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  1. Is There an Indian Intellectual History? Introduction to “Theory and Method in Indian Intellectual History”.Sheldon Pollock - 2008 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 36 (5-6):533-542.
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  • Works on Giambattista Vico in English from 1710 to 2024.Dustin Peone - 2024 - Philosophy Documentation Center [for New Vico Studies].
    This is a comprehensive bibliography of all works on Giambattista Vico available in English. It includes not only monographs and articles, but also a substantial list of scholarly works that mention Vico, as well as a section of literary works mentioning Vico. It has been made available gratis by New Vico Studies and Philosophy Documentation Center.
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  • Methoden der Politischen Theorie: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung.Moritz Schulz, Benjamin Hofmann, Johannes Marx & Daniel Mayerhoffer - 2024 - Paderborn: Brill | Fink.
    Wer Politikwissenschaft studiert, lernt, was gute empirische Arbeiten ausmacht. Wie sieht es aber in der Politischen Theorie aus? Wie kann man systematisch ergründen, was gerecht ist oder welche Entscheidungen Politiker:innen treffen sollten? Wie erweitert die Positive Politische Theorie den Horizont empirischer Erklärungen? Was macht eine überzeugende Interpretation historischer Texte aus – und was können Studierende in einer Hausarbeit zu den großen Klassikern noch sagen? Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt das Handwerkszeug, um Probleme in der Positiven wie Normativen Politischen Theorie und Ideengeschichte eigenständig (...)
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  • Writing the nation and reframing early modern intellectual history in Hungary.Balázs Trencsényi - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (2):135-154.
    The article traces the development of Hungarian intellectual history of the early modern period from the emergence of the national romantic constructions of literary history to the recent turn towards contextualist and conceptual history. One of its main findings is the ideological importance of this period for the formation of the national canon, as it became a central point of reference for the emerging local methodological tradition of intellectual history, even if it was often compartamentalized under other categories. From this (...)
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  • History of Ideas and Its Surroundings.Arthur Alfaix Assis - 2021 - Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method.
    Ideas will always resist single-statement definitions, but in a rough attempt at generalization one can say that they either play or are attributed a very special role in thinking and expressive processes, in perhaps all domains of human culture. People who specialize in creating, receiving, transforming, and disseminating them are usually called “intellectuals”—even if they do not monopolize those social practices. The constitution and circulation of ideas as structures of thinking and expression, the settings in which they originate and to (...)
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  • Books Received. [REVIEW][author unknown] - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (4):543-545.
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