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  1. Knowing the (Datafied) Student: The Production of the Student Subject Through School Data.Neil Selwyn, Luci Pangrazio & Bronwyn Cumbo - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (3):345-361.
    This paper considers the subjectivation of students in light of the increasing amounts of digital data that are now being produced within schools. Taking a lead from critical data studies and the sociology of numbers, the paper draws on staff interviews in three Australian secondary schools to explore the various types of student data being generated, and the forms of student subjectivities that result. In particular, the paper contrasts the ‘holistic’ possibilities that some school leaders and administrators ascribe to data (...)
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  • The Datafication of Learning: Data Technologies as Reflection Issue in the System of Education.Ernst D. Thoutenhoofd - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (5):433-449.
    Like other parts of the social system, education is becoming an information-driven venture: data technologies pervade all levels of the system. This datafication of education seems to take place alongside a general turn to learning that Gert Biesta has called learnification: a progressively singular focus on the manipulable features of individual learning in education. Given rapidly rising levels of datafication, it seems timely to take up Luhmann and Schorr’s contention that education entails a technology deficit and discuss datafication as reflection (...)
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