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  1. The role of solidarity in social responsibility for health.Massimo Reichlin - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (4):365-370.
    The Article focuses on the concept of social solidarity, as it is used in the Report of the International Bioethics Committee On Social Responsibility and Health. It is argued that solidarity plays a major role in supporting the whole framework of social responsibility, as presented by the IBC. Moreover, solidarity is not limited to members of particular groups, but potentially extended to all human beings on the basis of their inherent dignity; this sense of human solidarity is a necessary presupposition (...)
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  • Four questions on curriculum development in contemporary South Africa.Ernst Wolff - 2016 - South African Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):444-459.
    © 2016 South African Journal of Philosophy. This article explores current issues in South African philosophy curriculum design. Four questions are considered, each followed by a supplementary note. Firstly, the place of philosophy from other traditions, particularly Western philosophies, in South African curricula is considered. The related note reflects on whether different philosophical traditions in curricula should be treated separately or integrated. Secondly, ambiguity in some important authors reception of plural traditions is identified and investigated to see what we can (...)
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  • On the Origins of Constitutional Patriotism.Jan-Werner Müller - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (3):278-296.
    Political theorists tend to dismiss the concept of constitutional patriotism for two main reasons. On the one hand, constitutional patriotism — understood as a post-national, universalist form of democratic political allegiance — is rejected on account of its abstract quality. On the otherhand, it is argued that constitutional patriotism, while apprearing universalist, is in fact particular through and through. According to this genealogical critique, it is held that constitutional patriotism might have been appropriate in the context when it originated — (...)
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  • Transcendental guilt: On an emotional condition of moral experience.Sami Pihlström - 2007 - Journal of Religious Ethics 35 (1):87-111.
    This article considers a central ethically relevant interpersonal emotion, guilt. It is argued that guilt, as an irreducible moral category, has a constitutive role to play in our ways of conceptualizing our relations to other people. Without experiencing guilt, or being able to do so, we would not be capable of employing the moral concepts and judgments we do employ. Elaborating on this argument, the paper deals with what may be described as the "metaphysics of guilt." More generally, it is (...)
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  • Філософія свободи Томаса Гоббса: засадничі складові та новітні контексти.Dmytro Usov - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (1):81-95.
    Автор статті виходить з того, що філософія Томаса Гоббса не втрачає своєї актуальності. Саме життя за доби «вірусократії», боротьби як за безпеку, так і за свободу, потребує відповідей на питання про співвідношення прав, свободи, страху, безпеки, тобто тих проблем, до яких постійно звертався Томас Гоббс. Означені аспекти філософської спадщини Гоббса стануть предметом даної статі та поглиблять роздуми вітчизняних дослідників про сенс ідеї суспільного угоди Гоббса та закладених в ній ще малодосліджених алгоритмів формування справедливої правової держави. Адже саме з політичної філософії (...)
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  • Mémoire et histoire. Aspects théoriques et méthodologiques de l’approche historienne. Le débat des années 60.Jochen Hoock - 2021 - Revue de Synthèse 142 (1-2):199-212.
    Résumé Après la fin de la Seconde guerre mondiale, un débat s’est instauré autour de la question du temps mémoriel qui lie passé et présent. Avec le statut historique acquis par la mémoire collective, une contradiction apparaît alors entre une mémoire multiple et une histoire univoque qui a suscité la défiance d’historiens. Ils optent pour « une histoire critique de la mémoire » et scrutent les « filtres des expériences vécues ». Après une décennie de refoulement du passé, une rupture (...)
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  • How to Think About the War in Ukraine?Oleksandr Kulyk - 2022 - Granì 25 (6):112-121.
    The relevance of this research has been caused by the return of “war” as a central subject of thought to the attention of European thinkers. The complexity of this subject requires special attention to the methodological aspects of its cognition. The purpose of our research is to find effective epistemological means for transferring the immediate experience of war into the sphere of rational thinking and knowledge because this article focuses on the analysis of the specifics of thinking about war in (...)
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  • La Rivoluzione bolscevica e la dialettica dei totalitarismi: potenzialità e limiti della «storiografia transpolitica» di Ernst Nolte, in Marco Stefano Birtolo (a cura di), Rivoluzioni, Quaderno monografico della rivista on line e cartacea «Politica.eu», 2019, pp. 92-132. La rivista è promossa dal Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, Sociali e della Formazione - Università degli Studi del Molise. [ISBN 9788896394298; ISSN 2421-4302].Tommaso Valentini - 2019 - Politica.Eu» 1 (Monographic Issue 2019):92-132.
    This paper analyses Ernst Nolte’s interpretation of Bolshevik revolution, and underlines the characteristics of his methodological approach to historical research. According to the German historian, the Russian revolution (1917) determined an ideological dialectics that characterized the first half of the 20th century: following the mechanism of “challenge and response” Nolte has interpreted the birth and the developments of Nazism as a response to Bolshevism, a violent and excessive response (Schreckbild). Thus, Nolte explains the historical development of the Nazi totalitarianism in (...)
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  • Pokario atminties pasakojimai: laisvės kovų dalyvių atsiminimai.Rita Tūtlytė - 2018 - Žmogus ir Žodis 20 (2).
    Straipsnio objektas – Romo Kauniečio per keturis dešimtmečius surinkti pokario laisvės kovotojų, ryšininkų ar kitaip kovose dalyvavusių atsiminimai, sudėti į dešimties tomų seriją skirtingais pavadinimais: Aukštaitijos partizanų prisiminimai, Aukštaitijos ir Žemaitijos partizanų prisiminimai, Laisvės kovotojų prisiminimai, Laisvės kovų ir netekčių metai. Straipsnyje susitelkiama į žanro apibrėžtis, apžvelgiamas trauminių patirčių turinys, galįs pasitarnauti mentaliteto ir tapatybės tyrimams. Dėmesys skiriamas atsiminimų pasakojimų strategijoms bei daugiasluoksnei knygų sandarai, formuojančiai keliakryptę žiūros perspektyvą ir savitai epopėjinį rinkinių pavidalą. Tyrimu keliami klausimai, kokiu būdu tokio pobūdžio (...)
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