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  1. Specters of the nineteenth century: Charles Taylor and the problem of historicism. [REVIEW]Peter Woodford - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (1):171-192.
    This paper identifies and analyzes the problem of historicism in Charles Taylor's work overall, but with particular emphasis on his most recent publication, A Secular Age. I circumscribe the problem of historicism through reference to the nineteenth-century German philosophical tradition in which it developed, in particular in the thought of Wilhelm Dilthey. I then trace the structural similarities between the notions of history to be found in the thought of Taylor and Dilthey and how these structural similarities raise worries associated (...)
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  • Historicism as a Cultural Pattern: Practising a Mode of Thought.Daniel Fulda - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (2):138-153.
    What is the basis for the enormous success of Historicism? In my paper I attempt to answer this question by deploying the concept of the cultural pattern. A 'cultural pattern' may be defined as the connection of concepts and practices which have gained a relative perpetuity through cultural habitualization. Cultural patterns include a combination of interpretative schemes according to which the world can be categorized, structured and interpreted with individual or social practices which either develop out of, or follow these (...)
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  • Persecution and the art of writing.Leo Strauss - 1952 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The essays collected in Persecution and the Art of Writing all deal with one problem--the relation between philosophy and politics. Here, Strauss sets forth the thesis that many philosophers, especially political philosophers, have reacted to the threat of persecution by disguising their most controversial and heterodox ideas.
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  • Two conceptions of liberalism: Theology, creation, and politics in the thought of Immanuel Kant and Edmund Burke.Christopher J. Insole - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (3):447-489.
    Constitutional liberal practices are capable of being normatively grounded by a number of different metaphysical positions. Kant provides one such grounding, in terms of the autonomously derived moral law. I argue that the work of Edmund Burke provides a resource for an alternative construal of constitutional liberalism, compatible with, and illumined by, a broadly Thomistic natural law worldview. I contrast Burke's treatment of the relationship between truth and cognition, prudence and rights, with that of his contemporary, Kant. We find that (...)
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  • Menschheit, Humanismus und Antihumanismus in den historischen Anthropologien Droysens und Burckhardts.Arthur Alfaix Assis & Chih-Hung Chen - 2009 - In Gala Rebane, Katja Bendels & Nina Riedler (eds.), Humanismus polyphon. Menschlichkeit im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 107-124.
    The text addresses conceptions of human selfhood and humankind as developed by two major nineteenth-century German-speaking historians, Johann Gustav Droysen and Jacob Burckhardt. It aims at ascertaining to what extent the historical anthropologies proposed by both authors can be considered to be humanistic. We will attempt to provide an answer to this question while locating and discussing both humanistic and anti-humanistic features in their texts. Humanism is understood here as a perspective that emerged within the framework of the philosophy of (...)
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  • Das potências da memória. A afirmação da transitoriedade histórica E da eternidade Das ideias.Augusto B. De Carvalho Dias Leite - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (145):107-129.
    RESUMO A partir do exame da tradição heraclitiana e platônica sobre a transitoriedade e a imortalidade - conceitos compreendidos como universais - este artigo defende a seguinte antinomia como tese: para haver temporalidade é preciso haver eternidade. Essa tese é demonstrada por meio do estudo e atualização das noções de alma, espírito, ideia e memória, as quais estão conectadas invariavelmente ao tempo passado como princípio ontológico do fenômeno histórico. Para além do ponto de vista filosófico, portanto, da perspectiva específica do (...)
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  • Why We Cannot Make History. Some Remarks on a Lesson from Early Historicism.Peter Vogt - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (2):121-137.
    There are various perspectives from which the meaning of historicism can be understood. Historically, the interpretation of historicism has predominantly been interested in either questions concerning historical methodology, or the relationship between the natural and human sciences, or the normative consequences of historicism. My intention is not to cast doubt upon the legitimacy of these different research approaches, but rather to supplement them by confronting the meaning of historicism from the perspective of a different question. Did historicism in the late (...)
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  • Historia Conceptual y Filosofía de la Historia desde una perspectiva leibniziana.Concha Roldán Panadero - 2016 - Endoxa 38:217-238.
    El presente trabajo pretende entablar un diálogo crítico entre la historia conceptual y la filosofía de la historia. Por una parte, en lo tocante al supuesto inicio de la “identidad semántica” de la modernidad; por otra, en la propia noción de “saber histórico” y con ella las experiencias históricas colectivas e individuales que lo conforman: no podemos olvidar que el sujeto del saber histórico no es sólo –o fundamentalmente- el estudioso de la historia, sino también quienes “hacen” esa historia o (...)
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  • La experiencia moderna de la temporalidad. Naturaleza e historia en el pensamiento del joven Herder= The modern experience of temporality. Nature and history in young Herder's thought.María Verónica Galfione - 2013 - Endoxa (32):33.
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