the subjective, first-person dimension (e. g. psychological continuity), and the objective, third-person dimension (e. g. biological continuity) of a person’s life. Since both dimensions capture something integral to personal identity, we show that neither can successfully be discarded in favor of the other. The apparent need to reconcile subjectivity and objectivity, however, presents standard views with problems both in seeking an ontological footing of, as well as epistemic evidence for, (...)
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  • Pragmatism as Transcendental Philosophy, Part 1: Peirce in Light of James’s Radical Empiricism.Dan Arnold - 2021 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 42 (1):50-103.
    I’m grateful for the opportunity to give the 2019 AJTP Lecture and for the leeway since then allowed me in developing ideas first presented there; it is indulgent of this journal to publish the overlong result in two parts, of which this is the first.1 The philosophical tradition epitomized by William James and Charles S. Peirce figured importantly in my early philosophical formation, but I am not a scholar of their work; nevertheless, Mike Hogue—at the time the editor of AJTP (...)
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  • Pure experience revisited: A critical reassessment of Nishida Kitaro's radicalization of William James' empiricism.Richard Stone & Andrea Altobrando - 2023 - Philosophical Forum 54 (1-2):43-60.
    In this paper, we will revisit the relation between the respective conceptions of pure experience of Nishida Kitaro and William James. As various authors have previously shown, comparing Nishida and James can not only help us better understand both of their specific understandings of pure experience, and consequently its position within their respective enterprises, but also give a platform with which to see how these two authors could contribute to contemporary discussions on philosophical methodology. However, despite the long history of (...)
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  • A faith in science: Gardner Murphy and parapsychology.Rick Cypert & Marilyn S. Petro - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    Historians have noted that many 19th-century founders and members of psychic societies were clergy, or had fathers who were clergy, seeking evidence for the survivalist hypothesis. One such member, psychologist Gardner Murphy, was influenced in childhood both by the Episcopalian faith of his father and the Transcendentalism of his mother's hometown, Concord, Massachusetts. We propose that these religious and philosophical influences, as well as his childhood experiences informed his life's work. They also prompted Gardner Murphy to focus on the survivalist (...)
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  • Intentionality and Internal Models in artificial agents.Bruno Lara Guzman, Jorge Hermosillo Valadez & Karla Javiera Baeza Mariscal - 2016 - Pragmatics and Cognition 23 (2):209-237.
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  • Reply to commentary on “Transsubjectivity”.David Hitchcock - unknown
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  • The Interpretive Turn in Phenomenology: A Philosophical History.Gary Brent Madison - 2004 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 8 (2).
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  • Contemporary Issues Concerning the Scientific Study of Consciousness.Imants Baruss - 1992 - Anthropology of Consciousness 3 (3-4):28-35.
    Confusion concerning the scientific study of consciousness is metanalysed by considering definitions of consciousness and the diversity of beliefs about consciousness and reality particularly as they are affected by information from anomalous experiences. This archival and theoretical examination reveals that the purported subjective nature of consciousness continues to create problems for its scientific study resulting in diversity in the academic community concerning the nature of consciousness. After a brief discussion in the first section of the confusion found in the literature (...)
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  • Why James Can be an Existential Pluralist: A Response to Talisse and Aikin.J. Edward Hackett - 2017 - Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (4):506-527.
    In this paper, I would like to revisit the revisiting of Robert Talisse and Scott Aikin’s response to Joshua Anderson. My work here will not render judgment about how they respond to Anderson, but instead, my thinking is that the response to the restatement of their argument is the most current iteration of “Why Pragmatists Cannot Be Pluralists.” In this way, I am responding to their most updated version of their argument and the substantial issues raised in the original paper. (...)
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  • Ba: Introducing Processual Spatial Thinking into the Theory of the Firm and Management.Silja Graupe & Ikujiro Nonaka - 2010 - Philosophy of Management 9 (2):7-30.
    Over the last two decades, the Japanese notion of ba, introduced by Ikujiro Nonaka and his associates to the West, has come to play an important role in management theory. This notion, which has been roughly translated as ‘place’ or ‘topos,’ stresses the importance of processual spatial thinking for economics and management alike. As such, it echoes and amplifies recent voices in the business world, which argue that we must understand business strategy in terms of space, that is to say, (...)
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  • On Instruments and Aesthetics.Steven A. Miller - 2013 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 5 (2).
    Larry A. Hickman and Albert Borgmann have carried on a decades-long debate about the status and value of technological practices. Hickman’s work develops from the thought of John Dewey. A recent essay alleges that Hickman’s engagement with Borgmann has been superficial, particularly because full engagement would involve admitting that Dewey’s instrumentalist theory of inquiry and his aesthetics are at odds. This paper argues not only that Hickman has attended to the full scope of Borgmann’s thought but also that Dewey is (...)
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  • Recuperando la ingenuidad del hombre común. La influencia de John Dewey en la filosofía de Hilary Putnam.Gloria Luque Moya - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (183).
