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  1. A Comparative Analysis of the Additive and Regressive Effects of "Interest “on Individual’s Critical Thinking Ability from the Viewpoint of the Islamic Traditions.Sajjad Askari Matin, Jaafar Houshyari & Reza Montazeri Moghaddam - 2022 - Applied Issues in Islamic Education 7 (1):123-150.
    ABSTRACT Objective: In the bulk of literature on critical thinking, the influence of interest on cognitive and affective processes of individuals has always been a source of debate and disagreement; a reciprocal relationship to be detrimental or facilitative in the development and enhancement of critical thinking as a skill. The present paper aims at explaining and resolving the observed discrepancy, with the combination of a comparative (agreement method) and a (descriptive-analytical). Method: method, on the additive and regressive effect of “interest” (...)
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  • Quelles relations entre le développement de la pensée critique dialogique et les représentations sociales des jeunes analysées sous forme de « scènes » ? Étude de cas chez des adolescents marocains Recherches en Éducation, 41, 126-145.Marie-France Daniel - 2020 - Recherches En Education 41:126-145.
    Cet article se base sur des résultats d’enquête récents montrant que, chez des adolescents marocains âgés de dix à dix-huit ans, les manifestations de pensée critique dialogique se si-tuent majoritairement dans une « perspective épistémologique » appelée « relativisme » par un modèle développemental élaboré dans les quinze dernières années avec la méthode de la théorie ancrée. Pour comprendre ces résultats de recherche, qui contrastent avec ceux obte-nus auprès d’adolescents québécois et français appartenant aux mêmes groupes d’âge, nous décrivons, dans (...)
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  • Why Do We Need Humanities?Lukáš Švihura - 2017 - Message of John Paul II. 2016. Current Challenges and Trends in the Social Sciences.
    The article is a philosophical reflection of the current status of the humanities in Slovakia. In many areas of our society there is an evident deficit in humanities-science knowledge, reflected also in parliamentary election results in 2016 and having serious consequences on our society. The article therefore suggests the possibility of transposing the knowledge of the humanities, particularly philosophy, in the educational process appropriate to the character of a pluralistic liberal democracy in the 21st century.
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  • A Model of Critical Thinking in Higher Education.Martin Davies - 2011 - In M. B. Paulsen (ed.), Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Springer. pp. 41-92.
    “Critical thinking in higher education” is a phrase that means many things to many people. It is a broad church. Does it mean a propensity for finding fault? Does it refer to an analytical method? Does it mean an ethical attitude or a disposition? Does it mean all of the above? Educating to develop critical intellectuals and the Marxist concept of critical consciousness are very different from the logician’s toolkit of finding fallacies in passages of text, or the practice of (...)
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  • From laboratory to praxis: communities of philosophical inquiry as a model of (and for) social activism.Arie Kizel - 2016 - Childhood and Philosophy 12 (25):497 – 517.
    This article discusses the conditions under which dialogical learner-researchers can move out of the philosophical laboratory of a community of philosophical inquiry into the field of social activism, engaging in a critical and creative examination of society and seeking to change it. Based on Matthew Lipman’s proposal that communities of philosophical inquiry can serve as a model of social activism in the present, it presents the community of philosophical inquiry as a model for social activism in the future. In other (...)
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  • A Meta-Level Approach to the Problem of Defining ‘Critical Thinking’.Ralph H. Johnson & Benjamin Hamby - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (4):417-430.
    The problem of defining ‘critical thinking’ needs a fresh approach. When one takes into consideration the sheer quantity of definitions and their obvious differences, an onlooker might be tempted to conclude that there is no inherent meaning to the term: that each author seems to consider that he or she is free to offer a definition that suits them. And, with a few exceptions, there has not been much discussion among proposers about the strength and weaknesses of the attempted definitions. (...)
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  • Fostering the Virtues of Inquiry.Sharon Bailin & Mark Battersby - 2016 - Topoi 35 (2):367-374.
