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  1. Almost everywhere equivalence of logics in finite model theory.Lauri Hella, Phokion G. Kolaitis & Kerkko Luosto - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):422-443.
    We introduce a new framework for classifying logics on finite structures and studying their expressive power. This framework is based on the concept of almost everywhere equivalence of logics, that is to say, two logics having the same expressive power on a class of asymptotic measure 1. More precisely, if L, L ′ are two logics and μ is an asymptotic measure on finite structures, then $\scr{L}\equiv _{\text{a.e.}}\scr{L}^{\prime}(\mu)$ means that there is a class C of finite structures with μ (C)=1 (...)
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  • Games and Cardinalities in Inquisitive First-Order Logic.Gianluca Grilletti & Ivano Ciardelli - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):241-267.
    Inquisitive first-order logic, InqBQ, is a system which extends classical first-order logic with formulas expressing questions. From a mathematical point of view, formulas in this logic express properties of sets of relational structures. This paper makes two contributions to the study of this logic. First, we describe an Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé game for InqBQ and show that it characterizes the distinguishing power of the logic. Second, we use the game to study cardinality quantifiers in the inquisitive setting. That is, we study what (...)
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  • The hierarchy theorem for generalized quantifiers.Lauri Hella, Kerkko Luosto & Jouko Väänänen - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):802-817.
    The concept of a generalized quantifier of a given similarity type was defined in [12]. Our main result says that on finite structures different similarity types give rise to different classes of generalized quantifiers. More exactly, for every similarity type t there is a generalized quantifier of type t which is not definable in the extension of first order logic by all generalized quantifiers of type smaller than t. This was proved for unary similarity types by Per Lindström [17] with (...)
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  • Generalized Quantifiers, and Beyond.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2009 - Logique Et Analyse (208):309-326.
    I show that the contemporary dominant analysis of natural language quantifiers that are one-place determiners by means of binary generalized quantifiers has failed to explain why they are, according to it, conservative. I then present an alternative, Geachean analysis, according to which common nouns in the grammatical subject position are plural logical subject-terms, and show how it does explain that fact and other features of natural language quantification.
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  • Definability of polyadic lifts of generalized quantifiers.Lauri Hella, Jouko Väänänen & Dag Westerståhl - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (3):305-335.
    We study generalized quantifiers on finite structures.With every function : we associate a quantifier Q by letting Q x say there are at least (n) elementsx satisfying , where n is the sizeof the universe. This is the general form ofwhat is known as a monotone quantifier of type .We study so called polyadic liftsof such quantifiers. The particular lifts we considerare Ramseyfication, branching and resumption.In each case we get exact criteria fordefinability of the lift in terms of simpler quantifiers.
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  • Sameness.Dag Westerståhl - 2017 - In Gerhard Jäger & Wilfried Sieg (eds.), Feferman on Foundations: Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy. Cham: Springer.
    I attempt an explication of what it means for an operation across domains to be the same on all domains, an issue that ) took to be central for a successful delimitation of the logical operations. Some properties that seem strongly related to sameness are examined, notably isomorphism invariance, and sameness under extensions of the domain. The conclusion is that although no precise criterion can satisfy all intuitions about sameness, combining the two properties just mentioned yields a reasonably robust and (...)
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  • On the expressive power of monotone natural language quantifiers over finite models.Jouko Väänänen & Dag Westerståhl - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 31 (4):327-358.
    We study definability in terms of monotone generalized quantifiers satisfying Isomorphism Closure, Conservativity and Extension. Among the quantifiers with the latter three properties - here called CE quantifiers - one finds the interpretations of determiner phrases in natural languages. The property of monotonicity is also linguistically ubiquitous, though some determiners like an even number of are highly non-monotone. They are nevertheless definable in terms of monotone CE quantifiers: we give a necessary and sufficient condition for such definability. We further identify (...)
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  • Unary quantifiers on finite models.Jouko Väänänen - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (3):275-304.
    In this paper (except in Section 5) all quantifiers are assumedto be so called simple unaryquantifiers, and all models are assumedto be finite. We give a necessary and sufficientcondition for a quantifier to be definablein terms of monotone quantifiers. For amonotone quantifier we give a necessaryand sufficient condition for beingdefinable in terms of a given set of bounded monotonequantifiers. Finally, we give a necessaryand sufficient condition for a monotonequantifier to be definable in terms of agiven monotone quantifier.Our analysis shows that (...)
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  • Relativized logspace and generalized quantifiers over finite ordered structures.Georg Gottlob - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (2):545-574.
