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  1. Anything new under the sun? Insights from a history of institutionalized AI ethics.Simone Casiraghi - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (2):1-14.
    Scholars, policymakers and organizations in the EU, especially at the level of the European Commission, have turned their attention to the ethics of (trustworthy and human-centric) Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, there has been little reflexivity on (1) the history of the ethics of AI as an institutionalized phenomenon and (2) the comparison to similar episodes of “ethification” in other fields, to highlight common (unresolved) challenges.Contrary to some mainstream narratives, which stress how the increasing attention to ethical aspects of AI is (...)
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  • Ethics of Science for Policy in the Environmental Governance of Biotechnology: MON810 Maize in Europe.Fern Wickson & Brian Wynne - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (3):321 - 340.
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  • Processes of Inclusion, Cultures of Calculation, Structures of Power: Scientific Citizenship and the Royal Commission on Genetic Modification.Joanna Goven - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (5):565-598.
    The significance of political-economic context for scientific citizenship is argued through an analysis of New Zealand’s Royal Commission on Genetic Modification. My intention is not to provide an account of why the commission came to the decisions it did but to illustrate how the political-economic context and the culture of regulatory science both exacerbate public concerns about unacknowledged uncertainty and commercial influence and make it difficult for those concerns to influence the outcomes of public dialogues. The discursive flexibility of science (...)
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  • How to include socio-economic considerations in decision-making on agricultural biotechnology? Two models from Kenya and South Africa.Koen Beumer - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):669-684.
    This article contributes to the debate about how regulatory science for agricultural technologies can be ‘opened up’ for a more diverse set of concerns and knowledges. The article focuses on the regulation of ‘socio-economic considerations’ for genetically modified organisms. While numerous countries have declared their intent to include these considerations in biotechnology decision-making, it is currently unclear both what counts as a socio-economic consideration and how such considerations should be assessed. This article provides greater clarity about how socio-economic considerations can (...)
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  • Scientific Responsibility: Should Analysis Start With the Scientists?Bernice Bovenkerk - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):66-68.
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  • Rethinking agricultural research roles.Robert L. Zimdahl - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (1):77-84.
    An examination of the role ofUniversity weed scientists in herbicide efficacyresearch and long-term weed management studies raisesseveral important questions: who should do what kindof research and what kind of research should be done,and, because the university is a research institutionfunded by the public, there is also the importantquestion of who should pay for the research. Indeveloping a response to these questions, severaldimensions of the relationships within which weedscience works must be considered. The author‘sexperience has demonstrated that production, thedominant value in (...)
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  • Governing by Values. EU Ethics: Soft Tool, Hard Effects. [REVIEW]Mariachiara Tallacchini - 2009 - Minerva 47 (3):281-306.
    The institutionalization of ethics and the direct influence of politics on how ethics bodies frame their opinions have been widely recognized and explored in the last few years. Less attention has been paid to what kind of normative instrument ethics as an institutional phenomenon has become in the State under the rule of law, and which institutional powers it has depended on. This paper analyzes the rise of ethics in the European Union context, where ethics, constructed as an isolated set (...)
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  • The Paradox of E-Numbers: Ethical, Aesthetic, and Cultural Concerns in the Dutch Discourse on Food Additives. [REVIEW]Dirk Haen - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (1):27-42.
    Persistent public distrust of food additives is often explained in terms of safety and health issues. The broad variety of ethical, aesthetic, and cultural concerns tends to be structurally ignored by food engineers and occasionally even by consumers themselves. The public controversy of food additives—commonly known as “E-numbers”—in the Netherlands is a case in point. Two discursive mechanisms prevent these concerns from becoming legitimate public issues: irrationalization and privatization. But these consumer concerns may not be as unreasonable as they seem, (...)
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