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  1. Towards a Phenomenology of Repression: A Husserlian Reply to the Freudian Challenge.Nicholas Smith - 2010 - Stockholm University Press.
    This is the first book-length philosophical study of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and Freud’s theory of the unconscious. The book investigates the possibility for Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology to clarify Freud’s concept of the unconscious with a focus on the theory of repression as its centre. Repression is the unconscious activity of pushing something away from consciousness, while making sure that it remains active as something foreign within us. How this is possible is the main problem addressed in the work. Unlike previous (...)
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  • Motivation and Person: the Ethical Life as a Stream of Consciousness.Nicola Zippel - 2012 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 20:197-210.
    Starting from the separation between rational and irrational motivation, Husserl elaborates a formal ethics which justifies the universal validity of its principles on the logical feature of proposition. On the other hand, since the irrationality of motivation represents the associative stream of consciousness constituting the passive background of rational life of subject, the formal aspect of Husserlian ethics seems to be well rooted in the materiality and con-creteness of existen...
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  • Essentialism, historicity, and ethicalization: rethinking Husserl’s project of phenomenological theology.Jianhao Zhou - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (2):185-202.
    Husserl’s conception of theology and God is a lesser noticed aspect in his phenomenological system. This paper is devoted to a return to Husserl’s text, reconstructing the implicit threads and essential features of his phenomenological theology. First, I will outline the general features of a phenomenology of religion and theology, arguing that it is not without historicity, which is not in conflict with the essentialism that phenomenology has always pursued. Then, Sec. 2 focuses on the analysis of teleology, considering which (...)
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  • Nicolas de Warren, Thomas Vongehr (Eds.): Philosophers at the Front. Phenomenology and the First World War.Peter Andras Varga - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (1):95-101.
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  • An Affect “That Shudders Me”: An Approach to Husserl’s Phenomenology of Joy.Michela Summa - 2024 - Husserl Studies 40 (3):263-285.
    In the texts collected in the second volume of the Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins, Husserl extensively discusses experiences of joy (Freude). By considering Husserl’s examples related to joy not as mere illustrations, but as a guiding thread for the identification of experiential structures, this article shows how these examples are not only significant for the general theory of intentionality of affective and emotional non-objectifying acts, but also provide valuable insights into the specific phenomenon of joy itself. Specifically, the article (...)
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  • Husserls Evidenzbegriff in der intersubjektiven Bewährung moralischer Evidenzen.Tammo Elija Mintken - 2017 - Husserl Studies 33 (3):259-285.
    Evidence is a central theme in Husserl´s transcendental phenomenology. This article investigates not only the theoretical aspects of evidence, but also tries to develop prolegomena for a phenomenological theory of moral evidence and moral truth. Nevertheless, this endeavor is based upon the theoretical insights of Husserl: the importance of intersubjectivity and the relevance of time, which are reviewed in the first two chapters. The temporal aspect, under the title of perpetuation, is crucial for the understanding of the concept of evidence. (...)
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  • Hope and Trust as Conditions for Rational Actions in Society: A Phenomenological Approach.Esteban Marín-Ávila - 2021 - Husserl Studies 37 (3):229-247.
    In this paper I examine the structure of hope and trust from a phenomenological perspective in order to analyze the kinds of beliefs, valuings, and practical dispositions involved in them. I claim that there are some basic aspects of the social world that would be inconceivable without the feeling components of these attitudes. However, since these attitudes are only rational in as far as they involve rational beliefs, valuings, and practical assumptions, a complex theory of reason that deals with these (...)
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  • The Ethical Attitude: A Husserlian Account of Striving to Be a Good Person.Mérédith Laferté-Coutu - 2024 - Husserl Studies 40 (3):197-219.
    The phenomenological notion of attitude has gained new traction in recent years, as it proliferates beyond its initial distinction between natural and phenomenological attitudes, notably to describe multiple meanings to critique and reflection. In this paper, I present an account of the concept of an ethical attitude in Husserlian phenomenology. First, I argue that the ethical attitude is best understood as a practical orientation toward personal life as a whole: someone strives to become the best possible person through self-reflection, self-variation, (...)
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  • On the Full Concretion of Subjectivity in Husserl’s Phenomenology: Contingency and the Transcendental Person.Mérédith Laferté-Coutu - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (2):113-131.