    This paper examines what constitute the virtues of argumentation or critical thinking and how these virtues might be developed. We argue first that the notion of virtue is more appropriate for characterizing this aspect than the notion of dispositions commonly employed by critical thinking theorists and, further, that it is more illuminating to speak of the virtues of inquiry rather than of argumentation. Our central argument is that learning to think critically is a matter of learning to participate knowledgeably and (...)
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  • Critical Thinking in the Schools: Why Doesn't Much Happen?Ian Wright - 2002 - Informal Logic 22 (2).
    The teaching of critical thinking in public schooling is a central aim. Yet, despite its widespread acceptance in curriculum documents, critical thinking is rarely taught. Motivated by Onosko (1991), and by the efforts of some post-secondary instructors of critical thinking to get critical thinking taught in schools, I look at the recent literature on (a) critical thinking in the social studies, (b) definitions of, and programs in critical thinking, (c) teachers beliefs, and (d) the milieus in which teachers work. I (...)
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  • Investigating philosophical discussion with children as co-researchers : a case story of doing educative research using collaborative philosophical inquiry.Judy A. Kyle - unknown
    This thesis is about an investigation of how children with philosophical experience use philosophical discussion as a way of doing research. A Lawrence Stenhouse description of 'research' as "systematic and sustained enquiry made public" served as my starting point for what to count as 'research'. As an interpretive case story of children participating in research as co-researchers, this research is about how I engaged in an after-school Discussion Research Group co-research project with seventeen volunteer students from my Philosophy for Children (...)
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  • Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Philosophy for Children1.Marie-France Daniel & Emmanuelle Auriac - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (5):415-435.
    For centuries, philosophy has been considered as an intellectual activity requiring complex cognitive skills and predispositions related to complex (or critical) thinking. The Philosophy for Children (P4C) approach aims at the development of critical thinking in pupils through philosophical dialogue. Some contest the introduction of P4C in the classroom, suggesting that the discussions it fosters are not philosophical in essence. In this text, we argue that P4C is philosophy.
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  • Critical Thinking in Social Contexts: A Trajectory Analysis of States’ K-5 Social Studies Content Standards.Oluseyi Matthew Odebiyi & Ashley Tickle Odebiyi - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (4):277-288.
    This study investigates the trajectories of intended critical thinking in a social context present in the K-5 social studies content standards of six states. It considers how the nature of context-based critical thinking present in the standards’ benchmarks is represented. The findings reveal a complex dynamic in K-5 social studies content standards, which fundamentally expect young learners to advance their critical thinking in social context. But the content standards promote inconsistent critical thinking in a social context across grade levels. The (...)
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  • Proposal for a new talent concept based on socioformation.Sergio Tobon & Josemanuel Luna-Nemecio - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (1):21-33.
    Although human talent is essential to achieve social and organizational development with a sustainable focus, its definition and features remain unclear considering humanity’s current challenges an...
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  • O que significa ser eticamente crítico? Algumas reflexões sobre a Filosofia para Crianças.Magda Costa Carvalho - 2014 - In Rui Marques Vieira, Celina Tenreiro-Vieira, Idália Sá-Chaves & Celeste Maria Machado (eds.), Pensamento Crítico na Educação: Perspetivas Atuais no Panorama Internacional. Universidade de Aveiro. pp. 71-81.
    A nossa reflexão aborda o projeto de Filosofia para Crianças iniciado nos Estados Unidos da América por Matthew Lipman e Ann Sharp. Procuraremos refletir acerca das linhas de articulação entre as dimensões cognitiva e ética deste projeto, escolhendo como fio condutor a interrogação o que significa ser eticamente crítico? Pretendemos, assim, sistematizar algumas das ideias de Lipman e Sharp em torno do pensamento crítico, sobretudo nas suas implicações éticas.