    We here examine the expressive power of first order logic with generalized quantifiers over finite ordered structures. In particular, we address the following problem: Given a family Q of generalized quantifiers expressing a complexity class C, what is the expressive power of first order logic FO(Q) extended by the quantifiers in Q? From previously studied examples, one would expect that FO(Q) captures L C , i.e., logarithmic space relativized to an oracle in C. We show that this is not always (...)
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  • Hierarchies of monadic generalized quantifiers.Kerkko Luosto - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (3):1241-1263.
    A combinatorial criterium is given when a monadic quantifier is expressible by means of universe-independent monadic quantifiers of width n. It is proved that the corresponding hierarchy does not collapse. As an application, it is shown that the second resumption (or vectorization) of the Hartig quantifier is not definable by monadic quantifiers. The techniques rely on Ramsey theory.
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  • Notions of locality and their logical characterizations over finite models.Lauri Hella, Leonid Libkin & Juha Nurmonen - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1751-1773.
    Many known tools for proving expressibility bounds for first-order logic are based on one of several locality properties. In this paper we characterize the relationship between those notions of locality. We note that Gaifman's locality theorem gives rise to two notions: one deals with sentences and one with open formulae. We prove that the former implies Hanf's notion of locality, which in turn implies Gaifman's locality for open formulae. Each of these implies the bounded degree property, which is one of (...)
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  • Games and Lindström Theorems.Cheng Liao - 2023 - Logica Universalis 17 (1):1-21.
    The Ehrenfeucht–Fraïsse game for a logic usually provides an intuitive characterizarion of its expressive power while in abstract model theory, logics are compared by their expressive powers. In this paper, I explore this connection in details by proving a general Lindström theorem for logics which have certain types of Ehrenfeucht–Fraïsse games. The results generalize and uniform some known results and may be applied to get new Lindström theorems for logics.
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  • Quantifiers and congruence closure.Jörg Flum, Matthias Schiehlen & Jouko Väänänen - 1999 - Studia Logica 62 (3):315-340.
    We prove some results about the limitations of the expressive power of quantifiers on finite structures. We define the concept of a bounded quantifier and prove that every relativizing quantifier which is bounded is already first-order definable (Theorem 3.8). We weaken the concept of congruence closed (see [6]) to weakly congruence closed by restricting to congruence relations where all classes have the same size. Adapting the concept of a thin quantifier (Caicedo [1]) to the framework of finite structures, we define (...)
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  • On vectorizations of unary generalized quantifiers.Kerkko Luosto - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (3):241-255.
    Vectorization of a class of structures is a natural notion in finite model theory. Roughly speaking, vectorizations allow tuples to be treated similarly to elements of structures. The importance of vectorizations is highlighted by the fact that if the complexity class PTIME corresponds to a logic with reasonable syntax, then it corresponds to a logic generated via vectorizations by a single generalized quantifier (Dawar in J Log Comput 5(2):213–226, 1995). It is somewhat surprising, then, that there have been few systematic (...)
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  • Game-based notions of locality over finite models.Marcelo Arenas, Pablo Barceló & Leonid Libkin - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 152 (1-3):3-30.
    Locality notions in logic say that the truth value of a formula can be determined locally, by looking at the isomorphism type of a small neighbourhood of its free variables. Such notions have proved to be useful in many applications. They all, however, refer to isomorphisms of neighbourhoods, which most local logics cannot test. A stronger notion of locality says that the truth value of a formula is determined by what the logic itself can say about that small neighbourhood. Since (...)
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  • An Ehrenfeucht‐Fraïssé class game.Wafik Boulos Lotfallah - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (2):179-188.
    This paper introduces a new Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé type game that is played on two classes of models rather than just two models. This game extends and generalizes the known Ajtai-Fagin game to the case when there are several alternating moves played in different models. The game allows Duplicator to delay her choices of the models till the very end of the game, making it easier for her to win. This adds on the toolkit of winning strategies for Duplicator in Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé type (...)
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  • Convergence Laws for Very Sparse Random Structures with Generalized Quantifiers.Risto Kaila - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (2):301-320.
    We prove convergence laws for logics of the form equation image, where equation image is a properly chosen collection of generalized quantifiers, on very sparse finite random structures. We also study probabilistic collapsing of the logics equation image, where equation image is a collection of generalized quantifiers and k ∈ ℕ+, under arbitrary probability measures of finite structures.
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  • Some properties of natural language quantifiers: Generalized quantifier theory. [REVIEW]Edward Keenan - 2002 - Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (5-6):627-654.
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