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  1. The Politics of ἁβϱοσύνη in Archaic Greece.Leslie Kurke - 1992 - Classical Antiquity 11 (1):91-120.
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  • Rags and Riches: The Costume of Athenian Men in the Fifth Century.A. G. Geddes - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):307-.
    At the beginning of the fifth century there was a change in the style of clothing worn by Athenian men.1 When Thucydides speaks of it,2 he first describes how the Greeks of ancient times used to carry weapons in everyday life, just as the barbarians of his own day still did. The Athenians were the first to lay weapons aside and to take up a relaxed and more luxurious way of life.
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  • Family tombs and tomb cult in ancient Athens: tradition or traditionalism?Sarah C. Humphreys - 1980 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 100:96-126.
    Fustel de Coulanges' thesis that ancient society was founded upon the cult of ancestral tombs has had, for a thoroughly self-contradictory argument, a remarkably successful career. Neither Fustel himself nor the many subsequent scholars who have quoted his views with approval faced clearly the difficulty of deriving a social structure dominated by corporate descent groups from the veneration of tombs placed in individually owned landed property. On the whole, historians have tended to play down Fustel's insistence on the relation between (...)
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  • On teaching critical thinking.Jim Mackenzie - 1991 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 23 (1):56–78.
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  • The Rhetoric of Parody in Plato’s Menexenus.Franco V. Trivigno - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (1):pp. 29-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Rhetoric of Parody in Plato's MenexenusFranco V. TrivignoIn Plato's Menexenus, Socrates spends nearly the entire dialogue reciting an epitaphios logos, or funeral oration, that he claims was taught to him by Aspasia, Pericles' mistress. Three difficulties confront the interpreter of this dialogue. First, commentators have puzzled over how to understand the intention of Socrates' funeral oration (see Clavaud 1980, 17–77).1 Some insist that it is parodic, performing an (...)
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  • Plataea's relations with Thebes, Sparta and Athens.Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond - 1992 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 112:143-150.
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  • Cleon's hidden appeals (Thucydides 3.37–40).James A. Andrews - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (1):45-62.
    πƤΟƩ ΗΔΟΝΗΝ ΛΕƮΕΙΝAt 2.65 Thucydides says of Pericles that he did not speak to please (πρòς ήδoνν λέγειν): he had no need of such means for acquiring influence, since he already enjoyed it because of his recognized merits. But his successors were on the same plane as one another, each one striving to establish himself as the man first in influence with the demos. And in this drive for ascendancy, they began to allow the people's pleasures to shape the advice (...)
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  • Spatial Contingencies in Thucydides' History.Karen Bassi - 2007 - Classical Antiquity 26 (2):171-218.
    This paper argues that spatial contingencies, defined by the relationship between where historical actors are in the narrative and what they say, are crucial for understanding the political and ideological effects of Thucydides' History. A comprehensive approach to these contingencies is linked to two related premises. First, that the city of Athens is the principal spatial referent in the History and, second, that Athens refers both to a set of “real” topographical features and to a transcendent and trans-historical ideal that (...)
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  • The unfriendly corcyraeans.Rachel Bruzzone - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):7-18.
    The prominence of the island city of Corcyra in Thucydides’ history of the Peloponnesian War presents a puzzle. It appears in the opening of the work in a conflict with its mother city Corinth, after which representatives of both Corinth and Corcyra deliver speeches at Athens. Further conflict between the two cities follows, with Athens supporting Corcyra. Later on, Thucydides depicts two unusually graphic episodes ofstasisat Corcyra. This prominence is surprising, given that the historian himself explicitly states that the initial (...)
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  • I “mali futuri” e non solo: possibili riprese tucididee in Dexippo e Eliodoro.Enrico Cerroni - 2021 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 165 (1):58-67.
    The reception of the work of Thucydides in late antique authors constitutes a huge chapter of allusions and reworkings, on methodological, structural, lexical levels and more. A fortiori, certain particularly famous passages by the historian are well suited for a study of their reception, above all where key terms or rare expressions are concentrated. The case of the adjective ἀλγεινός, a poeticism declined twice in the epitaphios of Pericles (2.39 and 2.43) offers interesting material of this kind in the work (...)
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  • Visual Culture and Ancient History.Jaś Elsner - 2015 - Classical Antiquity 34 (1):33-73.
    Through a specific example, this paper explores the problems of empiricism and ideology in the uses of material-cultural and visual evidence for the writing of ancient history. The focus is on an Athenian documentary stele with a fine relief from the late fifth century bc, the history of its publications, and their failure to account for the totality of the object's information—sculptural and epigraphic—let alone the range of rhetorical ambiguities that its texts and images implied in their fifth-century context. While (...)
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  • The Years 375 to 371 Bc: A Case Study in the Reliability of Diodorus Siculus and Xenophon.V. J. Gray - 1980 - Classical Quarterly 30 (02):306-.
    Neither the chronology nor the interpretation of the history of the years 375 to 371 BC is yet settled. The date of the peace that followed the Athenian naval victory over Sparta at Alyzeia in Scirophorion 375 is put variously in the second half of 375 or 374 or even in spring 374. The status of the Boeotian cities at the time of the peace as well as the role of the King and the participation of Thebes are controversial, and (...)
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  • The Nature of the Religious Dispute in Thucydides 1.25.4.Theodora Suk Fong Jim - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):537-542.
