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  1. A Mobilising Concept? Unpacking Academic Representations of Responsible Research and Innovation.Barbara E. Ribeiro, Robert D. J. Smith & Kate Millar - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):81-103.
    This paper makes a plea for more reflexive attempts to develop and anchor the emerging concept of responsible research and innovation. RRI has recently emerged as a buzzword in science policy, becoming a focus of concerted experimentation in many academic circles. Its performative capacity means that it is able to mobilise resources and spaces despite no common understanding of what it is or should be ‘made of’. In order to support reflection and practice amongst those who are interested in and (...)
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  • Why Justice?: Introduction to the Special Issue on Entanglements of Science, Ethics, and Justice.Jennifer R. Fishman & Laura Mamo - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (2):159-175.
    This special issue of Science, Technology, & Human Values assembles papers that consider relations among science, ethics, and justice. The papers are drawn from a 2011 National Science Foundation-sponsored workshop that brought together interdisciplinary scholars to consider, incorporate, and attend to the meanings, uses, and social consequences of ethical questions and justice ideals in technoscientific projects. The papers included in this special issue examine key areas that emerged from this workshop, including public participation, the production of knowledge, what counts as (...)
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  • Domesticating Rewilding: Interpreting Rewilding in England's Green and Pleasant Land.Virginia Thomas - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (5):515-532.
    There are many different forms and interpretations of rewilding: the concept and its practice vary from country to country, with distinct interpretations according to its geographical location. Despite the term rewilding having been present in the lexicon for three decades, the concept of rewilding in England has experienced a prolonged developmental stage. This paper argues that a unique form of English rewilding is now emerging, which is distinct from rewilding in other parts of the world. Compared to other locations rewilding (...)
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  • Designing an Expert-Setting for Interdisciplinary Dialogue: Literary Texts as Boundary Objects.Karin Kukkonen - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (1):38-48.
    While literature is often used as a source of examples and illustrations across disciplines, literary studies tends to be underrepresented in interdisciplinary exchanges. Perhaps the reason lies in a lack of understanding what actually is the expertise of literary studies and how this can be useful in interdisciplinary settings. In this article, I propose to outline the expertise of literary scholars through concepts of 4E cognition and to devise a proposal for how such expertise could successfully shape the epistemic common (...)
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  • Medicine, Technology, and Religion Reconsidered: The Case of Brain Death Definition in Israel.Hagai Boas, Shai Lavi & Sky Edith Gross - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (2):186-208.
    The introduction of respiratory machines in the 1950s may have saved the lives of many, but it also challenged the notion of death itself. This development endowed “machines” with the power to form a unique ontological creature: a live body with a “dead” brain. While technology may be blamed for complicating things in the first place, it is also called on to solve the resulting quandaries. Indeed, it is not the birth of the “brain-dead” that concerns us most, but rather (...)
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  • National spaces and deepest places: Politics and practices of verticality in speleology.Johannes Mattes - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (4):670-696.
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  • Making the anaesthetised animal into a boundary object: an analysis of the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection.Tarquin Holmes & Carrie Friese - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4):1-28.
    This paper explores how, at the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection, the anaesthetised animal was construed as a boundary object around which “cooperation without consensus” Computer supported cooperative work: cooperation or conflict? Springer, London, 1993) could form, serving the interests of both scientists and animals. Advocates of anaesthesia presented it as benevolently intervening between the scientific agent and animal patient. Such articulations of ‘ethical’ vivisection through anaesthesia were then mandated in the 1876 Cruelty to Animals Act, and thus have had (...)
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  • How Smart Grid Meets In Vitro Meat: on Visions as Socio-Epistemic Practices.Arianna Ferrari & Andreas Lösch - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (1):75-91.
    The production, manipulation and exploitation of future visions are increasingly important elements in practices of visioneering socio-technical processes of innovation and transformation. This becomes obvious in new and emerging science and technologies and large-scale transformations of established socio-technical systems. A variety of science and technology studies provide evidence on correlations between expectations and anticipatory practices with the dynamics of such processes of change. Technology assessment responded to the challenges posed by the influence of visions on the processes by elaborating methodologies (...)
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  • Collaborative research as boundary work: learning between rice growers and conservation professionals to support habitat conservation on private lands.Erin Hardie Hale, Christopher C. Jadallah & Heidi L. Ballard - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):715-731.
    Multi-stakeholder initiatives for biodiversity conservation on working landscapes often necessitate strategies to facilitate learning in order to foster successful collaboration. To investigate the learning processes that both undergird and result from collaborative efforts, this case study employs the concept of boundary work as a lens to examine learning between rice growers and conservation professionals in California’s Central Valley, who were engaged in a collaborative research project focused on migratory bird conservation. Through analysis of workshop observations, project documents, and interviews with (...)
