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Becoming mothers and fathers: Parenthood, gender, and the division of labor.Elizabeth Thomson & Laura Sanchez - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (6):747-772.details
Women's power and the gendered division of domestic labor in the third world.Laura Sanchez - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (3):434-459.details
Korean immigrant women's challenge to gender inequality at home: The interplay of economic resources, gender, and family.in-Sook Lim - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (1):31-51.details
Divorce Culture and Marital Gender Equality: A Cross-National Study.Carrie Yodanis - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (5):644-659.details
Class-based masculinities: The interdependence of gender, class, and interpersonal power.Karen D. Pyke - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (5):527-549.details
Cohabitation, marriage, and the unruly consequences of difference.Vivienne Elizabeth - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (1):87-110.details
Social Inequalities, Empowerment, and Women’s Transitions into Abusive Marriages: A Case Study from Myanmar.Aye Thiri Kyaw, San Shwe & Stephanie Spaid Miedema - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (4):670-694.details
Fertility Desires and Perceptions of Power in Reproductive Conflict in Ghana.Vrushali Patil, F. Nii-Amoo Dodoo & Laurie F. Derose - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (1):53-73.details
The dynamics of marital bargaining in male infertility.Lakshmi Bandlamudi & Judith Lorber - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (1):32-49.details
WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AS A GIFT OR BURDEN?: Marital Power Across Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage.Karen D. Pyke - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (1):73-91.details
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Sexual Subjectivity Revisited: The Significance of Relationships in Dutch and American Girls’ Experiences of Sexuality.Amy Schalet - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (3):304-329.details
The Division of Child Care, Sexual Intimacy, and Relationship Quality in Couples.Andrea Fitzroy, Sarah Hanson & Daniel L. Carlson - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (3):442-466.details
BADGERING OR BANTERING?: Gender Differences in Experience of, and Reactions to, Sexual Harassment among U.S. High School Students.Laura Sanchez & Jeanne Z. Hand - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (6):718-746.details
Redefining the Marital Power Struggle through Relationship Skills: How U.S. Marriage Education Programs Challenge and Reproduce Gender Inequality.Jennifer M. Randles - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (2):240-264.details
‘My daughter is a free woman, so she can’t marry a Muslim’: The gendering of ethno-religious boundaries.Noel Clycq - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (2):157-171.details
When wives are major providers: Culture, gender, and family work.Hale Cihan Bolak - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (4):409-433.details