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  1. Información vs. Sentido. Análisis y discusión filosófica de la propuesta de Friedrich Kittler para la renovación de las ciencias sociales y humanas.Roberto Rubio - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (178):117-136.
    El presente trabajo analiza críticamente la propuesta de Kittler de renovar las ciencias sociales y humanas mediante una reflexión orientada hacia los medios de comunicación. Para ello, se sitúa tal propuesta en el debate, impulsado por el giro medial en Filosofía de los Medios, acerca de la pertinencia (o no) del enfoque trascendentalista sobre los medios. En un primer momento, se presenta en términos generales el planteo kittleriano en cuanto enfoque trascendentalista. En un segundo momento, se reconstruye y analiza la (...)
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  • Digital/commercial (in)visibility: The politics of DAESH recruitment videos.Anna Leander - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (3):348-372.
    This article explores one aspect of digital politics, the politics of videos and more specifically of DAESH recruitment videos. It proposes a practice theoretical approach to the politics of DAESH recruitment videos focused on the re-production of regimes of (in)visibility. The article develops an argument demonstrating specifically how digital and commercial logics characterize the aesthetic, circulatory, and infrastructuring practices re-producing the regime of (in)visibility. It shows that digital/commercial logics are at the heart of the combinatorial marketing of multiple, contradictory images (...)
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  • Towards an Ontology of Media.Friedrich Kittler - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (2-3):23-31.
    This paper addresses the exclusion of physical and technical media from questions of ontology. It is argued, first, that from Aristotle onwards ontology has dealt with the matter and form of things rather than the relations between things in time and space. Second, it is argued that because the Greeks did not distinguish between speech elements and alphabetic letters there has been a tendency for philosophy to neglect writing as its own technical medium. This paper traces these tendencies through a (...)
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  • On the Digital Ocean.Sarah Pourciau - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (2):233-261.
    The article investigates the mathematical and philosophical backdrop of the digital ocean as contemporary model, moving from the digitalized ocean of Georg Cantor’s set theory to that of Alan Turing’s computation theory. It examines in Cantor what is arguably the most rigorous historical attempt to think the structural essence of the continuum, in order to clarify what disappears from the computational paradigm once Turing begins to advocate for the structural irrelevance of this ancient ground.
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  • The ‘Social Life of Methods’: A Critical Introduction.Mike Savage - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (4):3-21.
    This paper explores the distinctive features of the critical agenda associated with the ‘Social Life of Methods’. I argue that although this perspective can be associated with the increasing interest, often associated with scholars in Science and Technology Studies, to reflect on how methods can become objects of inquiry, it also needs to be rooted in the current crisis of positivist methods. I identify the challenge for positivism in terms of the decreasing ability of its procedures to effectively organize increasingly (...)
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  • Reassembling Social Science Methods: The Challenge of Digital Devices.Evelyn Ruppert, John Law & Mike Savage - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (4):22-46.
    The aim of the article is to intervene in debates about the digital and, in particular, framings that imagine the digital in terms of epochal shifts or as redefining life. Instead, drawing on recent developments in digital methods, we explore the lively, productive and performative qualities of the digital by attending to the specificities of digital devices and how they interact, and sometimes compete, with older devices and their capacity to mobilize and materialize social and other relations. In doing so, (...)
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  • Gods, German Scholars, and the Gift of Greece.Claudia Breger - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (7-8):111-134.
    This article argues that the abundance of Greek figures and scenarios in Kittler’s recent work points to a shift in his oeuvre, which, however, does not represent a radical break with his ‘hardware studies’. At the turn of the 21st century, Kittler champions an emphatic notion of culture as a necessary supplement to science and technology. This conceptual marriage mediates grand historical narratives of cultural identity. Specifically, Kittler’s texts provide us with narratives of Greek origin which serve to re-capture collective (...)
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