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  1. Chaos in Heinrich Rickert’s Philosophy.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2019 - Granì 22 (8):37–46.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze what neo-Kantian Heinrich Rickert designates by the term ‘chaos’. I argue that using this term Rickert means infinite manifolds of human life experiences, that philosophers have to convert into ‘cosmos’ of theories by using concept formation. Rickert thinks that cognition orders chaos. I show that Rickert’s version of ‘chaos’ is different from the ones that were expressed by I. Kant, J. G. Herder, F. W. von Schelling, F. von Schlegel, and F. Nietzsche. (...)
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  2. What is Ukrainian Philosophy?Oleksandr Kulyk - 2022 - Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philos.-Political Studies 44:71-76.
    This article adds to the existing descriptive and generalizing studies of the specifics of Ukrainian philosophy an attempt to analyse it. This study examines in which aspects philosophy can be carried out as a national tradition of philosophizing. It is argued that the national peculiarities of philosophy can manifest themselves in the choice of (1) the topic of philosophizing, (2) the standards of logical rigor of philosophical thinking, and (3) certain philosophical methods and forms of thought development. Linguistic and geographical (...)
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  3. How to Think About the War in Ukraine?Oleksandr Kulyk - 2022 - Granì 25 (6):112-121.
    The relevance of this research has been caused by the return of “war” as a central subject of thought to the attention of European thinkers. The complexity of this subject requires special attention to the methodological aspects of its cognition. The purpose of our research is to find effective epistemological means for transferring the immediate experience of war into the sphere of rational thinking and knowledge because this article focuses on the analysis of the specifics of thinking about war in (...)
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  4. The Issue of Evil in the Context of Russia’s War against Ukraine.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2023 - Kοινὴ. The Almanac of Philosophical Essays 1.
    This research is an attempt to address the issue of evil in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine in an analytical way, trying to specify what evil is and check whether this or that feature of evil is applicable to the reality of the war. It is argued that there are the following three conditions that are separately necessary and jointly sufficient for the characterization of something or somebody as evil: the phenomenon needs to be the result or the (...)
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  5. Методологія захищених в США дисертацій з філософії.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2022 - Вісник Львівського Університету. Серія Філос.-Політолог. Студії 40:73–83.
    У статті докладно проаналізована методологія трьох захищених в університетах США дисертацій PhD з філософії. Зокрема, було розглянуто особливості застосування в даних дисертаціях дескриптивного методу, регресивного аналізу, декомпозиційного аналізу, трансформаційного аналізу, методу кейсів, мисленнєвого експерименту, герменевтичного методу, компаративного методу та історичного методу. Використання цих методів було проаналізовано у контексті наявних напрацювань методологів щодо засобів забезпечення плідності застосування даних методів. Зокрема, були розглянуті питання особливостей використання дескриптивного методу у філософських дослідженнях, було прослідковано застосування п’яти модусів герменевтичного методу, показані відмінності між широким та (...)
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  6. (1 other version)On the Possibility to Teach Doing Philosophy.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2017 - Scientific and Theoretical Almanac Grani 12:24-29.
    The purpose of this paper is to clarify and evaluate the possibility of teaching doing philosophy. Using analysis as a main method, I argue that philosophizing, as an activity, has different levels, some of which are connected with specifically philosophical abilities. By analyzing John Rudisill’s minimal conception of “doing philosophy,” I demonstrate that many philosophical practices, such as the interpretation, analysis, and critical assessment of arguments and presuppositions, as well as the application of simple philosophical concepts, do not need a (...)
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  7. Цілі навчання філософії в США та Україні.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2017 - Гілея: Науковий Вісник 1 (126):341-346.
    Мета дослідження полягає в отриманні порівняльних даних щодо цілей навчання філософії в Україні та США за допомогою методу компаративного аналізу. Було встановлено, що розуміння цілей навчання філософії в Україні та США суттєво відрізняється в чотирьох пунктах. По-перше, серед даних цілей в Україні домінує здобуття знань, а в США – вмінь. По-друге, в Україні у таких курсах, як «Філософія», «Вступ до філософії» надають перевагу історико-філософському матеріалу, а в США – матеріалу епістемології, логіки, метафізики, етики. По-третє, в Україні під час викладання філософії (...)
