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Triangular Norms

Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer (2000)

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  1. A modal theorem-preserving translation of a class of three-valued logics of incomplete information.D. Ciucci & D. Dubois - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (4):321-352.
    There are several three-valued logical systems that form a scattered landscape, even if all reasonable connectives in three-valued logics can be derived from a few of them. Most papers on this subject neglect the issue of the relevance of such logics in relation with the intended meaning of the third truth-value. Here, we focus on the case where the third truth-value means unknown, as suggested by Kleene. Under such an understanding, we show that any truth-qualified formula in a large range (...)
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  • Extreme Copulas and the Comparison of Ordered Lists.B. De Schuymer, H. De Meyer & B. de Baets - 2007 - Theory and Decision 62 (3):195-217.
    We introduce two extreme methods to pairwisely compare ordered lists of the same length, viz. the comonotonic and the countermonotonic comparison method, and show that these methods are, respectively, related to the copula T M (the minimum operator) and the Ł ukasiewicz copula T L used to join marginal cumulative distribution functions into bivariate cumulative distribution functions. Given a collection of ordered lists of the same length, we generate by means of T M and T L two probabilistic relations Q (...)
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  • These Degrees go to Eleven: Fuzzy Logics and Gradable Predicates.Petr Cintula, Berta Grimau, Carles Noguera & Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2022 - Synthese 200 (445):1-38.
    In the literature on vagueness one finds two very different kinds of degree theory. The dominant kind of account of gradable adjectives in formal semantics and linguistics is built on an underlying framework involving bivalence and classical logic: its degrees are not degrees of truth. On the other hand, fuzzy logic based theories of vagueness—largely absent from the formal semantics literature but playing a significant role in both the philosophical literature on vagueness and in the contemporary logic literature—are logically nonclassical (...)
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  • On the Cycle-Transitivity of the Dice Model.B. de Schuymer, H. de Meyer, B. de Baets & S. Jenei - 2003 - Theory and Decision 54 (3):261-285.
    We introduce the notion of a dice model as a framework for describing a class of probabilistic relations. We investigate the transitivity of the probabilistic relation generated by a dice model and prove that it is a special type of cycle-transitivity that is situated between moderate stochastic transitivity or product-transitivity on the one side, and Lukasiewicz-transitivity on the other side. Finally, it is shown that any probabilistic relation with rational elements on a three-dimensional space of alternatives which possesses this particular (...)
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  • Fuzzy logic.Petr Hajek - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • A proof of standard completeness for Esteva and Godo's logic MTL.Sándor Jenei & Franco Montagna - 2002 - Studia Logica 70 (2):183-192.
    In the present paper we show that any at most countable linearly-ordered commutative residuated lattice can be embedded into a commutative residuated lattice on the real unit interval [0, 1]. We use this result to show that Esteva and Godo''s logic MTL is complete with respect to interpretations into commutative residuated lattices on [0, 1]. This solves an open problem raised in.
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  • Automatic evaluation of design alternatives with quantitative argumentation.Pietro Baroni, Marco Romano, Francesca Toni, Marco Aurisicchio & Giorgio Bertanza - 2015 - Argument and Computation 6 (1):24-49.
    This paper presents a novel argumentation framework to support Issue-Based Information System style debates on design alternatives, by providing an automatic quantitative evaluation of the positions put forward. It also identifies several formal properties of the proposed quantitative argumentation framework and compares it with existing non-numerical abstract argumentation formalisms. Finally, the paper describes the integration of the proposed approach within the design Visual Understanding Environment software tool along with three case studies in engineering design. The case studies show the potential (...)
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  • On the Decidability Status of Fuzzy A ℒ C with General Concept Inclusions.Franz Baader, Stefan Borgwardt & Rafael Peñaloza - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (2):117-146.
    The combination of Fuzzy Logics and Description Logics has been investigated for at least two decades because such fuzzy DLs can be used to formalize imprecise concepts. In particular, tableau algorithms for crisp Description Logics have been extended to reason also with their fuzzy counterparts. It has turned out, however, that in the presence of general concept inclusion axioms this extension is less straightforward than thought. In fact, a number of tableau algorithms claimed to deal correctly with fuzzy DLs with (...)
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  • Generalized Bosbach states: Part II. [REVIEW]Lavinia Corina Ciungu, George Georgescu & Claudia Mureşan - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (7-8):707-732.
    We continue the investigation of generalized Bosbach states that we began in Part I, restricting our research to the commutative case and treating further aspects related to these states. Part II is concerned with similarity convergences, continuity of states and the construction of the s-completion of a commutative residuated lattice, where s is a generalized Bosbach state.
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