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  1. Broca’s region: A causal role in implicit processing of grammars with crossed non-adjacent dependencies.Julia Uddén, Martin Ingvar, Peter Hagoort & Karl Magnus Petersson - 2017 - Cognition 164 (C):188-198.
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  • On the parity of structural persistence in language production and comprehension.Kristen M. Tooley & Kathryn Bock - 2014 - Cognition 132 (2):101-136.
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  • (1 other version)A Probabilistic Constraints Approach to Language Acquisition and Processing.S. A. Clark, M. S. Seidenberg & M. C. MacDonald - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):569-588.
    This article provides an overview of a probabilistic constraints framework for thinking about language acquisition and processing. The generative approach attempts to characterize knowledge of language (i.e., competence grammar) and then asks how this knowledge is acquired and used. Our approach is performance oriented: the goal is to explain how people comprehend and produce utterances and how children acquire this skill. Use of language involves exploiting multiple probabilistic constraints over various types of linguistic and nonlinguistic information. Acquisition is the process (...)
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  • The syntactic characterization of agrammatism.Yosef Grodzinsky - 1984 - Cognition 16 (2):99-120.
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  • Sensitivity to grammatical structure in agrammatic aphasics: A reply to Linebarger, Schwartz and Saffran.Edgar Zurif & Yosef Grodzinsky - 1983 - Cognition 15 (1-3):207-213.
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  • Disorders of lexical selection.Merrill Garrett - 1992 - Cognition 42 (1-3):143-180.
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  • When passives are easier than actives: two case studies of aphasic comprehension.Judit Druks & John C. Marshall - 1995 - Cognition 55 (3):311-331.
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  • Apes and language: Human uniqueness again?Robert W. Mitchell & H. Lyn Miles - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):200-201.
    Wilkins & Wakefield's intriguing model of language evolution is deficient in evidence of human uniqueness in metaphorical matching, amodal representation, reference, conceptual structure, hierarchical organization, linguistic comprehension, sign use, laterality, and handedness. Primates show communicative reference, laterality, and handedness, and apes in particular show hierarchical organization, conceptual structure, cross-modal abilities, sign use, and displaced reference.
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  • Neurolinguistic models and fossil reconstructions.Merlin Donald - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):188-189.
    Hominid-like morphology in habiline cranial endocasts does not necessarily imply the presence of language capacity. The cortical zone in question is not associated exclusively with language in humans, and its emergence in habilines might indicate the evolution of other cognitive functions special to humans that were preconditions for the later evolution of language.
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  • A case for auditory temporal processing as an evolutionary precursor to speech processing and language function.Roslyn Holly Fitch & Paula Tallal - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):189-189.
    Wilkins & Wakefield suggest that changes in the hominid brain made it uniquely “preadaptive” for language, yet no precursor functions served as adaptive substrates to the emergence of language. We present contrary evidence that the ability to discriminate and process rapid and complex auditory information is a cross-species function subserving communication processes including, but not limited to, human speech perception. We suggest that auditory temporal processing served as an evolutionary precursor to speech processing and consequent language development in humans.
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  • What do double dissociations prove?G. Van Orden - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (1):111-172.
    Brain damage may doubly dissociate cognitive modules, but the practice of revealing dissociations is predicated on modularity being true (T. Shallice, 1988). This article questions the utility of assuming modularity, as it examines a paradigmatic double dissociation of reading modules. Reading modules illustrate two general problems. First, modularity fails to converge on a fixed set of exclusionary criteria that define pure cases. As a consequence, competing modular theories force perennial quests for purer cases, which simply perpetuates growth in the list (...)
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  • Is preadaptation for language a necessary assumption?David J. Bryant - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):183-184.
    Preadaptation for language is an unnecessary assumption because intermediate stages of linguistic ability are possible and adaptive. Language could have evolved through gradual selection from structures exhibiting few features associated with modern structures. Without physical evidence pertaining to language ability in prehabilis hominids, it remains possible that selective pressures for language use preceded and necessitated modern neurolinguistic structures.
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  • Brains evolution and neurolinguistic preconditions.Wendy K. Wilkins & Jennie Wakefield - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):161-182.
    This target article presents a plausible evolutionary scenario for the emergence of the neural preconditions for language in the hominid lineage. In pleistocene primate lineages there was a paired evolutionary expansion of frontal and parietal neocortex (through certain well-documented adaptive changes associated with manipulative behaviors) resulting, in ancestral hominids, in an incipient Broca's region and in a configurationally unique junction of the parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes of the brain (the POT). On our view, the development of the POT in (...)
