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  1. Epistemic injustice in mathematics.Colin Jakob Rittberg, Fenner Stanley Tanswell & Jean Paul Van Bendegem - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):3875-3904.
    We investigate how epistemic injustice can manifest itself in mathematical practices. We do this as both a social epistemological and virtue-theoretic investigation of mathematical practices. We delineate the concept both positively—we show that a certain type of folk theorem can be a source of epistemic injustice in mathematics—and negatively by exploring cases where the obstacles to participation in a mathematical practice do not amount to epistemic injustice. Having explored what epistemic injustice in mathematics can amount to, we use the concept (...)
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  • The Rutherford Atom of Culture.Lawrence A. Hirschfeld - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (3-4):231-261.
    Increasingly, psychologists have shown a healthy interest in cultural variation and a skepticism about assuming that research with North American and Northern European undergraduates provides reliable insight into universal psychological processes. Unfortunately, this reappraisal has not been extended to questioning the notion of culture central to this project. Rather, there is wide acceptance that culture refers to a kind of social form that is entity-like, territorialized, marked by a high degree of shared beliefs and coalescing into patterns of key values (...)
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  • On the Intentionality of Cultural Products: Representations of Black History As Psychological Affordances.Phia S. Salter & Glenn Adams - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Comparative international media ethics.Tom Cooper - 1990 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 5 (1):3 – 14.
    Reviews show that comprehensive studies of international media ethics are necessarily incomplete because not all countries have either media codes or comparable measurement instruments. This article reviews major studies of international and national approaches to media ethics and describes contexts for global studies and comparisons. The three likely universals of truth, responsibility, and the drive for free expression are hypothesized, and codes are explored to see which patterns endured.
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  • Reasoning and Culture in a Historical Perspective.G. E. R. Lloyd - 2013 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 13 (5):437-457.
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  • Culture as ‘Ways of Life’ or a Mask of Racism? Culturalisation and the Decline of Universalist Views.Saladdin Ahmed - 2015 - Critical Race and Whiteness Studies 11:1-17.
    I begin and conclude the article by arguing that culturalisation has contributed significantly to the decline of the Left and its universal ideals. In the current climate of public opinion, ‘race’ is no longer used, at least openly, as a scientific truth to justify racism. Instead, ‘culture’ has become the mysterious term that has made the perpetuation of racist discourse possible. ‘Culture’, in this newracist worldview, is the unquestioned set of traits continually attributed to the non-White Other, essentially to de-world (...)
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  • The old cultural history.Donald R. Kelley - 1996 - History of the Human Sciences 9 (3):101-126.
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  • The Greek evil eye, African witchcraft, and Western ethnocentrism.Anastasia Apostolides & Yolanda Dreyer - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (2):1021-1042.
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  • Introduction.Tom Claes - 1995 - Philosophica 55.
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  • Une approche philosophique de la culture.Guy Godin - 1985 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 41 (2):215-224.
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  • What Makes Human Differences into Cultural Differences.Harry van den Bouwhuijsen - 1995 - Philosophica 55.
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  • Розвиток культурної і спортивної діяльності у сільській місцевості.Lina Jaruševičienе - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:123-132.
    In large and small villages, regardless of tourist attraction, cultural life is faded; people's initiative is low as urban migration is extremely high. Many ethnographic villagers do not realize that they live in a significant for the state areas. The younger generation is embarrassed by local traditions, folklore. The low level of aesthetic education, and the poor possibilities of organizing artistic celebrations for the younger generation make them the users of the lowest level of urban culture. The relevance of the (...)
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  • What makes cultural heredity unique? On action-types, intentionality and cooperation in imitation.Frank Kannetzky - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (5):592–623.
    The exploration of the mechanisms of cultural heredity has often been regarded as the key to explicating human uniqueness. Particularly early imitative learning, which is explained as a kind of simulation that rests on the infant’s identification with other persons as intentional agents, has been stressed as the foundation of cumulative cultural transmission. But the question of what are the objects of this mechanism has not been given much attention. Although this is a pivotal point, it still remains obscure. I (...)
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  • Virada animal, virada humana: outro pacto.Stelio Marras - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (2):215-260.
