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Kritik der Urteilskraft

BoD – Books on Demand (1797)

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  1. Leibniz on Innate Ideas and Kant on the Origin of the Categories.Alberto Vanzo - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (1):19-45.
    In his essay against Eberhard, Kant denies that there are innate concepts. Several scholars take Kant’s statement at face value. They claim that Kant did not endorse concept innatism, that the categories are not innate concepts, and that Kant’s views on innateness are significantly different from Leibniz’s. This paper takes issue with those claims. It argues that Kant’s views on the origin of the intellectual concepts are remarkably similar to Leibniz’s. Given two widespread notions of innateness, the dispositional notion and (...)
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  • Kant on the history of nature: The ambiguous heritage of the critical philosophy for natural history.Phillip R. Sloan - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (4):627-648.
    This paper seeks to show Kant’s importance for the formal distinction between descriptive natural history and a developmental history of nature that entered natural history discussions in the late eighteenth century. It is argued that he developed this distinction initially upon Buffon’s distinctions of ‘abstract’ and ‘physical’ truths, and applied these initially in his distinction of ‘varieties’ from ‘races’ in anthropology. In the 1770s, Kant appears to have given theoretical preference to the ‘history’ of nature [Naturgeschichte] over ‘description’ of nature (...)
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  • Die kulturelle Logik der Objekte: Zur technikphilosophischen Aktualität von Georg Simmel und Ernst Cassirer.Oliver Honer - 2024 - transcript Verlag.
    Die Simmel-Cassirer-Kontroverse behandelt den grundlegenden technikphilosophischen Gegensatz zwischen Kulturpessimismus und Kulturoptimismus. Diesen virtuellen Dialog beider Denker arbeitet Oliver Honer neu auf und entwickelt in einem aufsteigenden Reflexionsgang die Simmel'sche Rede von der »kulturellen Logik der Objekte« zum Begriff. Damit modelliert er das Verhältnis agierender Individuen zu ihren jeweiligen Möglichkeitsräumen und zeigt deren prekären Subjektstatus in diesen Räumen auf. Die dabei freigelegten Verhältnisse eröffnen angesichts technisch induzierter Eigenlogiken neue Wege einer dialektischen Kulturkritik.
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  • Adorno: The Recovery of Experience.Roger Foster - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    Examines the role of experience within Adorno’s philosophy of language and epistemology.
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  • Inferentialism and the Normativity of Meaning.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (1):75-97.
    There may be various reasons for claiming that meaning is normative, and additionally, very different senses attached to the claim. However, all such claims have faced fierce resistance from those philosophers who insist that meaning is not normative in any nontrivial sense of the word. In this paper I sketch one particular approach to meaning claiming its normativity and defend it against the anti-normativist critique: namely the approach of Brandomian inferentialism. However, my defense is not restricted to inferentialism in any (...)
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  • Aesthetic Reason and Imaginative Freedom: Friedrich Schiller and Philosophy.María del Rosario Acosta López & Jeffrey L. Powell (eds.) - 2018 - SUNY Press.
    Shows the relevance of Schiller’s thought for contemporary philosophy, particularly aesthetics, ethics, and politics. This book seeks to draw attention to Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805) as a philosophical thinker in his own right. For too long, his philosophical contribution has been neglected in favor of his much-deserved reputation as a political playwright. The essays in this collection make two arguments. First, Schiller presents a robust philosophical program that can be favorably compared to those of his age, including Rousseau, Kant, Schelling, and (...)
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  • Exploring aesthetics in design : implications for human–computer interaction.Mads Nygaard Folkmann - 2018 - Human Technology 14 (1):6-26.
    In this article, I enter into a discussion of how aesthetics can be conceptualized in the context of design and related to the field of human–computer interaction (HCI). I contest the current trend in design aesthetics that primarily focuses on beauty, pleasure, and the creation of emotional appeal by means of the sensual and visual elements of the design. Conversely, I advocate for a series of concepts related to aesthetics, such as reflectivity, representation, and epistemology, as these point aesthetics beyond (...)
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  • Hans Jonas' philsophische Biologie und Friedrich W. J. Schellings Naturphilosophie. Einleitende Bemerkungen zu einer Affinität. [REVIEW]Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen - 2016 - Res Cogitans 11 (1).
    Was ich mit dieser Artikel hier zu zeigen versuchen werde, ist eine gewisse Affinität zwischen Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schellings Konzeptionen und Auffassungen einer Naturphilosophie in den Jahren 1797-1801 und Hans Jonas‘ ontologisch-philosophische Biologie 1, die er in Organismus und Freiheit – Ansätze zu einer philosophischen Biologie entwickelte. Die hier zu erwähnende Schellingsche Naturphilosophie ist die in der Zeit zwischen Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur vom Jahr 1797 und Ueber den wahren Begriff der Naturphilosophie und die richtige Art ihre Probleme (...)
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  • Ästhetische Grundbegriffe: Studien zu einem historischen Wörterbuch.Karlheinz Barck, Martin Fontius & Wolfgang Thierse (eds.) - 1990 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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