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  • Language deficits, localization, and grammar: Evidence for a distributive model of language breakdown in aphasic patients and neurologically intact individuals.Frederic Dick, Elizabeth Bates, Beverly Wulfeck, Jennifer Aydelott Utman, Nina Dronkers & Morton Ann Gernsbacher - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (4):759-788.
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  • Syntactic processing in agrammatism: A reply to Zurif and Grodzinsky.Marcia C. Linebarger, Myrna F. Schwartz & Eleanor M. Saffran - 1983 - Cognition 15 (1-3):215-225.
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  • Language mechanisms and reading disorder: A modular approach.Donald Shankweiler & Stephen Crain - 1986 - Cognition 24 (1-2):139-168.
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  • Palaeoneurology of language: Grounds for scepticism.Elizabeth Whitcombe - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):204-205.
    Wilkins & Wakefield's identification of anatomical features in the Koobi Fora endocast, which may be thought to carry some functional significance in relation to organization for language, raises fundamental problems of method: attention is drawn to some limitations of the evidence, of endocasts and of the neuroanatomical map used to interpret them.
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  • Coming of age in Olduvai and the Zaire rain forest.Justin Leiber - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):196-197.
    ProbablyHomo habilisis two species not one; similarly for Pan troglodytes. Although amenable to training, in naturePan paniscusmay be a “specialized insular dwarf.” Language is uniquely human, but symbolic behavior and intelligence are widespread among animals with little respect for phylogenetic closeness toHomo sapiens.
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  • Neural preconditions for proto-language.James R. Hurford & Simon Kirby - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):193-194.
    Representation must be prior to communication in evolution. Wilkins & Wakefield's target article gives the impression that communicative pressures play a secondary role. We suggest that their evolutionary precursor is compatible with protolanguage rather than language itself. The difference between these two communicative systems should not be underestimated: only the former can be trivially reappropriated from a representational system.
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  • The academic brand of aphasia: Where postmodernism and the science wars came from. [REVIEW]James Drake - 2002 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 15 (1):13-187.
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  • What do double dissociations prove?Guy C. Orden, Bruce F. Pennington & Gregory O. Stone - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (1):111-172.
    Brain damage may doubly dissociate cognitive modules, but the practice of revealing dissociations is predicated on modularity being true (T. Shallice, 1988). This article questions the utility of assuming modularity, as it examines a paradigmatic double dissociation of reading modules. Reading modules illustrate two general problems. First, modularity fails to converge on a fixed set of exclusionary criteria that define pure cases. As a consequence, competing modular theories force perennial quests for purer cases, which simply perpetuates growth in the list (...)
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  • Bartering old stone tools: When did communicative ability and conceptual structure begin to interact?Stephen F. Walker - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):203-204.
    Wilkins & Wakefield are clearly right to separate linguistic capacity from communicative ability, if only because other animal species have one without the other. But I question the abruptness of the demarcation they make between a period when hominids evolved enriched conceptual representation for other reasons entirely, and a subsequent later stage when language use became an adaptation.
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  • Single words, multiple words, and the functions of language.A. Charles Catania - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):184-185.
    Wilkins & Wakefield assign importance to motor systems but skip from anatomy to cognitive structure with little attention to behavior. Organisms, no matter how sophisticated, that do not behave in accord with what they know will fall by the evolutionary wayside. Facts about behavior can supplement the authors' theory, whose hierarchical structures can accommodate an evolutionary scenario in which a million years or more of functionally varied utterances mainly limited to single words is followed by an explosion of linguistic diversity (...)
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  • Evidence for POT expansion in early Homo: A pretty theory with ugly (or no) paleoneurological facts.Ralph L. Holloway - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):191-193.
    If POT (parieto-occipital-temporal junction) reorganization came earlier in australopithecines than in Homo, it is likely that the selective pressures were different, and not necessarily directed toward language. The brain endocast evidence for the POT in A. afarensis is actually better than it is for early Homo.
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  • Manual versus speech motor control and the evolution of language.Philip Lieberman - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):197-198.
    Inferences made from endocasts of fossil skulls cannot provide information on the function of particular neocortical areas or the subcortical pathways to prefrontal cortex that form part of the neural substrate for speech, syntax, and certain aspects of cognition. The neural bases of syntax cannot be disassociated from “communication.” Manual motor control was probably a preadaptive factor in the evolution of humansyntactic ability, but neurophysiological data on living humans show that speech motor control and syntax are more closely linked. The (...)
