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The Crowd


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  1. The reiteration effect in hindsight bias.Ralph Hertwig, Gerd Gigerenzer & Ulrich Hoffrage - 1997 - Psychological Review 104 (1):194-202.
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  • Editorial: Parochial Altruism – Pitfalls and Prospects.Hannes Rusch, Robert Böhm & Benedikt Herrmann - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
    The ten original studies included in this Research Topic investigate selected assumptions and predictions of parochial altruism theory in detail. We, the editors, are convinced that their highly instructive findings will help researchers interested in parochial altruism, but also in intergroup psychology more generally, to gain a much more fine-grained understanding of the interplay of altruistic and spiteful motives in human decision making in the context of intergroup relations. The broad range of disciplines represented by the authors contributing to this (...)
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  • Are There Any Situated Cognition Concepts of Memory Functioning as Investigative Kinds in the Sciences of Memory?Ruth Hibbert - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Kent
    This thesis will address the question of whether there are any situated cognition concepts of memory functioning as investigative kinds in the sciences of memory. Situated cognition is an umbrella term, subsuming extended, embedded, embodied, enacted and distributed cognition. I will be looking closely at case studies of investigations into memory where such concepts seem prima facie most likely to be found in order to establish a) whether the researchers in question are in fact employing such concepts, and b) whether (...)
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  • The Epistemic Status of Processing Fluency as Source for Judgments of Truth.Rolf Reber & Christian Unkelbach - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (4):563-581.
    This article combines findings from cognitive psychology on the role of processing fluency in truth judgments with epistemological theory on justification of belief. We first review evidence that repeated exposure to a statement increases the subjective ease with which that statement is processed. This increased processing fluency, in turn, increases the probability that the statement is judged to be true. The basic question discussed here is whether the use of processing fluency as a cue to truth is epistemically justified. In (...)
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  • What Does the Nation of China Think About Phenomenal States?Bryce Huebner, Michael Bruno & Hagop Sarkissian - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (2):225-243.
    Critics of functionalism about the mind often rely on the intuition that collectivities cannot be conscious in motivating their positions. In this paper, we consider the merits of appealing to the intuition that there is nothing that it’s like to be a collectivity. We demonstrate that collective mentality is not an affront to commonsense, and we report evidence that demonstrates that the intuition that there is nothing that it’s like to be a collectivity is, to some extent, culturally specific rather (...)
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  • The Weirdness of the World.Eric Schwitzgebel - 2024 - Princeton University Press.
    How all philosophical explanations of human consciousness and the fundamental structure of the cosmos are bizarre—and why that’s a good thing Do we live inside a simulated reality or a pocket universe embedded in a larger structure about which we know virtually nothing? Is consciousness a purely physical matter, or might it require something extra, something nonphysical? According to the philosopher Eric Schwitzgebel, it’s hard to say. In The Weirdness of the World, Schwitzgebel argues that the answers to these fundamental (...)
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  • Rethinking Public Opinion in the Digital Era: Towards a Post-representational Theory.Matheus Lock - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (3):350-375.
    The quasi-ubiquity of ICT is transforming contemporary politics and seems to deteriorate democracy, for the technologies undermine debates, contest the grounds of reason and truth, and influence people’s votes. Donald Trump’s election and Brexit are good examples of their effects on public opinion. More fundamentally, these technologies cause theoretical problems to the way we traditionally conceive public opinion. Thus, I seek to rethink public opinion beyond conventional approaches. Departing from Deleuze and Guattari’s work, I develop the first steps of a (...)
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  • Openness to Argument: A Philosophical Examination of Marxism and Freudianism.Ray Scott Percival - 1992 - Dissertation, London School of Economics
    No evangelistic erroneous network of ideas can guarantee the satisfaction of these two demands : (1) propagate the network without revision and (2) completely insulate itself against losses in credibility and adherents through criticism. If a network of ideas is false, or inconsistent or fails to solve its intended problem, or unfeasible, or is too costly in terms of necessarily forsaken goals, its acceptability may be undermined given only true assumptions and valid arguments. People prefer to adopt ideologies that (i) (...)
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  • Building Rhizomatic Social Movements? Movement-Building Relays during the Current Epoch of Contention.Peter Nikolaus Funke - 2014 - Studies in Social Justice 8 (1):27-44.
    This article investigates the movement building dynamics of contemporary social movement milieus . It develops the concept of the “relay” to introduce four ideal-type movement building relays understood as distinct movement milieus: clustering relay, networking relay, organizing relay, and transforming relay. Each ideal-type captures different points on a continuum of increasing movement building and thus for generating commonalities, shared understandings and identities, mobilizations and strategies. Focusing on what I call the current “rhizomatic movement epoch,” which ranges from roughly the Zapatistas (...)
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  • Masses on the stages of democracy: Democratic promises and dangers in self-dramatizations of masses.Christiane Mossin - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 167 (1):58-76.
    The political significance of masses is more obvious than ever. The aim of this article is to develop a conceptualization capable of capturing the dangerous as well as promising aspects of masses. It argues that, intricately, the dangers and fruitful potentials of masses are born out of the same fundamental structural features. We may differentiate analytically between different kinds of masses, but all masses contain elements of ambiguity. The mass conceptualization developed builds on a critical, deconstructing interpretation of selected Bataille (...)