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  • Introduction.Martin Davies & Ronald Barnett - 2015 - In W. Martin Davies & Ronald Barnett (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education. New York, NY, USA: Palgrave. pp. 1-25.
    What is critical thinking, especially in the context of higher education? How have research and scholarship on the matter developed over recent past decades? What is the current state of the art here? How might the potential of critical thinking be enhanced? What kinds of teaching are necessary in order to realize that potential? And just why is this topic important now? These are the key questions motivating this volume. We hesitate to use terms such as “comprehensive” or “complete” or (...)
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  • Deficient Critical Thinking Skills among College Graduates: Implications for leadership.Kevin L. Flores, Gina S. Matkin, Mark E. Burbach, Courtney E. Quinn & Heath Harding - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (2):212-230.
    Although higher education understands the need to develop critical thinkers, it has not lived up to the task consistently. Students are graduating deficient in these skills, unprepared to think critically once in the workforce. Limited development of cognitive processing skills leads to less effective leaders. Various definitions of critical thinking are examined to develop a general construct to guide the discussion as critical thinking is linked to constructivism, leadership, and education. Most pedagogy is content-based built on deep knowledge. Successful critical (...)
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  • Socratic dialogue and cognitive dissonance in philosophy teaching: analysis of an instructional strategy for promoting critical thinking in technical and vocational schools.Michele Flammia - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Milan Bicocca
    This research project analyzes a strategy for teaching philosophy in secondary school inspired by Socratic dialogue, which aims at the creation and effective management of cognitive dissonance as a tool for promoting critical thinking, called Socratic Challenge (SC). The research originates from workshops held in the years 2016/2019 in a technical and vocational institute in the province of Varese, in which I participated as the creator and conductor, involving the voluntary participation of about 150 students. The research questions are: What (...)
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  • An Evaluation of the ‘Philosophy for Children’ programme: The impact on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills.Ourania Ventista - 2019 - Dissertation, Durham University
    Philosophy for Children is a school-based intervention currently implemented in more than 60 countries. This thesis examines the evidence regarding the effectiveness of Philosophy for Children for developing pupils’ cognitive and non-cognitive skills. Three different approaches were used. A systematic literature review was conducted of the evidence published in the last 40 years. A new comparative evaluation study was conducted with Year 5 pupils in 17 primary schools in England. The intervention lasted for an academic year, and a pre-test and (...)
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  • Ḥikmah pedagogy and students’ thinking and reasoning abilities.Rosnani Hashim, Suhailah Hussien & Adesile M. Imran - 2014 - Intellectual Discourse 22 (2).
    This research drew on the authors’ long experience in the implementation of the “_Hikmah_ Pedagogy” which is based on the Philosophy for Children’s teaching method. Specifically, the study examined the influence of the pedagogy on the participants’ perceptions of and feelings about their thinking and reasoning skills. The sample comprised 188 Malaysian and international students from an international secondary school in Malaysia. This consisted of students in four Grade levels, ranging from Grades 7 to 10. An instrument named “_Hikmah_ Feedback (...)
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  • Reasons and Normativity in Critical Thinking.Guðmundur Heiðar Frímannsson - 2015 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 4 (1):3-16.
    The reasons conception is the most prominent account of the nature of critical thinking. It consists in responding appropriately to reasons. Responding to reasons can be following a rule, it can be making an exception to a rule, it can be responding to a situation that is unique. It depends on the context each time what is the appropriate response. Critical thinking is the educational cognate of rationality and is a sine qua non for a reasonable life in a modern (...)
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  • (1 other version)Eating Flowers, Holding Hands.Ben Hamby - 2011 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 26 (3):47-53.
    This paper is inspired by Anthony Weston’s “What if Teaching Went Wild?” (2004), in which he proposes a radical approach to environmental education, suggesting among other things a stress on “otherness.” Comparing Weston’s proposal to Richard Paul’s (1992) concept of the “strong sense” critical thinker, and to Trudy Govier’s (2010) rationale for her pedagogy of argument, I suggest that “going wild” in stand-alone critical thinking courses could provide a positive, unsettling push, helping students to reconnect through the otherness of alternative (...)
