- Ideology, Generics, and Common Ground.Sally Haslanger - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 179--207.details
Ontological Commitments, Sex and Gender.Mari Mikkola - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 67--83.details
Practicing Imperfect Forgiveness.Alice MacLachlan - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 185-204.details
What Is Gender Essentialism?Charlotte Witt - 2010 - In Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 11--25.details
Anger, Virtue, and Oppression.Macalester Bell - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 165--183.details
A phenomenology of gender.Johanna Oksala - 2006 - Continental Philosophy Review 39 (3):229-244.details
Different Women. Gender and the Realism-Nominalism Debate.Natalie Stoljar - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 27--46.details
Sexual Experience: Foucault, Phenomenology, and Feminist Theory.Johanna Oksala - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (1):207-223.details
Anarchic Bodies: Foucault and the Feminist Question of Experience.Johanna Oksala - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (4):99-121.details
Feminist Eudaimonism: Eudaimonism as Non-Ideal Theory.Lisa Tessman - 2009 - In Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 47--58.details
The Vulnerable Self: Enabling the Recognition of Racial Inequality.Desirée H. Melton - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 149--164.details
What's Bad About Bad Faith?Simon D. Feldman & Allan Hazlett - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):50-73.details
Feminism as Revolutionary Practice: From Justice and the Politics of Recognition to Freedom.Marieke Borren - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (1):197-214.details
Resisting organizational power.Peggy DesAutels - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 223--236.details
Simone de Beauvoir and the Ambiguous Ethics of Political Violence.Kimberly Hutchings - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (3):111-132.details
A Phenomenology of Sexual Difference: Types, Styles and Persons.Sara Heinämaa - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 131--155.details
L'Imagination au pouvoir: Comparing John Rawls's method of ideal theory with Iris Marion Young's method of critical theory.Alison M. Jaggar - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 59--66.details
The Challenge of Care to Idealizing Theories of Distributive Justice.Anca Gheaus - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 105--119.details
Pragmatist Feminism as Ecological Ontology: Reflections on Living Across and Through Skins.Shannon Sullivan - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (4):201-217.details
Beauvoir on the Allure of Self-Objectification.N. Bauer - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 117--129.details
Metaphors of Being a Phi.Marilyn Frye - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 85--95.details
The Politics and the Metaphysics of Experience.Marianne Janack - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 159--178.details
ethical reasons and political commitment.L. Rivera - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 25--45.details
Feminist Political Solidarity.Sally J. Scholz - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 205--220.details
Women, corporate globalization, and global justice.Ann Ferguson - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 271--285.details
Conjoined Twins, Embodied Personhood, and Surgical Separation.Christine Overall - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 69--84.details
The Metaphysics of Relational Autonomy.Jules Holroyd - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 99--115.details
The ideology of the normal: Desire, ethics, and Kierkegaardian critique.Ada S. Jaarsma - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 85--104.details
The Will to Care: Performance, Expectation, and Imagination.Maurice Hamington - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (3):675 - 695.details
(1 other version)Sara heinamaa. 'Toward a phenomenology of sexual difference: Husserl, Merleau-ponty, beauvoir'. Lanham, md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. [REVIEW]Gail Weiss - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (3):194-198.details
Existential Transcendence in Late Modernity: Edgework and Hermeneutic Reflexivity. [REVIEW]Stephen Lyng - 2012 - Human Studies 35 (3):401-414.details