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  • A computer model of the temporal course of agrammatic sentence understanding: The effects of variation in severity and sentence complexity.Henk J. Haarmann & Herman H. J. Kolk - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (1):49-87.
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  • Complex behaviors: Evolution and the brain.William O. Dingwall - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):186-188.
    Three issues are addressed in this commentary. (1) Wilkins & Wakefield are commended for placing the complex behavior they discuss within an evolutionary matrix. (2) They err on a number of points in regard to their treatment of this complex behavior. These involve (a) their emphasis on the evolution of conceptual structure rather than language, (b) their equation of meaning with reference, (c) their minimalist view of learning theory, and (d) their separation of the evolution of speech from that of (...)
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  • Conceptual structure and syntax.Frederick J. Newmeyer - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):202-202.
    The syntactic structures of natural languages reflect conceptual categories more directly than they reflect communicative categories. This fact supports the main premise of the target article, namely, that the most important event in language evolution was the development of a hierarchical conceptual structure.
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  • Human language: Are nonhuman precursors lacking?Marc D. Hauser & Nathan D. Wolfea - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):190-191.
    Contra Wilkins & Wakefield, we argue that an evolutionarily inspired approach to language must consider different facets of language (i.e., more than syntax and semantics), and must explore the possibility of nonhuman precursors. Several examples are discussed, illustrating the power of the comparative approach in illuminating our understanding of language evolution.
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  • Semiogenesis as a continuous, not a discrete, phenomenon.Jo Liska - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):198-199.
    This commentary confronts one of the central tenets advanced in Wilkins & Wakefield's target article: By adopting a very narrow perspective on language, the authors have effectively limited discussion of earlier linguistic capabilities thought to be at least facilitative of, if not prerequisite to language defined as a An alternative conceptualization for describing semiogenesis is offered.
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  • Issues and nonissues in the origins of language.Wendy K. Wilkins & Jennie Wakefield - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):205-226.
    This response clarifies the nature of reappropriation and the definition of language. It explicates the relationship between neural systems and language and between homology and evolutionary gradualism. Through a review of ape capacities in the realms of language and tool use, it distinguishes human language acquisition from nonhuman learning. Finally, it suggests the appropriate sorts of evidence on which to base further evolutionary arguments relevant to the origins of language.
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  • Could grammatical encoding and grammatical decoding be subserved by the same processing module?Gerard Kempen - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):38-39.
    Grodzinsky interprets linguistic differences between agrammatic comprehension and production symptoms as supporting the hypothesis that the mechanisms underlying grammatical encoding (sentence formulation) and grammatical decoding (syntactic parsing) are at least partially distinct. This inference is shown to be premature. A range of experimentally established similarities between the encoding and decoding processes is highlighted, testifying to the viability of the hypothesis that receptive and productive syntactic tasks are performed by the same syntactic processor.
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  • How verbs and non-verbal categories navigate the syntax/semantics interface: Insights from cognitive neuropsychology.Michele Miozzo, Kyle Rawlins & Brenda Rapp - 2014 - Cognition 133 (3):621-640.
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  • In defense of agrammatism.David Caplan - 1986 - Cognition 24 (3):263-276.
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  • Lending a hand.Michael C. Corballis - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):185-186.
    The precise manner in which language serves its communicative function suggests that natural selection, rather than exaptation or reappropriation, played the major role in its evolution. Natural selection is more readily invoked, I suggest, if it is assumed that language originated as a system of manual gestures, and later switched to an oral mode.
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  • Finding the true place of Homo habilis in language evolution.Derek Bickerton - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):182-183.
    Despite some sound basic assumptions, Wilkins & Wakefield portray a Homo habilis too linguistically sophisticated to fit in with the subsequent fossil record and thereby lose a reasoned explanation for human innovativeness. They err, too, in accepting a single-level model of conceptual structure and in deriving initial linguistic units from calls, a process far more dubious than the derivation of home-sign from naive gesture.
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  • Grammatical Morphemes and Conceptual Structure in Discourse Processing.Daniel G. Morrow - 1986 - Cognitive Science 10 (4):423-455.
    The present paper analyzes how the semantic and pragmatic functions of closed class categories, or grammatical morphemes (i.e., inflections and function words), organize discourse processing. Grammatical morphemes tend to express a small set of conceptual distinctions that organize a wide range of objects and relations, usually expressed by content or open class words (i.e., nouns and verbs), into situations anchored to a discourse context. Therefore, grammatical morphemes and content words cooperate in guiding the construction of a situation model during discourse (...)