    Este artigo foi composto a partir da comunicação apresentada no Ciclo de conferências "Humanos e animais: os limites da humanidade", promovido pelo IEA/USP. Já bastante modificado desde então, o texto incorpora ainda comentários de interlocutores de diferentes áreas ou perspectivas de conhecimento, de modo a explicitar tanto as dificuldades quanto o caráter promissor de tais esforços interdisciplinares. No mesmo passo, as reflexões do artigo emergem do exame de uma bibliografia heterogênea, mas que, conforme o tratamento aqui despendido, converge para a (...)
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  • The significance of the Culture Based Model in designing culturally aware tutoring systems.Patricia A. Young - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (1):35-47.
    Designing for culture through intelligent tutoring systems is on the rise. The needs of military personnel to communicate and understand cultures other than their own in deployments, missions, and work-related assignments have strongly encouraged the creation of culturally aware tutoring systems (CATS) that teach about other cultures. This paper critically analyzes three systems (i.e., ELECT-BiLAT, Tactical Iraqi, and VECTOR) and the frameworks that guided the design and development process. The examination reveals that there is a need for comprehensive guidelines to (...)
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    The objective of this article is to analyse definitions of culture gathered by Alfred L. Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn and published in Culture. A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions in 1952. This article emphasizes a possibility of re-analysing the material collected by these researchers (Kroeber–Kluckhohn Culture Classification, hereinafter referred to as KKCC). The article shows that the KKCC material constitutes a coherent conceptual and theoretical paradigm. This paradigm was subject to contextual, frequential and conceptual (Formal Conceptual Analysis, hereinafter referred (...)
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  • Зеркало Клио: Метафизическое Постижение Истории.Алексей Владиславович Халапсис - 2017 - Днипро, Днепропетровская область, Украина, 49000:
    В монографии представлены несколько смысловых блоков, связанных с восприятием и интерпретацией человеком исторического бытия. Ранние греческие мыслители пытались получить доступ к исходникам (началам) бытия, и эти интенции легли в основу научного знания, а также привели к появлению метафизики. В классической (и в неклассической) метафизике за основу была принята догма Пифагора и Платона о неизменности подлинной реальности, из чего следовало отрицание бытийного характера времени. Автор монографии отказывается от этой догмы и предлагает стратегию обновления метафизики и перехода ее к новому — постнеклассическому (...)
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  • Cross-cultural differences in somatic awareness and interoceptive accuracy: a review of the literature and directions for future research. [REVIEW]Christine Ma-Kellams - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:117196.
    This review examines cross-cultural differences in interoception and the role of culturally bound epistemologies, historical traditions, and contemplative practices to assess four aspects of culture and interoception: (1) the extent to which members from Western and non-Western cultural groups exhibit differential levels of interoceptive accuracy and somatic awareness; (2) the mechanistic origins that can explain these cultural differences, (3) culturally bound behavioral practices that have been empirically shown to affect interoception, and (4) consequences for culturally bound psychopathologies. The following outlines (...)
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  • Metacognition of Problem-Solving Strategies in Brazil, India, and the United States.C. Dominik Güss & Brian Wiley - 2007 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 7 (1-2):1-25.
    Metacognition, the observation of one's own thinking, is a key cognitive ability that allows humans to influence and restructure their own thought processes. The influence of culture on metacognitive strategies is a relatively new topic. Using Antonietti's, Ignazi's and Perego's questionnaire on metacognitive knowledge about problem-solving strategies, five strategies in three life domains were assessed among student samples in Brazil, India, and the United States, regarding the frequency, facility, and efficacy of these strategies. To investigate cross-cultural similarities and differences in (...)
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  • Tractatus practico-theoreticus.Nythamar De Oliveira - 2016 - Porto Alegre, Brazil: Editora Fi.
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  • Explaining culture. A constraint-based approach.Acosta Calvo Josu - 2017 - Dissertation, Universidad Del Pais Vasco
    The three main naturalistic approaches to culture the Epidemiological account (Sperber 1996; Atran 1990, 2002; Sperber and Claidière 2006), Memetics (Dawkins 2006 [1976], Dennett 1996) and the Standard Evolutionary approach (Boyd and Richerson 1988 [1985], Mesoudi 2011) reduce it to a set of representational items that are shared by individuals in a population by non-genetic means. Thats why I see those three approaches as versions of what I call the Itemic View of Culture (IVC). I argue that, by that reduction, (...)
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