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  1. Antropología fenomenológica y giro ontológico.Julián García Labrador - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (1):95-113.
    Este artículo muestra los paralelismos y las divergencias del giro ontológico y de la antropología fenomenológica. Ambas corrientes, en fidelidad al dato etnográfico, comparten el rechazo al régimen de representación y ambas corrientes cuestionan los compromisos epistémicos del investigador. Sin embargo, el giro ontológico presenta una orientación conceptual, que deriva a menudo en tipología, mientras que la antropología fenomenológica atiende a las relaciones perceptivas del mundo de la vida desde una apertura hermenéutica.
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  • Realität und Wirklichkeit. Zur Ontologie geteilter Welten.Tom Poljansek - 2022 - Transcript Verlag.
    Dass wir alle in einer gemeinsamen Wirklichkeit leben, setzen wir meist unhinterfragt voraus. Sehen Andere die Welt dann doch einmal anders, mag es uns scheinen, als sähen sie diese einfach nicht so, wie sie wirklich ist. Schwerer fällt uns anzuerkennen, dass andere zuweilen in ganz anderen Wirklichkeiten unterwegs sind als wir selbst. - Tom Poljansek zeigt, wie sich die Vorstellung einer Pluralität menschlicher Wirklichkeiten mit der Annahme einer wahrnehmungsunabhängigen Realität vereinbaren lässt, ohne sich in einen Relativismus der vielen Wirklichkeiten zu (...)
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  • « Le tour du monde d’un universitaire ». Significations du voyage de Lucien Lévy-Bruhl en 1920 pour l’histoire de l’anthropologie sociale.Frédéric Keck - 2022 - Revue de Synthèse 144 (1-2):31-64.
    Résumé Lucien Lévy-Bruhl effectue un voyage autour du monde en 1920 qui le conduit à prendre part aux controverses coloniales sur la vaccination aux Philippines. Cet article interroge la signification d’une telle controverse dans le cadre d’une anthropologie positiviste qui prétend totaliser les modes de penser « primitifs » et « civilisé » pour un sociologue typique. En mobilisant les figures de Jules Verne et d’Alfred Dreyfus, il montre que le tour du monde social peut être effectué à partir des (...)
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  • Tra natura e cultura: la razionalità.Paola Labinaz - 2014 - Esercizi Filosofici 9 (2):43-65.
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  • Raymond Boudon as Social Theorist: A Comparison with Ludwig von Mises.Renaud Fillieule - 2014 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 20 (2):91-128.
    This comparison between Boudon and Mises focuses on the main tenets of their respective conceptions of social science. It covers action theory, the theory of belief, the epistemology of social science, and also addresses the topic of liberalism.
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  • The Child as a Cartesian Thinker: Children's Reasonings About Metaphysical Aspects of Reality.Eugene Subbotsky - 1996 - New York: Psychology Press.
    Originally published in 1996, this book presents and analyses children’s reasonings about fundamental metaphysical problems. The first part describes dialogues with children that were constructed on the basis of Descartes’ _Mediations on First Philosophy_ and which look at children’s ideas about the relationships between true and false knowledge, mental images and physical objects, mind and body, personal existence and the external world, dreams and reality, and the existence of the Supreme Being, among others. The second part of the book draws (...)
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  • (1 other version)African Values, Human Rights and Group Rights: A Philosophical Foundation for the Banjul Charter.Thaddeus Metz - 2013 - In Oche Onazi (ed.), African Legal Theory and Contemporary Problems: Critical Essays. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 131-51.
    A communitarian perspective, which is characteristic of African normative thought, accords some kind of primacy to society or a group, whereas human rights are by definition duties that others have to treat individuals in certain ways, even when not doing so would be better for others. Is there any place for human rights in an Afro-communitarian political and legal philosophy, and, if so, what is it? I seek to answer these questions, in part by critically exploring one of the most (...)
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  • Alternative Modes Of Thought.Peter Burke - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (1):41-60.
    This essay—a contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium on contextualism—is concerned with the gradual rise (in Europe and then more generally in the West) of awareness of the existence of modes of thought or systems of belief that are different from those that are dominant in one's own culture. The awareness can be found in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (for example, in John Locke, Bernard de Fontenelle, and Giambattista Vico) but was developed further in the early to mid-twentieth century. (...)
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  • Is Durkheim the Enemy of Evolutionary Psychology?Schmaus Warren - 2003 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33 (1):25-52.
    an exemplar of an approach that takes the human mind to be largely the product of social and cultural factors with negligible contributions from biology. The author argues that on the contrary, his sociological theory of the categories is compatible with the possibility of innate cognitive capacities, taking causal cognition as his example. Whether and to what extent there are such innate capacities is a question for research in the cognitive neurosciences. The extent to which these innate capacities can then (...)
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  • The mind and the faculties: the controversy over 'primitive mentality' and the struggle for disciplinary space at the inter-war Sorbonne.Cristina Chimisso - 2000 - History of the Human Sciences 13 (3):47-68.
    This article deals with some aspects of the study of the mind between the 1920s and 1940s at the University of Paris. Traditionally the domain of philosophy, the study of the mind was encroached upon by other disciplines such as history of science, ethnology, sociology and psychology. These disciplines all had weak institutional status and were struggling to constitute themselves as autonomous. History of science did not as a rule reject its relationship with philosophy, whereas ethnology, sociology and psychology were (...)
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  • The Prevalence of Mind–Body Dualism in Early China.Edward Slingerland & Maciej Chudek - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (5):997-1007.