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  • Syntactic determinants of sentence comprehension in aphasia.David Caplan, Catherine Baker & Francois Dehaut - 1985 - Cognition 21 (2):117-175.
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  • Paragrammatisms.Brian Butterworth & David Howard - 1987 - Cognition 26 (1):1-37.
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  • Processing distinctions between stems and affixes: Evidence from a non-fluent aphasic patient.Lorraine K. Tyler, Susan Behrens, Howard Cobb & William Marslen-Wilson - 1990 - Cognition 36 (2):129-153.
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  • Stone tools and conceptual structure.James Steele - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):202-203.
    Understanding how conceptual structures inform stone tool production and use would help us resolve the issue of a pongid-hominid dichotomy in brain organisation and cognitive ability. Evidence from ideational apraxia suggests that the planning of linguistic and manipulative behaviours is not colocalized in homologous circuits. An alternative account in terms of the evolutionary expansion of the whole prefrontal-premotor area may be more plausible.
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  • Solving the language origins puzzle: Collecting and assembling all pertinent pieces.Kathleen R. Gibson - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):189-190.
    Wilkins & Wakefield fall short of solving the language origin puzzle because they underestimate the cognitive and linguistic capacities of great apes. A focus on ape capacities leads to the recognition of varied levels of cognition and language and to a gradualistic model of language emergence in which early hominid language skills exceed those of the apes but fall far short of those of modern humans or later fossil hominid groups.
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  • Comprehension of reversible sentences in “agrammatism”: a meta-analysis.Rita Sloan Berndt, Charlotte C. Mitchum & Anne N. Haendiges - 1996 - Cognition 58 (3):289-308.
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  • La faculté de langage : travaux récents d’inspiration fonctionaliste sur son architecture, ses universaux, son émergence et sa transmission.Jacques François - 2003 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 1 (1).
    La spécificité de la faculté de langage est l’objet d’une controverse fondamentale entre les représentants de la modularité de l’esprit et spécifiquement d’une grammaire universelle modulaire concernée seulement par la modélisation de la compétence linguistique — communément désignés comme "formalistes" — et les défenseurs d’une vision fonctionaliste dont la dominante peut être pragmatique ou cognitive. Le propos de cet article est en premier lieu d’éclairer le débat épistémologique entre fonctionalisme et formalisme en linguistique. Puis, après avoir évoqué brièvement la corrélation (...)
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  • (1 other version)A Probabilistic Constraints Approach to Language Acquisition and Processing.Mark S. Seidenberg & Maryellen C. MacDonald - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):569-588.
    This article provides an overview of a probabilistic constraints framework for thinking about language acquisition and processing. The generative approach attempts to characterize knowledge of language (i.e., competence grammar) and then asks how this knowledge is acquired and used. Our approach is performance oriented: the goal is to explain how people comprehend and produce utterances and how children acquire this skill. Use of language involves exploiting multiple probabilistic constraints over various types of linguistic and nonlinguistic information. Acquisition is the process (...)
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  • Issues in neo- and paleoneurology of language.Harry J. Jerison - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):195-196.
    Wilkins and Wakefield's hypothesis that language is fundamentally a cognitive rather than cominunicational adaptation is reasonable, but there are flaws in their anatomical and fossil evidence. Their analysis of reorganization also needs clarification. Finally, the origin of language ability must have occurred with australopithecine rather than habiline adaptations on entry into the novel hominid adaptive zone.
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  • The hominid tool-language connection: Some missing evolutionary links?A. Maryanski - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):199-200.
    This commentary criticizes Wilkins & Wakefield's thesis that the neurological precursors of language provide a cognitive Rubicon to linguistically divide human from nonhuman primates. A causal model of their theory is presented, followed by a discussion of the relationship between brain expansion and tool use, Broca's area and the parietaloccipital-temporal junction (POT).
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  • Syntactic loss versus processing deficit: An assessment of two theories of agrammatism and syntactic comprehension deficits.Randi C. Martin, W. Frederick Wetzel, Carol Blossom-Stach & Edward Feher - 1989 - Cognition 32 (2):157-191.
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  • Language as a multimodal sensory enhancement system.Bob Jacobs & John M. Horner - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):194-195.
    Several claims made by Wilkins & Wakefield require qualification. First, the proposed delineation of the parietal-occipital-temporal junction (POT) is overly restrictive. Second, focusing exclusively on the evolutionary importance of manual manipulation oversimplifies interacting evolutionary preconditions for language. Finally, Wilkins and Wakefield's perspective adheres to a homocentric, formal, linguistic definition of language instead of viewing language as a multimodal sensory enhancement system unique to each species.
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