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  • Values Levers: Building Ethics into Design.Katie Shilton - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (3):374-97.
    As information systems transform our world, computer scientists design affordances that influence the uses and impacts of these technological objects. This article describes how the practices of design affect the social values materialized in emerging technologies, and explores how design practices can encourage ethical reflection and action. The article presents an ethnography of a laboratory that engineered software for mobile phones to track users’ locations, habits, and behaviors. This technical work raised a number of ethical challenges, particularly around questions of (...)
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  • Lights Off, Spot On: Carbon Literacy Training Crossing Boundaries in the Television Industry.Wendy Chapple, Petra Molthan-Hill, Rachel Welton & Michael Hewitt - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (4):813-834.
    Proclaimed the “greenest television programme in the world,” the award-winning soap opera Coronation Street is seen as an industry success story. This paper explores how the integration of carbon literacy training led to a widespread transformational change of practice within Coronation Street. Using the theoretical lens of Communities of Practice, this study examines the nature of social learning and the enablers and barriers to change within the organization. Specifically, how boundary spanning practices, objects and people led to the transformation on (...)
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  • Consistent Forecasting vs. Anchoring of Market Stories: Two Cultures of Modeling and Model Use in a Bank.Leon Wansleben - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (4):605-630.
    ArgumentIt seems theoretically convenient to construe knowledge practices in financial markets and organizations as “applied economics.” Alternatively or additionally, one might argue that practitioners draw on economic knowledge in order to systematically orient their actions towards profit-maximization; models, then, are understood as devices that make calculative rationality possible. However, empirical studies do not entirely confirm these theoretical positions: Practitioners’ actual calculations are often not “framed” by models; organizations and institutions influence the choice and adoption of models; and different professional groups (...)
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  • Engaging Experts: Science-Policy Interactions and the Introduction of Congestion Charging in Stockholm.Anders Broström & Maureen McKelvey - 2018 - Minerva 56 (2):183-207.
    This article analyzes the conditions for mobilizing the science base for development of public policy. It does so by focusing upon the science-policy interface, specifically the processes of direct interaction between scientists and scientifically trained experts, on the one hand, and agents of policymaking organizations, on the other. The article defines two dimensions – cognitive distance and expert autonomy – which are argued to influence knowledge exchange, in such a way as to shape the outcome. A case study on the (...)
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  • Visioneering Socio-Technical Innovations — a Missing Piece of the Puzzle.Martin Sand & Christoph Schneider - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (1):19-29.
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  • One Site—Multiple Visions: Visioneering Between Contrasting Actors’ Perspectives.Franziska Engels, Anna Verena Münch & Dagmar Simon - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (1):59-74.
    Visions of and narratives about the future energy system influence the actual creation of innovations and are thus accompanying the current energy transition. Particularly in times of change and uncertainty, visions gain crucial relevance: imagining possible futures impacts the current social reality by both creating certain spaces of action and shaping technical artifacts. However, different actors may express divergent visions of the future energy system and its implementation. Looking at a particular innovation site involving multiple stakeholders over an 8-year period, (...)
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  • We Have Never Been “New Experimentalists”: On the Rise and Fall of the Turn to Experimentation in the 1980s.Jan Potters & Massimiliano Simons - 2023 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 13 (1):91-119.
    The 1980s, it is often claimed, was the decade when experimentation finally became a philosophical topic. This was the responsibility, the claim continues, of one particular movement within philosophy of science, called “new experimentalism.” The aim of this article is to complicate this historical narrative. We argue that in the 1980s, the study of experimentation was carried out not by one movement with one particular aim but rather in a diverse and open-ended way by people with different aims and backgrounds. (...)
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  • Ethics review of artistic research: challenging the boundaries and appealing for care.Hugo Boothby - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):112-127.
    In 2019, a new national Ethics Review Authority (Etikprövningsmyndigheten, EPM) was created in Sweden. In 2020, Sweden’s Ethical Review of Research Involving Humans Act was revised, tightening this legislation, and increasing penalties for its infraction. This article draws on empirical material generated by artistic research conducted with a norm-critical contemporary music ensemble. Two of the musicians who collaborated with this research identify as disabled. Consequently, in accordance with EPM, my artistic research was subject to mandatory ethics review. Reflecting critically on (...)
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  • The mental test as a boundary object in early-20 th -century Russian child science.Andy Byford - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (4):22-58.
