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Das „Problem“ der Habituskonstitution und die Spätlehre des Ich in der genetischen Phänomenologie E. Husserls.Marco Cavallaro - 2016 - Husserl Studies 32 (3):237-261.details
Ego-Splitting and the Transcendental Subject. Kant’s Original Insight and Husserl’s Reappraisal.Marco Cavallaro - 2019 - In Iulian Apostolescu (ed.), The Subject(s) of Phenomenology. Rereading Husserl. Springer. pp. 107-133.details
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The Relevance of Explanatory First-Person Approaches (EFPA) for Understanding Psychopathological Phenomena. The Role of Phenomenology.Philipp Schmidt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.details
From being to givenness and back: Some remarks on the meaning of transcendental idealism in Kant and Husserl.Sebastian Luft - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (3):367-394.details
La fenomenología como teoría del conocimiento: Husserl sobre la epojé y la modificación de neutralidad.Ricardo Mendoza-Canales - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía 43 (1):121-138.details
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Die Welt und die Evidenz. Zu Husserls Erledigung des Cartesianismus.Vittorio De Palma - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (3):201-224.details
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The Question of Violence Between the Transcendental and the Empirical Field: The Case of Husserl’s Philosophy.Remus Breazu - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (2):159-170.details
Deskription oder Konstruktion? Husserl und die Grenzen der Phänomenologie.Vittorio De Palma - 2019 - Husserl Studies 35 (3):185-202.details
Husserl’s covert critique of Kant in the sixth book of Logical Investigations.Corijn van Mazijk - 2019 - Continental Philosophy Review 52 (1):15-33.details
Richard Tieszen. After Gödel. Platonism and Rationalism in Mathematics and Logic.Dagfinn Føllesdal - 2016 - Philosophia Mathematica 24 (3):405-421.details
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On the Border of Self-Appearance. Self-Affection and Reflection in the Remembering in Kant and Husserl.Guillermo Ferrer - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):87-98.details
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(1 other version)Phenomenological problem and Husserlian construction of adversaries in "philosophy as rigorous science".Hernán Inverso - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (171):251-277.details
Anschauliche Ausweisung als die phänomenologische Form epistemischer Rechtfertigung.Sophie Loidolt - 2013 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 16 (1):142-173.details
Kant and Husserl on bringing perception to judgment.Corijn Van Mazijk - 2016 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 8 (2):419-441.details
Subjectivity as the Foundation for Objectivity in Kant and Husserl: On Two Types of Transcendental Idealism.Christian Krijnen - 2016 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 8 (2):280-303.details
Einblutungen des Faktischen. Eine Untersuchung über das Zurückwirken des Konstituierten auf das Konstituierende in der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls.Arne Walczok - 2023 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.details
Dominique Pradelle: Par-delà la révolution copernicienne. Sujet transcendantal et facultés chez Kant et Husserl: Paris: PUF, 2012, 407 Seiten. ISBN 978-2-13-059056-9, € 32. [REVIEW]Michela Summa - 2014 - Husserl Studies 30 (1):89-99.details