- Quantum propensiton theory: A testable resolution of the wave/particle dilemma.Nicholas Maxwell - 1988 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 39 (1):1-50.details
Wisdom, Knowledge and Rationality.Sharon Ryan - 2012 - Acta Analytica 27 (2):99-112.details
Methodological problems of neuroscience.Nicholas Maxwell - 1985 - In David Rose & Vernon G. Dobson, Models of the Visual Cortex. New York: Wiley.details
Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, and Aim-Oriented Empiricism.Nicholas Maxwell - 2005 - Philosophia 32 (1-4):181-239.details
Karl Popper, Science and Enlightenment.Nicholas Maxwell - 2017 - London: UCL Press.details
Induction and scientific realism: Einstein versus Van Fraassen part one: How to solve the problem of induction.Nicholas Maxwell - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (1):61-79.details
Induction and scientific realism: Einstein versus Van Fraassen part three: Einstein, aim-oriented empiricism and the discovery of special and general relativity.Nicholas Maxwell - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (2):275-305.details
How a Modest Fideism may Constrain Theistic Commitments: Exploring an Alternative to Classical Theism.John Bishop - 2007 - Philosophia 35 (3-4):387-402.details
Unification and Revolution: A Paradigm for Paradigms.Nicholas Maxwell - 2014 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 45 (1):133-149.details
Wisdom Paradigms for the Enhancement of Ethical and Profitable Business Practices.Coy A. Jones - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (4):363-375.details
Reply to comments on science and the pursuit of wisdom.Nicholas Maxwell - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (4):667-690.details
Can Scientific Method Help Us Create a Wiser World?Nicholas Maxwell - 2016 - In Nikunj Dalal, Ali Intezari & Marty Heitz, Practical wisdom in the age of technology: insights, issues, and questions for a new millennium. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 147-161.details
The Scandal of the Irrationality of Academia.Nicholas Maxwell - 2019 - Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education 1 (1):105-128..details
On the logic of what it is like to be a conscious subject.Jeff Foss - 1989 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67 (2):305-320.details
“Do We Need a Scientific Revolution.Nicholas Maxwell - 2008 - Journal for Biological Physics and Chemistry 8 (3):95-105.details
Three philosophical problems about consciousness and their possible resolution.Nicholas Maxwell - 2011 - Open Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):1.details
We Need to Recreate Natural Philosophy.Nicholas Maxwell - 2018 - Philosophies 3 (4):28.details
Muller’s Critique of the Argument for Aim-Oriented Empiricism.Nicholas Maxwell - 2009 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 40 (1):103-114.details
Subjectivity, objectivity, and Nagel on consciousness.Jeffrey Foss - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (4):725-36.details
A Critique of Science Education as Sociopolitical Action from the Perspective of Liberal Education.Yannis Hadzigeorgiou - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (3):259-280.details
How Simple is it for Science to Acquire Wisdom According to its Choicest Aims?Giridhari Lal Pandit - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (4):649-666.details
The Epistemic Imperialism of Science. Reinvigorating Early Critiques of Scientism.Lucas B. Mazur - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:609823.details
Scientific Conjectures and the Growth of Knowledge.Sanjit Chakraborty - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 38 (1):83-101.details
Does the Scientific Community Misconstrue the Nature of Science?Nicholas Maxwell - 2021 - Global Journal of Research and Review 8 (5):83.details
Learning about wisdom from Lehrer.Nenad Miščević - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 161 (1):59-68.details
Three Criticisms of Newton’s Inductive Argument in the Principia.Nicholas Maxwell - 2013 - Advances in Historical Studies 3 (1):2-11.details
Part two: Aim-oriented empiricism and scientific essentialism.Nicholas Maxwell - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (1):81-101.details
Why Theology Can and Should be Taught at Secular Universities: Lonergan on Intellectual Conversion.Patrick Giddy - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (3):527-543.details
Is the Wisdom Revolution Underway?Nicholas Maxwell - manuscriptdetails
Philosophy Seminars for Five-Year-Olds,.Nicholas Maxwell - 2005 - Learning for Democracy 1 (2):71-77.details
Science, objectivity and moral values.Alberto Cordero - 1992 - Science & Education 1 (1):49-70.details
(1 other version)Governability in the knowledge society. [Spanish].José Antonio López Cerezo - 2007 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 6:122-147.details
The metaphysics of science: An account of modern science in terms of principles, laws and theories. [REVIEW]Nicholas Maxwell - 2009 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 23 (2):228 – 232.details
Information, knowledge and wisdom: groundwork for the normative evaluation of digital information and its relation to the good life. [REVIEW]Edward H. Spence - 2011 - Ethics and Information Technology 13 (3):261-275.details
The Role of Metaphysics: As a Bridge between Science and Religion.مهدی گلشنی - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 14 (32):369-384.details