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  • The emergence of group cognition.Georg Theiner & Tim O'Connor - 2010 - In Antonella Corradini & Timothy O'Connor (eds.), Emergence in science and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 6--78.
    What drives much of the current philosophical interest in the idea of group cognition is its appeal to the manifestation of psychological properties—understood broadly to include states, processes, and dispositions—that are in some important yet elusive sense emergent with respect to the minds of individual group members. Our goal in this paper is to address a set of related, conditional questions: If human mentality is real yet emergent in a modest metaphysical sense only, then: (i) What would it mean for (...)
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  • Accountability Accentuates Interindividual-Intergroup Discontinuity by Enforcing Parochialism.Tim Wildschut, Femke van Horen & Claire Hart - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • The sense of society.Lloyd E. Sandelands - 1994 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 24 (4):305–338.
    Human society is unique in the animal kingdom in the degree to which it depends upon its members reflective awareness of self and society. Whereas much has been learned about the sense of self, little is known about the sense of society. This paper develops three points about the human sense of society: First, this sense is a feeling of life, what German writers have called Lebensgefuhl. The paper begins by defining feeling as a psychical moment or‘phase’of bodily activity. The (...)
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  • The idea of social life.Lloyd E. Sandelands - 1995 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 25 (2):147-179.
    This paper reclaims the idea that human society is a form of life, an idea once vibrant in the work of Toennies, Durkheim, Simmel, Le Bon, Kroeber, Freud, Bion, and Follett but moribund today. Despite current disparagements, this idea remains the only and best answer to our primary experience of society as vital feeling. The main obstacle to conceiving society as a life is linguistic; the logical form of life is incommensurate with the logical form of language. However, it is (...)
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  • A multi-agent based framework for the simulation of human and social behaviors during emergency evacuations.Xiaoshan Pan, Charles S. Han, Ken Dauber & Kincho H. Law - 2007 - AI and Society 22 (2):113-132.
    Many computational tools for the simulation and design of emergency evacuation and egress are now available. However, due to the scarcity of human and social behavioral data, these computational tools rely on assumptions that have been found inconsistent or unrealistic. This paper presents a multi-agent based framework for simulating human and social behavior during emergency evacuation. A prototype system has been developed, which is able to demonstrate some emergent behaviors, such as competitive, queuing, and herding behaviors. For illustration, an example (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Rehabilitation of Common Sense: Social Representations, Science and Cognitive Polyphasia.Sandra Jovchelovitch - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):431-448.
    In Psychoanalysis, its image and its public Moscovici introduced the theory of social representations and took further the project of rehabilitating common sense. In this paper I examine this project through a consideration of the problem of cognitive polyphasia, and the continuity and discontinuity between different systems of knowing. Focusing on the relations between science and common sense. I ask why, despite considerable evidence to the contrary, the scientific imagination tends to deny its relation to common sense and believe that (...)
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  • From Demonization of the Masses to Democratic Practice in the Work of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Foucault.Jill Hargis - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (4):373-392.
    This paper argues that the dichotomy between individuals, as bearers of unique and freely chosen identities, and the masses, as the large numbers of others who are conforming and uncritical, should be understood as a constructed dichotomy. This dichotomy is both supported and dismantled in the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, and Michel Foucault. Each of these thinkers reinforced the idea that there exist conforming and threatening masses from which individuals should separate themselves. And yet by theorizing the limitations (...)
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  • Entre el malson i la realitat. Reflexions distòpiques sobre la societat contemporània.Elisabetta Di Minico - 2021 - Quaderns de Filosofia 7 (2):143.
    Between Nightmare and Reality: Dystopian Reflections on the Contemporary Society Resum: Per mitjà de la narració de fantasia i de ciència ficció, la utopia i la distopia promouen una anàlisi crítica de la realitat. En particular, la distopia ens alerta de les possibles conseqüències catastròfiques derivades de problemes sociopolítics existents i contribueix a la reflexió constructiva sobre les amenaces antidemocràtiques que posen en perill la nostra societat. Aquest article examina la representació de l’autoritat, la coacció, la propaganda, la plasmació, l’espai (...)
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  • Book Reviews. [REVIEW]Gregory Chaitin, Carlos S. Alvarado, Michael Grosso, Jerome Clark, Thomas Dykstra, John B. Alexander, Robert M. Wood, Joel Carpenter, Michael Heiser, Greg Sandow & Gerd H. Hövelmann - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 23 (2).
    Is God a Mathematician? By Mario Livio. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009. 308 pp. $26.00 (hardcover). ISBN 074329405X. - CHAITIN La Lévitation [Levitation] by Joachim Boufl et. Paris: Jardin de Livres, 2006. 202 pp. ISBN 2-914569-27-0. - ALVARADO My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey by Jill Bolte Taylor. New York: Viking, 2009. 183 pp. ISBN 978-0-670-02074-4. - GROSSO Intermediate States: The Anomalist 13 edited by Patrick Huyghe and Dennis Stacy. San Antonio and New York: Anomalist Books, (...)
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