    In his account of the events leading up to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides tells us that in 435b.c.the Epidamnians decided to transfer their allegiance from Corcyra to Corinth in accordance with the Delphic oracle, whereupon the Corinthians agreed to support Epidamnus against their own colony Corcyra. One of the reasons given is that the Corinthians hated the Corcyraeans for their contempt for their mother city, as ‘in their common festivals they would not allow them the customary privileges (...)
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  • Risk, chance and danger in Classical Greek writing on battle.Roel Konijnendijk - 2020 - Journal of Ancient History 8 (2):175-186.
    This article highlights two aspects of the language used in Classical Greek literary sources to discuss pitched battle. First, the sources regularly use unqualified forms of the verb kinduneuein, “to take a risk,” when they mean fighting a battle. They do so especially in contexts of deliberation about the need to fight. Second, they often describe the outcome of major engagements in terms of luck, fate, and random chance, at the explicit expense of human agency. Taken together, these aspects of (...)
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  • Lemnos, Cimon, and the Hephaisteion.Jeremy McInerney - 2021 - Classical Antiquity 40 (1):151-193.
    This paper presents the case for reading the Hephaisteion as a temple planned and begun by the Philaid family early in the fifth century. It was originally designed to give a house to Hephaestus in Athens after the successful campaign of Miltiades brought the island of Lemnos, traditionally the home of Hephaestus, under Athenian control. Work on the temple was interrupted by the death of Miltiades but resumed in the wake of Cimon’s successful northern ventures. The strong association of Miltiades (...)
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  • Valuation Drifts, Meaning Endures: Thucydides 3.82.4.Simon Noriega-Olmos - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):82-100.
    Arguing against the long-standing belief that Thuc. 3.82.4 refers to words changing their meanings, this article shows that, according to the passage, the way in which people value actions and apply value-words to actions in peace differs from how they value and apply value-words to the same types of actions in stasis. But the meaning of the value-words themselves remains the same in both circumstances. The passage is about neither meaning nor the propagandistic manipulation of language but about the distorting (...)
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  • Soldiers and Sailors in Aristophanes' Babylonians.Jennifer S. Starkey - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):501-510.
    Only two articles in the past century have attempted reconstructions of this play: Gilbert Norwood in 1930 conjectured a basis in tragic burlesque, specifically a parody of Aeschylus’Edoni, due largely to the presence of Dionysus and a chorus of Babylonians. An entirely different plot was proposed in 1983 by David Welsh, who took as his starting point Herodotus’ account of the fall of Babylon; he thought that the chorus, envisioned as a group of refugees from the Persian empire, reflected the (...)
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  • History in [Demosthenes] 59.Jeremy Trevett - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):407-.
    It is well known that Athenian orators, when they made reference to the historical past, usually eschewed prolonged narrative in favour of brief allusions to familiar episodes from Athenian history. Perhaps the most striking exception to this custom is the long and detailed account of fifth-century Plataean history in the pseudo-Demosthenic speech Against Neaera . The main interest of this passage, however, lies not in its divergence from contemporary rhetorical practice, but in its clear reliance on Thucydides for its account (...)
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  • Thucydides 1.42.2 and the Megarian Decree.Christopher Tuplin - 1979 - Classical Quarterly 29 (02):301-.
    Is there or is there not a reference here to the Megarian Decree? Opinions have differed and no doubt will continue to do so. However, considerable authority has recently been thrown behind the proposition that the matter can be decided on purely linguistic grounds, that merely as a matter of use of Greek the passage cannot contain a reference to the Megarian Decree. This seems, on investigation, to be false, and since confusion appears to persist in the books about the (...)
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  • Conflict, People, and City-Space: Some Exempla from Thucydides' History.Claudia Zatta - 2011 - Classical Antiquity 30 (2):318-350.
    This essay considers episodes in which phenomena like war and civil strife affected, changed, and revealed the identity of the polis. Even if framed by an understanding of the Peloponnesian War and the imperialistic logic and destiny of Athens, Thucydides' History still provides us with narratives that illuminate the particular history of “minor” poleis, each with its specific events, turning points, and dynamics. Through analysis of Thucydides' historical material, this essay focuses on Plataea, Corcyra, and Mytilene and discusses the notion (...)
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  • Pindar's Pythian 11 and the Oresteia: Contestatory Ritual Poetics in the 5th c. BCE.Leslie Kurke - 2013 - Classical Antiquity 32 (1):101-175.
    The scholiasts offer two different dates for the Pythian victory of the Theban Thrasydaios celebrated in Pindar's eleventh Pythian ode: 474 or 454 bce. Following several older scholars, I accept the latter date, mainly because Pindar's myth in this poem is a mini-Oresteia, teeming with what seem to be echoes of the language, plotting, and sequencing of Aischylos' trilogy of 458 bce, as well as allusions to the genre of tragedy in general. Yet even those scholars who have argued for (...)
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  • Constitution and Fundamental Law: The Lesson of Classical Athens.John David Lewis - 2011 - Social Philosophy and Policy 28 (1):25-49.
    The question of what constitutions should do is deeply connected to what constitutions are. In the American founding conception, a constitution was a fundamental law, hierarchically superior to the decisions of the legislature, and intended to act as a restraint on legislative action. Despite the massive gulf between the ancient Greeks and the Americans, classical Athens offers an important lesson about how the failure to recognize fundamental laws can lead to catastrophic consequences. The evidence suggests that the Athenians understood the (...)
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