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  8. Students' Opinions on Philosophy Courses.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2020 - Granì 23 (6-7):111-118.
    Universities seeking to provide modern education face a constant need to update their courses. This study was conducted to collect and analyze empirical data to help philosophy course designers consider the views of Ukrainian students about effective ways to learn this subject. A survey was conducted among 40 humanities students and 34 social science students to determine participants’ views on a number of key issues related to the organization of the learning process in the Philosophy course. Most of the students (...)
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  9. The Impact of Heinrich Rickert's Ideas about Chaos on Rudolf Carnap.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2019 - Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe 12 (8):43-45.
    This research aims to address the hypothesis of the possible influence of Rickert’s ideas about chaos on the philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. This paper considers arguments in favor of the hypothesis and those against it. I show that pieces of evidence exist, proving that Rickert’s interpretation of chaos influenced Rudolf Carnap when he was working on Der logische Aufbau der Welt. I argue that Carnap’s pre-Aufbau unpublished manuscript Vom Chaos zur Wirklichkeit demonstrates this influence. This study opens new vistas in (...)
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  10. Applying CLIL Techniques to Teach Analytic Philosophy in English.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2017 - In Kulyk Oleksandr (ed.), Education and Science in the Context of Global Transformations. Ohotnik. pp. 182-183.
    I have been lecturing Analytic Philosophy course in English at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine, for three years. Teaching using CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) techniques enables me to do it effectively. All three groups of my master’s-degree students who had learned analytic philosophy by CLIL techniques demonstrated good results of their learning. They not only achieved strong knowledge of analytic philosophy but also sufficiently improved their skills in English writing, speaking, reading, and listening.
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  11. Evolution of Philosophical Strategies for Interacting with Chaos.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2015 - Dissertation, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
    After the discoveries of such scholars as J. H. Poincaré, E. N. Lorenz, I. Prigogine, etc. the term ‘chaos’ is used actively by representatives of various scientific fields; however, one important aspect remains uninvestigated: which attitude one should have toward chaotic phenomena. This is a philosophical question and my dissertation aims to find the answer in the history of philosophy, where chaos theme has had its investigators from ancient philosophy to the philosophical theories of the 21st century. My dissertation is (...)
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  12. The 'Society of Spectacle' Concept and its Conceptual Correlates.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2005 - Dissertation, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
    This dissertation aims to show the philosophical content of the ‘society of spectacle’ concept, which was elaborated by a French thinker from the second part of the 20th century, Guy Debord. The study achieves this aim by means of the history of philosophy, analyzing this concept in the context of previous and contemporary philosophical ideas. Analysis, the structural method, the hermeneutic method of interpretation, and the comparative method are prime research methods. The philosophical part of Guy Debord’s legacy is underexplored, (...)
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  13. A Brief Introduction to Analytic Philosophy.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2019 - Dnipro: LIRA.
    This brief introduction is for people who want to know the leading approaches to philosophy in the twentieth century in English-speaking countries but do not have much time to study them. The book contains texts of lectures and quizzes with explained answers. By the end of this book, you will understand what analysis is and how to practice it in a philosophical way. Moreover, you will be able to talk confidently about some of the great ideas of such philosophers as (...)
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  14. Analytic Philosophy and Philosophy of Language.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2018 - Днипро, Днепропетровская область, Украина, 49000: LIRA.
    This is an instructor’s manual with student exercises for the Analytic Philosophy and Philosophy of Language course. It is intended to assist the instructor in teaching the subject to students for whom English is a second language. -/- This manual begins with a chapter that describes the types of learning activities during this course. Next are topic chapters, each of which has four sections: a synopsis of the lecture on the topic; a lecture lesson worksheet with tasks; a seminar lesson (...)
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