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  1. Bolzano's Aesthetic Cognitivism.Emine Hande Tuna - 2025 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association:1-18.
    This article examines Bolzano’s aesthetic cognitivism. It argues that, while reminiscent of German rationalist aesthetics and hence potentially appearing rigid and outdated, Bolzano’s version of cognitivism is, in fact, highly innovative and more flexible than the cognitivism championed by the rationalists. He imports from the rationalists the idea that aesthetic appreciation and creation are rule-governed, yet does not construe rule-following and engaging in free aesthetic activities as mutually exclusive. Furthermore, thanks to his nuanced treatment of the interaction between aesthetic values (...)
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  • Grace Andrus de Laguna’s 1909 critique of pragmatism and absolute idealism: A contextualist response to Katzav.Andreas Vrahimis - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):1-13.
    In a move characteristic of appropriationist approaches to the history of philosophy, Katzav (Asian Journal of Philosophy 2(47):1–26, Katzav, 2023a) argues that Grace Andrus de Laguna had, already in 1909, developed what is effectively a critique of analytic philosophy (as a form of epistemically conservative philosophy). In response to Katzav’s claim, this symposium paper attempts to pay closer attention to the context of de Laguna’s paper. As Katzav also acknowledges, de Laguna was dialogically engaged with two non-analytic tendencies in her (...)
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  • Bolcanova teorija utemeljivanja.Miloš Panajotov - 2024 - Theoria: Beograd 67 (3):5-16.
    Cilj ovog rada je razmatranje onih aspekata Bolcanove teorije utemeljivanja koji su značajno anticipirali savremene rasprave o utemeljivanju, i koji su dodatno dali podsticaja da se Bolcanov rad ponovo „otkrije“. Stoga ćemo svaki izneti segment njegovog učenja dovesti u vezu s paralelnim idejama u savremenim teorijama utemeljivanja. Na kraju ćemo razmotriti pitanja o značaju i mestu Bolcanovih uvida u kontekstu recentnih rasprava o istoriji pojma utemeljivanja.
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  • Bolzano's externalist semantics of natural kind terms.Sajed Tayebi - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):1533-1546.
    Through a detailed explication of Bernard Bolzano's semantics of natural kind terms, I elucidate why and to what extent he should be recognized as a remarkable anticipator of semantic externalism. Bolzano deals with kind terms in a brief sub-section of the first volume of his Theory of Science. He divides such terms into two sub-categories, roughly corresponding to organic and inorganic kinds. It is Bolzano's account of inorganic kind terms, such as ‘gold’, that confers on him the status of an (...)
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