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  • The story circle as a practice of democratic, critical inquiry.Natalie M. Fletcher, Maughn Rollins Gregory, Peter Shea & Ariel Sykes - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-42.
    The authors of this essay have been committed practitioners and teachers of Philosophy for Children in a variety of educational settings, from pre-schools through university doctoral programs and in adult community and religious education programs. The promotion of critical thinking has always been a primary goal of this movement. But communal practices of critical thinking need to include other kinds of democratic conversation that prompt us to see others as full-fledged persons and to be curious about how our being in (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Rise of Informal Logic: Essays on Argumentation, Critical Thinking, Reasoning, and Politics.Ralph Henry Johnson - 1996 - Newport, VA, USA: Vale Press. Edited by J. Anthony Blair, Trudy Govier, Leo Groarke, John Hoaglund & Christopher W. Tindale.
    We are pleased to release this edition of Ralph Johnson’s The Rise of Informal Logic as Volume 2 in the series Windsor Studies in Argumentation. This edition is a reprint of the previous Vale Press edition with some typographical errors and other minor mistakes corrected. The prime motive for gathering Ralph H. Johnson’s essays under one cover is their clear articulation of the goals, concerns and problems of the discipline of informal logic. To my knowledge all of the published articles, (...)
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  • Collaborative philosophical inquiry as peace pedagogy.Somayeh Khatibi Moghadam - 2019 - Dissertation, The University of Queensland
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  • Definition: A Three-Dimensional Analysis with Bearing on Key Concepts.H. Ennis Robert - unknown
    This essay presents a three-dimensional analysis of definition with application to making and evaluating definitions; teaching how to define; avoiding equivocation with "argument" and "bias"; and, using the concept-conception distinction, avoiding being deterred by the many definitions of "critical thinking", and seeing the usefulness of objectivity in everyday arguments in spite of existing conflict and confusion about aspects of objectivity.
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  • Commentary on “A Three-Dimensional Analysis of Definition with Bearing on Key Concepts” by Robert Ennis.Kevin Possin - unknown
    On the nature of definitions and concepts, and the definition of critical thinking.
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  • Do Programmes Delineating Critical Thinking as a Learning Outcome Facilitate its Teaching? International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and Lebanese Baccalaureate Programme.Yara Yasser Hilal - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):201-217.
    Critical thinking continues to be viewed as a prerequisite skill for lifelong learning. It is not surprising therefore, that academic programmes delineate CT as a goal and a learning outcome. However, there are concerns regarding the extent to which the aims and objectives of the programmes are aligned with pedagogies for CT. Both the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and the Lebanese Baccalaureate Programme clearly delineate CT as a goal and a learning outcome. The study examines the facilitation of teaching CT (...)
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  • Johnson`s The Rise of Informal Logic: Essays on Argumentation, Critical Thinking, Reasoning and Politics.David Hitchcock - 1996 - Informal Logic 18 (2):269-83.
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  • Reason and refutation: a review of two recent books by Harvey Siegel. [REVIEW]Mark Weinstein - 1992 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 11 (3):231-263.
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  • Developing Democratic Dispositions and Enabling Crap Detection: Claims for classroom philosophy with special reference to Western Australia and New Zealand.Leon Benade - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (11):1243-1257.
    The prominence given in national or state-wide curriculum policy to thinking, the development of democratic dispositions and preparation for the ‘good life’, usually articulated in terms of lifelong learning and fulfilment of personal life goals, gives rise to the current spate of interest in the role that could be played by philosophy in schools. Theorists and practitioners working in the area of philosophy for schools advocate the inclusion of philosophy in school curricula to meet these policy objectives. This article tests (...)
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