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  1. Τόμος 39 (2018-2019).Golfo Maggini, Alexandros Schismenos, Dionysis Drosos, Panagiotis Noutsos, Maria Pournari, Yannis Prelorentzos, Konstantinos Petsios, Christos Tezas, Eleni Roumkou & Nikos Avgelis (eds.) - 2020 - University of Ioannina Department of Philosophy.
    Αναμφίβολα, όσοι γνώρισαν προσωπικά και όχι μόνο μέσα από τα κείμενά του τον Ευθύμη Παπαδημητρίου, θα θυμούνται ότι ο ίδιος κατέφευγε συχνά σε αυτήν την έκφραση, όταν αναφερόταν σε κάτι αυτονόητο ή σε κάτι δύσκολο στην πραγμάτωση του και άρα δεν σχετίζεται άμεσα με τη συνήθη χρήση της ως έκφραση στην αγγλική γλώσσα. Επιπλέον, οι ίδιοι μάλλον θα συμφωνήσουν μαζί μου, ότι οι παρελθοντικοί χρόνοι που θα ακουστούν/θα χρησιμοποιηθούν σήμερα εδώ και θα τον αφορούν, θα δημιουργήσουν, μάλλον, αμηχανία, αφού, αν (...)
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  • A Matemática em Alexandria: convergência e irradiação.Carlos Alberto Duarte Gamas - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 11:47-53.
    Com este trabalho pretende dar-se um panorama do que foi a actividade científica, no domínio da Matemática e das ciências que lhe andavam ligadas (Geografia, Astronomia, Mecânica), no grande centro cultural que foi o Museu e a Biblioteca de Alexandria, nos tempos áureos e até ao declínio definitivo da ciência nesse espaço. Pretende-se igualmente sublinhar as descobertas e progressos que abriram caminho para posteriores estádios de desenvolvimento da Matemática, assim como dar conta do cruzamento de saberes e da grande mobilidade (...)
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  • Duhem and history and philosophy of mathematics.Michael J. Crowe - 1990 - Synthese 83 (3):431 - 447.
    The first part of this paper consists of an exposition of the views expressed by Pierre Duhem in his Aim and Structure of Physical Theory concerning the philosophy and historiography of mathematics. The second part provides a critique of these views, pointing to the conclusion that they are in need of reformulation. In the concluding third part, it is suggested that a number of the most important claims made by Duhem concerning physical theory, e.g., those relating to the Newtonian method, (...)
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