    Las Conferencias John Dewey marcan el cambio en el pensamiento de Putnam hacia un nuevo realismo naturalista que trataba de ofrecer un camino medio al debate entre realistas y antirrealistas. Este giro vendrá fuertemente influenciado por la corriente pragmatista y, en particular, por los filósofos William James y John Dewey. Estas páginas buscan rastrear las ideas deweyanas que Putnam recoge, enfatizando esa recuperación de la filosofía como disciplina que atienda a los problemas del hombre común.
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  • Symbiotic Architecture.Luciana Parisi - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (2-3):346-374.
    This article tackles an old, classical problem, which is acquiring a new epochal relevance with the techno-aesthetic processing of form and substance, expression and content. The field of digital architecture is embarked in the ancient controversy between the line and the curve, binary communication and fuzzy logic. Since the 1990s, the speculative qualities of digital architecture have exposed spatial design to the qualities of growing or breeding, rather than planning. However, such qualities still deploy the tension between discrete spaces and (...)
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  • Inside the Concept: Rethinking Dōgen's Language.Rein Raud - 2011 - Asian Philosophy 21 (2):123-137.
    One of the most characteristic features of the philosophy of Dōgen is his idiosyncratic use of language, in particular, the replacement of expected semantic connections between two adjacent Chinese characters with improbable, but grammatically possible ones, from which new philosophical concepts are then derived. The article places this writing technique in the context of the linguistic changes that were taking place both in China and Japan at the time of Dōgen's writing as well as the general attitude of Chan/zen thinkers (...)
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  • Courant de conscience et philosophie de la culture.Tullio Viola - 2022 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147 (4):509-524.
    Dans le cadre général de la réception des Principles of Psychology dans les pays germanophones, on examine l’influence de cet ouvrage sur la philosophie de la culture d’Ernst Cassirer. Le concept de flux de conscience a notamment aidé Cassirer à résoudre ce que l’on peut appeler le problème de l’articulation : comment décrire la transition entre le flux continu de sensations et la création de formes culturelles capables de durer dans le temps? Pour répondre à cette question il faut faire (...)
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  • Old wine in new bottles: Exploring pragmatism as a philosophical framework for the discipline of coaching.Tatiana Bachkirova & Simon Borrington - forthcoming - Academy of Management Learning and Education.
    The practice and industry of organizational coaching are now well established, but how it is understood theoretically continues to lag behind. In this paper we analyze possible reasons for this state of affairs and argue that the development of coaching as an academic discipline will benefit from adopting philosophical pragmatism as an overarching theoretical framework. This move will enable coaching academics to utilize the contributions to knowledge that different paradigms generate. Positioning pragmatism as a theory of action we argue that (...)
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  • Embodied Pheno-Pragma-Practice - Phenomenological and Pragmatic Perspectives on Creative "Inter-practice" in Organisations between Habits and Improvisation.Wendelin M. Kupers - 2011 - Phenomenology and Practice 5 (1):100-139.
    The purpose of this article is to develop a critical and extended understanding of creative practices in organisation from a phenomenological point of view. To develop such an understanding of practice, this paper will first outline a phenomenological understanding of creative practice, understood particularly with Merleau-Ponty as an embodied and situated nexus of action. Subsequently, the paper will show the contribution of pragmatism to an interpretation of practice as an experience-based reality and will describe the significance of habits. After briefly (...)
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  • Rocky Horror Sublimation: Identity as a Contingency of Experience.Josh Harper - unknown
    Queer theory, as a subfield of feminist theories concerned with revealing epistemic, political, and humanitarian problems of a male-dominated society, has been heavily influenced by its founding thinkers, including Judith Butler, the theorist focused on herein. In critiquing various problems of our western society, Butler preserves the structure underlying such problems: through her approach of a gay/straight framework critiquing a male domination of female, the binary is preserved. This is problematic for many reasons, including its exclusion of perspectives that do (...)
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  • Experiencia, Autoconciencia y Voluntad. La conceptualización de la subjetividad en el primer periodo (1911-1923) de la filosofía de Nishida Kitarô.Montserrat Crespin Perales - 2013 - Dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona
    Resumen: La investigación se ciñe en el análisis del primer periodo de producción filosófica del filósofo japonés NISHIDA Kitarô (1870-1945) y, con tal motivo, se ciñe al estudio de tres de sus obras: Estudio sobre el Bien (1911), Intuición y Reflexión en la Autoconciencia (1917) y Arte y Moral (1923). Con ello, se trata de responder a la necesidad de presentar una aproximación factible y plausible cuyo objetivo es arrojar luz sobre las consecuencias que resultan del enfoque psicologista y voluntarista (...)
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  • Thoughts, things, and theories.Mr Blake Winter - 2009
    We to critique the following question: can we have reasonable certainty that the terms in speculative or empirical theories correspond meaningfully to things in the ontological structure of the world, or are they only convenient fictions useful for predicting phenomena? We first justify this question as meaningful, and capable of admitting a meaningful answer. We then analyze question itself with examples from physics and biology. We conclude that we can be reasonably certain that the terms in an empirical theory have (...)
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