    We present the first large-scale, quantitative examination of mind and body concepts in a set of historical sources by measuring the predictions of folk mind–body dualism against the surviving textual corpus of pre-Qin (pre-221 BCE) China. Our textual analysis found clear patterns in the historically evolving reference of the word xin (heart/heart–mind): It alone of the organs was regularly contrasted with the physical body, and during the Warring States period it became less associated with emotions and increasingly portrayed as the (...)
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  • What if the human mind evolved for nonrational thought? An anthropological perspective.Jonathan Marks - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):790-806.
    Our knowledge of the evolution of human thought is limited not only by the nature of the evidence, but also by the values we bring to the authoritative scientific study of our ancestors. The tendency to see human thought as linear progress in rational capacities has been popular since the Enlightenment, and in the wake of Darwinism has been extended to other species as well. Human communication can be used to transmit useful information, but is rooted in symbolic processes that (...)
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  • (2 other versions)The African Philosophy Reader: a text with readings.P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux (eds.) - 1998 - London: Routledge.
    Divided into eight sections, each with introductory essays, the selections offer rich and detailed insights into a diverse multinational philosophical landscape. Revealed in this pathbreaking work is the way in which traditional philosophical issues related to ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology, for instance, take on specific forms in Africa's postcolonial struggles. Much of its moral, political, and social philosophy is concerned with the turbulent processes of embracing modern identities while protecting ancient cultures.
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  • Pluralists about Pluralism? Versions of Explanatory Pluralism in Psychiatry.Jeroen Van Bouwel - 2014 - In Thomas Uebel (ed.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 105-119.
    In this contribution, I comment on Raffaella Campaner’s defense of explanatory pluralism in psychiatry (in this volume). In her paper, Campaner focuses primarily on explanatory pluralism in contrast to explanatory reductionism. Furthermore, she distinguishes between pluralists who consider pluralism to be a temporary state on the one hand and pluralists who consider it to be a persisting state on the other hand. I suggest that it would be helpful to distinguish more than those two versions of pluralism – different understandings (...)
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  • The rationality of magic.Michał Buchowski - 1988 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18 (4):509-518.
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  • Savoir et croyance.Claude Grignon - 2022 - Revue de Synthèse 144 (3-4):337-369.
    Résumé On se propose ici d’analyser la démarcation entre science et non science à partir de l’opposition entre savoir et croyance. Dans cette perspective, on est amené à étudier les relations entre le réel et le vrai et entre le réel et le possible, ce qui conduit à préciser le statut épistémologique du réalisme, à examiner les spécificités de l’imagination scientifique et les relations entre invention et découverte. Le progrès des savoirs peut favoriser un retour en force des croyances ; (...)
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  • Le concept de conscience active chez Marcien Towa.Cheikh Moctar Bâ - 2012 - Diogène n° 235-235 (3/4):14-29.
    Résumé Il est question de voir, à travers l’étude de certaines positions philosophiques de Marcien Towa en quoi l’activité philosophique est une expérience de liberté, une conscience active, en mouvement. En effet, chez Marcien Towa, la liberté est le résultat d’un processus de redécouverte de soi qui anime le sujet conscient de son être-là dans le monde. Le dévoilement de l’essence du moi est une nécessité voire un impératif dont l’effectivité est le résultat d’une remise en question de l’essence du (...)
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  • (Online) Spelling the (Digital) Spell: Talking About Magic in the Digital Revolution.Lionel Obadia - 2022 - Sophia 61 (1):23-40.
    The lexicon of religion has been widely used in the context of the social and cultural transformations associated with the ‘digital revolution’, whether in metaphoric or in realistic terms. The study of digital magic/magic in digital times, the other side of the coin of the Sacred 2.0, is still in its infancy. Yet, references to magic are made frequently in reflections about the rapid development of the digitalisation of society and culture, and they deserve more in-depth study. This paper tackles (...)
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  • Constructing narratives and reading texts: approaches to history and power struggles between philosophy and emergent disciplines in inter-war France.Cristina Chimisso - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (3):83-107.
    In inter-war France, history of philosophy was a very important academic discipline, but nevertheless its practitioners thought it necessary to defend its identity, which was threatened by its vicinity to many other disciplines, and especially by the emergent social sciences and history of science. I shall focus on two particular issues that divided traditional historians of philosophy from historians of science, ethnologists and sociologists, and that became crucial in the definition of the identity of their disciplines: the conception of history (...)
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  • Pour une histoire intellectuelle des organisations internationales : éléments de biographie collective.Marine Dhermy-Mairal - 2021 - Revue de Synthèse 142 (3-4):386-433.
    Résumé Cet article propose d’étudier les organisations internationales à travers le prisme de l’histoire intellectuelle, afin de saisir leur contribution à la transformation des savoirs économiques et sociaux. Le Bureau international du travail entre les années 1920 et 1939 est pris ici comme objet d’investigation. Après avoir montré que cet organisme international pouvait être considéré comme relevant d’un laboratoire de recherche scientifique, l’article décrit la diversité des trajectoires intellectuelles de l’ensemble des fonctionnaires de l’organisation et de la section statistique en (...)
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  • The Architectonics of Scientific Knowledge an Essay On the Dynamics of the Sciences.Alexandru Giuculescu - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (131):1-23.
    I. Science, myth, magic: three components of knowledge, in other words three types of activity in man who, in interaction with his surrounding environment seeks to accomodate himself to the constraints which this environment imposes on him while at the same time seeing to his own immediate or far-reaching needs.
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  • The anthropological underpinning of vygotsky's thinking.René Veer - 1991 - Studies in East European Thought 42 (2):73-91.
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