    This article charts the history of mental testing in the context of the rise and fall of Russian child science between the 1890s and the 1930s. Tracing the genealogy of testing in scientific experimentation, scholastic assessment, medical diagnostics and bureaucratic accounting, it follows the displacements of this technology along and across the boundaries of the child science movement. The article focuses on three domains of expertise – psychology, pedagogy and psychiatry, examining the key guises that mental testing assumed in them (...)
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  • The Living and Working Together Perspective on Creativity in Organizations.Diletta Gazzaroli, Caterina Gozzoli & Gonzalo Sánchez-Gardey - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • What is the ‘Social’ in Climate Change Research? A Case Study on Scientific Representations from Chile.Marco Billi, Gustavo Blanco & Anahí Urquiza - 2019 - Minerva 57 (3):293-315.
    Over the last few decades climate change has been gaining importance in international scientific and political debates. However, the social sciences, especially in Latin America, have only lately become interested in the subject and their approach is still vague. Scientific understanding of global environmental change and the process of designing public policies to face them are characterized by their complexity as well as by epistemic and normative uncertainties. This makes it necessary to problematize the way in which research efforts understand (...)
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  • Der Durkheim‐Test. Anmerkungen zu Susan Leigh Stars Grenzobjekten.Sebastian Gießmann - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (3):211-226.
    The Durkheim Test. Remarks on Susan Leigh Star’s Boundary Objects. The article reconstructs Susan Leigh Star’s conceptual work on the notion of ‘boundary objects’. It traces the emergence of the concept, beginning with her PhD thesis and its publication as Regions of the Mind in 1989. ‘Boundary objects’ attempt to represent the distributed, multifold nature of scientific work and its mediations between different ‘social worlds’. Being addressed to several ‘communities of practice’, the term responded to questions from Distributed Artificial Intelligence (...)
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  • Science Communication as a Boundary Space: An Interactive Installation about the Social Responsibility of Science.Maja Horst - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (3):459-482.
    Science communication has traditionally been seen as a means of crossing the boundary of science: moving scientific knowledge into the public. This paper presents an alternative understanding. Drawing upon a particular case of social science communication in the form of an interactive installation about the social responsibility of science, it develops the concept of boundary space where phenomena can simultaneously belong to science and nonscience. In addition, the paper describes how the installation functions as a space for interaction between knowledge (...)
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  • The uses of trauma in experiment: Traumatic stress and the history of experimental neurosis, c. 1925–1975.Ulrich Koch - 2019 - Science in Context 32 (3):327-351.
    ArgumentThe article retraces the shifting conceptualizations of psychological trauma in experimental psychopathological research in the middle decades of the twentieth century in the United States. Among researchers studying so-called experimental neuroses in animal laboratories, trauma was an often-invoked category used to denote the clash of conflicting forces believed to lead to neurotic suffering. Experimental psychologists, however, soon grew skeptical of the traumatogenic model and ultimately came to reject neurosis as a disease entity. Both theoretical differences and practical circumstances, such as (...)
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  • Emergent Practices of an Environmental Standard.Ritsuko Ozaki & Isabel Shaw - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (2):219-242.
    Recent climate change statistics attribute over a quarter of carbon emissions to residential energy use in the United Kingdom. To address this, a building standard was introduced to aim to reduce the levels of carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption. This paper analyzes how such an environmental standard reconfigures the sociotechnological relations and practices of housing professionals that design, construct, and manage social housing. We focus on how actors engage with the standard’s recommendation for incorporating low and zero carbon technologies (...)
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  • A Sociotechnical History of the Ultralightweight Wheelchair: A Vehicle of Social Change.Nick Watson & Hilary Stewart - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (6):1195-1219.
    The emergence of the ultralightweight wheelchair has transformed the lives of millions of disabled people. It has radically changed the principles and practices of wheelchair design, manufacture, and prescription and redefined wheelchair users and wheelchair use. Designed and built largely by wheelchair users themselves, it was driven initially by a desire to improve sport performance and later by a wish for improved access to the community and built environment. In this paper, we draw on oral histories and documentary sources to (...)
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  • Plantation Botany: Slavery and the Infrastructure of Government Science in the St. Vincent Botanic Garden, 1765–1820 s. [REVIEW]J'Nese Williams - 2021 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 44 (2):137-158.
    This essay examines the aims, labor regime, and workers of the St. Vincent botanic garden to highlight differences in the infrastructure of government‐funded botany across the British empire. It argues that slavery was a foundational element of society and natural history in the Anglo‐Caribbean, and the St. Vincent botanic garden was both put into the service of slavery and transformed by it. When viewed from the Caribbean context and the perspective of enslaved workers, the St. Vincent garden's affiliation with imperial (...)
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