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From Biopower to Biopolitics

Pli 13:100-112 (2002)

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  1. Bio-informational capitalism.Michael A. Peters - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 110 (1):98-111.
    This essay builds on the literatures on ‘biocapitalism’ and ‘informationalism’ (or ‘informational capitalism’) to develop the concept of ‘bio-informational capitalism’ in order to articulate an emergent form of capitalism that is self-renewing in the sense that it can change and renew the material basis for life and capital as well as program itself. Bio-informational capitalism applies and develops aspects of the new biology to informatics to create new organic forms of computing and self-reproducing memory that in turn has become the (...)
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  • Towards Biopolitics beyond Life and Death: The Virus, Life, and Death.Toni Čerkez & Martin Gramc - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (1).
    By engaging with Giorgio Agamben’s article on the Italian government’s measures during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, we argue that COVID-19 points to the limits of the classical biopolitical and thanatopolitical logics of analysis and therefore requires a new conceptual framework. The outbreak of COVID-19 is an example of zoonotic globalisation in which the human species as a biological and geological actor is merely one among many other species that influence biological and geological processes on Earth, thus challenging (...)
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  • Hacking multitude’ and Big Data: Some insights from the Turkish ‘digital coup.Paolo Cardullo - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (1).
    The paper presents my first findings and reflections on how ordinary people may opportunistically and unpredictably respond to Internet censorship and tracking. I try to capture this process with the concept of ‘hacking multitude'. Working on a case study of the Turkish government's block of the social media platform Twitter, I argue that during systemic data choke-points, a multitude of users might acquire a certain degree of reflexivity over ubiquitous software of advanced techno-capitalism. Resisting naïve parallels between urban streets and (...)
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  • Body politics and democracy.Gundula Ludwig - 2021 - Constellations 28 (4):537-554.
    Constellations, Volume 28, Issue 4, Page 537-554, December 2021.
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  • The Subject and Governmental Action: A Foucauldian Analysis of Subjectification and the 24 Year-Old Rule in Denmark.Mujde Erdinc - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (1):21-38.
    This article discusses the effects of the 24 year-old rule in Denmark utilising Foucault’s understanding of the ‘subject’ within a governmentality framework. The 24 year-old rule is a good example of how a gendered knowledge about immigration becomes a reality that steers biopolitics, enables practices of normalisation and subjectifies immigrants in various ways. The article foregrounds the subjectivity of immigrant women through a narrative analysis of the constitution of the subject within discourses and in an asymmetrical relationship to power in (...)
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  • From biopower to necroeconomies: Neoliberalism, biopower and death economies.Fatmir Haskaj - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (10):1148-1168.
    The deaths of millions from war, genocide, poverty and famine are symptomatic of a crisis that extends beyond site-specific failures of governance, culture or economies. Rather than reiterate standard critiques of capitalism, uneven development and inequality, this article probes and maps a shift in both the global economy and logic of capital that posits death as a central activity of value creation. “Crisis,” then, is more than an accidental failure or inconvenient side effect of either global economy or political reality, (...)
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  • The Labor of the Multitude and the Fabric of Biopolitics.Antonio Negri, Sara Mayo, Peter Graefe & Mark Coté - 2008 - Mediations 23 (2).
    What did Foucault mean by biopolitics? It is both a set of techniques for disciplining populations and a site for producing new subjectivities, a potential counterpower. In an historical moment characterized by the real subsumption of labor under capital , thinking this latter aspect of biopolitics becomes vital: as capitalist relations colonize formerly private zones of experience, those zones no longer constitute an outside to capitalism, but rather must be thought of both as immanent to it and as representing an (...)
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  • Between Foucault and Agamben: An Overview of the Problem of Euthanasia in the context of Biopolitics.Gürhan Özpolat - 2017 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):15-31.
    Bu yazıda, ölmenin ve öldürmenin özel biçimlerinin yaşam ve ölüm arasındaki karanlık bir bölgede veyahut bulanık bir sınırda meydana geldiği gerçeğini göz önünde bulundurarak, ötenazi olgusu üzerinden, Michel Foucault ve Giorgio Agamben’in biyopolitika kavramsallaştırmaları arasında bir orta yol bulmayı deneyeceğim. Bu doğrultuda, tarihsel bir arka plan sunmanın elzem olduğuna inandığım çalışmaya, egemen iktidarın bugünkü felsefi temellerini aldığı ve teorik doğrulamalarını sağladığı mevcut hukuki-tıbbi-siyasi kompleksi anlamak için, ötenazi ve intiharın kısa bir tarihi ile başlayacak; ve iktidar ile ölüm arasındaki ilişkinin her (...)
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  • Nuo Biopolitikos Prie Biofilosofijos: M. Foucault, G. Agambenas, G. Delezue'AS.Audronė Žukauskaitė - 2013 - Problemos 84:84-98.
    Straipsnyje analizuojamos biopolitikos sampratos, suformuluotos Michelio Foucault ir Gior­gio Agambeno darbuose. Foucault biopolitiką apibrėžia kaip galios ir gyvybės santykį, kuris istoriškai kinta: suvereno turimą galią pakeičia disciplininė galia, o pastarąją – biopolitika. Biopolitikos atsiradimą Foucault tiesiogiai sieja su kapitalizmo raida ir ekonominiais procesais, todėl politinę teoriją jis siūlo keisti politine ekonomija. Agambenas, priešingai, biopolitiką suvokia kaip kvaziontologinę sąlygą: jo manymu, biopolitinių kūnų produkavimas ir tą produkavimą pagrindžianti išimties būklė apibrėžia tiek senąsias imperijas, tiek šiuolaikines demokratijas. Toks išimtinai negatyvus biopolitikos suvokimas (...)
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  • "only In Exceptional Cases": The Steel Workers Organizing Committee Remembers the Homestead Strike.Joel Woller - 2008 - Mediations 23 (2).
    The representation of Homestead Lockout and Strike of 1892 is powerfully mobilized by later generations of labor activists. But why choose to memorialize, over any of the very real accomplishments of the labor movement, this moment of abject defeat? Rather than endorsing the celebratory discourse of mainstream progressive historiography, Joel Woller turns instead for an answer to Walter Benjamin’s “Theses on the Philosophy of History.”.
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  • From Provinces to National Television: Celebrity Culture and Collective Recognition in the New Spain.Pablo Castagno - 2008 - Mediations 23 (2).
    Pablo Castagno analyzes recent Spanish television in the light of the profound social and economic changes that characterize the transition to the “New Spain” of the 1990s. A confluence of factors, including a rapid social realignment and the privatization of the television industry, conspire to produce an ideal laboratory for exploring the ideological workings of reality television.
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