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Stakeholder Dialogue as Agonistic Deliberation: Exploring the Role of Conflict and Self-Interest in Business-NGO Interaction.Teunis Brand, Vincent Blok & Marcel Verweij - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (1):3-30.details
Look who’s talking: Responsible Innovation, the paradox of dialogue and the voice of the other in communication and negotiation processes.Vincent Blok - 2014 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 1 (2):171-190.details
Public Policies on Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Governments in Europe.Laura Albareda, Josep M. Lozano & Tamyko Ysa - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (4):391-407.details
Opportunities and Problems of Standardized Ethics Initiatives – a Stakeholder Theory Perspective.Dirk Ulrich Gilbert & Andreas Rasche - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):755-773.details
Stakeholder Engagement for Responsible Innovation in the Private Sector: Critical Issues and Management Practices.Vincent Blok, L. Hoffmans & E. Wubben - 2015 - Journal of Chain and Network Science 2 (15):147-164.details
Reciprocity in Firm–Stakeholder Dialog: Timeliness, Valence, Richness, and Topicality.Lite J. Nartey, Witold J. Henisz & Sinziana Dorobantu - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (2):429-451.details
The Role of NGOs in CSR: Mutual Perceptions Among Stakeholders.Daniel Arenas, Josep M. Lozano & Laura Albareda - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (1):175-197.details
Kant on Virtue.Claus Dierksmeier - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (4):597-609.details
Effect of Stakeholders’ Pressure on Transparency of Sustainability Reports within the GRI Framework.Belen Fernandez-Feijoo, Silvia Romero & Silvia Ruiz - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (1):53-63.details
Sleeping with the Enemy? Strategic Transformations in Business–NGO Relationships Through Stakeholder Dialogue.Jon Burchell & Joanne Cook - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (3):505-518.details
Discursive Tensions in CSR Multi-stakeholder Dialogue: A Foucauldian Perspective.Christiane Marie Høvring, Sophie Esmann Andersen & Anne Ellerup Nielsen - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3):627-645.details
Who and What Really Matters to the Firm: Moving Stakeholder Salience beyond Managerial Perceptions.Pete Tashman & Jonathan Raelin - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (4):591-616.details
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Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues between Shareholder Activists and Corporations.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Harry J. Van Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):353 - 365.details
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Deconstructing the Relationship Between Corporate Social and Financial Performance.Francesco Perrini, Angeloantonio Russo, Antonio Tencati & Clodia Vurro - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (S1):59-76.details
Exploring Research Potentials and Applications for Multi-stakeholder Learning Dialogues.Stephen L. Payne & Jerry M. Calton - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (1):71-78.details
Inconsistencies in Activists’ Behaviours and the Ethics of NGOs.Yves Fassin - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (4):503-521.details
Speaking Truth to Power: Religious Institutions as Both Dissident Organizational Stakeholders and Organizational Partners.Harry J. van Buren - 2007 - Business and Society Review 112 (1):55-72.details
Framing Dynamically Changing Firm–Stakeholder Relationships in an International Dispute Over a Foreign Investment: A Discursive Analysis Approach.Johanna Kujala & Hanna Lehtimaki - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (3):487-523.details
How Corporate Reputation Disclosures Affect Stakeholders’ Behavioral Intentions: Mediating Mechanisms of Perceived Organizational Performance and Corporate Reputation.Kim T. Baumgartner, Carolin A. Ernst & Thomas M. Fischer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (2):361-389.details
Corporations as political actors – a report on the first swiss master class in corporate social responsibility.Andreas Rasche, Dorothea Baur, Mariëtte van Huijstee, Stephen Ladek, Jayanthi Naidu, Cecilia Perla, Esther Schouten, Michael Valente & Mingrui Zhang - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):151 - 173.details
(1 other version)Stakeholder social capital: a new approach to stakeholder theory.Elisabet Garriga Cots - 2011 - Business Ethics: A European Review 20 (4):328-341.details
Measuring Stakeholder Integration: Knowledge, Interaction and Adaptational Behavior Dimensions.José A. Plaza-Úbeda, Jerónimo de Burgos-Jiménez & Eva Carmona-Moreno - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (3):419 - 442.details
Corporations as Political Actors – A Report on the First Swiss Master Class in Corporate Social Responsibility.Andreas Rasche, Dorothea Baur, Mariëtte Huijstee, Stephen Ladek, Jayanthi Naidu & Cecilia Perla - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):151-173.details
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Consumers as stakeholders: prospects for democracy in marketing theory.James A. Fitchett - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (1):14-27.details
Corporate Social Responsibility: Linking Bottom of the Pyramid to Market Development?Ramendra Singh, Madhupa Bakshi & Prashant Mishra - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (2):361-373.details
Responsible Innovation in the Private Sector.Vincent Blok - 2015 - Journal of Chain and Network Science 2 (15):101-105.details
Cognitive Processes in the CSR Decision-Making Process: A Sensemaking Perspective.Ulf H. Richter & Felix F. Arndt - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):587-602.details
Corporate social responsibility for nanotechnology oversight.Jennifer Kuzma & Aliya Kuzhabekova - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (4):407-419.details
Loan Guarantees, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Audit Fees: Evidence from China.Fangjun Wang, Luying Xu, Fei Guo & Junrui Zhang - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):293-309.details
Beyond the Proxy Vote: Dialogues Between Shareholder Activists and Corporations. [REVIEW]Jeanne M. Logsdon & I. I. I. Buren - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):353-365.details
Corporate dynamic transparency: The new ict-driven ethics? [REVIEW]Antonino Vaccaro & Peter Madsen - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (2):113-122.details
Food for deliberation : philosophical reflections on responsible innovation in the business context.Teunis Brand - 2020 - Dissertation, Wageningen University and Researchdetails
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