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  1. Intrinsic value and educational value.Jane Gatley - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):675-687.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  • The Value of the Arts.Nigel Tubbs - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 47 (3):441-456.
    The value of the arts is often measured in terms of human creativity against instrumental rationality, while art for art's sake defends against a utility of art. Such critiques of the technical and formulaic are themselves formulaic, repeating the dualism of the head and the heart. How should we account for this formula? We should do so by investigating its determination within metaphysical and social relations, ancient and modern, and by comprehending the notion of freedom carried therein. This opens up (...)
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  • Justifying the Arts: The Value of Illuminating Failures.Michelle Forrest - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (1):59-73.
    This paper revisits how late 20th-century attempts to account for conceptual and other difficult art-work by defining the concept ‘art’ have failed to offer a useful strategy for educators seeking a non-instrumental justification for teaching the arts. It is suggested that this theoretical ground is nonetheless instructive and provides useful background in searching for a viable approach to justification. It is claimed that, though definition may fail and grand theories not coalesce, one would be wise to emulate Passmore (1954, 1990) (...)
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  • A Primordial Sense of Art.Guillermo Marini - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 50 (1):46-61.
    Let us imagine that a man loses his keys one night and starts looking for them under the light of a street lamp. When people join him to help him search, they ask where it was that he thinks he might have let them fall; with a frustrated look on his face, he then points into the dark distance and says, by way of explanation, “I am looking under the lamppost because this is where the light is!” This story, introduced (...)
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  • Reimagining the Role of Art in the Relationship between Democracy and Education.Jane McDonnell - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (1):1-13.
    Increased attention to the relationship between democracy and education in the UK has been accompanied over the past thirteen years by an interest in how art can be used to promote democratic citizenship.While this approach has led to increased funding for the arts, it is not without its problems,and has often entailed an apolitical and instrumentalist view of both art and education. This paper turns to the political philosophy of Mouffe and Rancière, the work of Rancière in aesthetics, and Biesta’s (...)
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  • What is there to be experienced in a narrative artwork? Notes for an ethical-aesthetic education.Andrés Mejía - 2019 - Ixtli 6 (12):191-221.
    Various educational strategies use narrative artworks to pursue ethical training purposes. Based on the works of Dewey and Greene I show how these strategies do not always contribute to an aesthetic education ‒one that promotes experiences with artworks in which we develop sensitivities and capacities necessary to more richly, deeply and intensely experience what these and other artworks have to be experienced‒ and therefore end up having an instrumental use. This is the case with the most commonly used strategies: the (...)
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