    One of the surprising things about Husserl’s ethics is that it introduces, at the core of his thinking, a notion of contingency that he associates with irrationality and facticity.1 This paper argu...
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  • Europe: a postulate of phenomenological reason.Kenneth Knies - 2016 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 47 (3):210-225.
    ABSTRACTThis paper presents Husserl’s concept of Europe as a postulate of phenomenological reason. I begin by showing that a certain interpretation of history is necessary in order for phenomenology to be possible as science. I then show how Husserl’s concept of Europe enables this interpretation. Working with a general definition of postulation that brings Husserl into conversation with Kant, I examine the motives and truth conditions for asserting that Europe is what Husserl claims it to be. I highlight the critical (...)
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  • Kultūros krizė ir fenomenologinė sedimentacijos samprata E. Husserlio filosofijoje.Dalius Jonkus - 2024 - Problemos 105:74-87.
    Kultūrinių objektyvacijų dinamiką Husserlis įvardija sedimentacijos terminu, kuris apima atrastos prasmės formulavimą materialiose juslinėse išraiškose ir šių pasyviai egzistuojančių reikšmių reaktyvavimą. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama sedimentacijos samprata susiejant ją su Husserlio apmąstymais apie kultūros krizę. Skirtingai nuo įprastų Husserlio kultūros filosofijos interpretacijų, teigiančių, kad mokslų krizė kyla dėl jų moksliškumo neadekvatumo ir negebėjimo spręsti gyvenimo prasmės problemų, aš teigiu, kad krizė gali būti suprasta kaip sedimentacijos dvilypumo rezultatas. Sedimentacijos ne tik išsaugo žinias, bet ir sukuria iliuziją, kad žinios atkuria pačios save. (...)
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  • Values of love: two forms of infinity characteristic of human persons.Sara Heinämaa - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (3):431-450.
    In his late reflections on values and forms of life from the 1920s and 1930s, Husserl develops the concept of personal value and argues that these values open two kinds of infinities in our lives. On the one hand personal values disclose infinite emotive depths in human individuals while on the other hand they connect human individuals in continuous and progressive chains of care. In order to get at the core of the concept, I will explicate Husserl’s discussion of personal (...)
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  • Pensamientos caminados para caminar: una contribución al concepto de meditación filosófica en Ortega y Gasset como síntesis de teoría y práctica.Antonio Gutiérrez-Pozo - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):19-40.
    Resumen: El principal objetivo de este trabajo es pensar el concepto de meditación en la filosofía de Ortega y Gasset. La meditación es la esencia de la filosofía para Ortega. Meditar y filosofar son sinónimos. La filosofía no es mera teoría, sino que implica también práctica. El elemento teórico sólo tiene sentido cuando surge de la vida, pero ante todo la teoría sólo vale si vale para vivir. El ser humano para Ortega piensa porque vive, pero lo fundamental es que (...)
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  • Destiny, Love and Rational Faith in Husserl’s Post World War I Ethics.Saulius Geniusas - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (3):443-465.
    The fundamental goal of this paper is to clarify the importance of Husserl’s reflections on destiny (Schicksal) in the context of his post-WWI ethics. In the first section, I sketch Husserl’s reflections on war in his private correspondence. In the second section, I show that, in his post-WWI research manuscripts on ethics, Husserl conceptualized various forms of meaningless suffering under the heading of destiny. One of the main questions of Husserl’s post-WWI ethics can be formulated as follows: in the dark (...)
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  • From Happiness to Blessedness: Husserl on Eudaimonia, Virtue, and the Best Life.Marco Cavallaro & George Heffernan - 2019 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 8 (2):353-388.
    This paper treats of Husserl’s phenomenology of happiness or eudaimonia in five parts. In the first part, we argue that phenomenology of happiness is an important albeit relatively neglected area of research, and we show that Husserl engages in it. In the second part, we examine the relationship between phenomenological ethics and virtue ethics. In the third part, we identify and clarify essential aspects of Husserl’s phenomenology of happiness, namely, the nature of the question concerning happiness and the possibility of (...)
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  • (1 other version)Phenomenology and Naturalism: Editors' Introduction.Havi Carel & Darian Meacham - 2013 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 72:1-21.
    This is the editors' introduction to an edited volume devoted to the relation between phenomenology and naturalism across several philosophical domains, including: epistemology, metaphysics, history of philosophy, and philosophy of science and ethics.
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  • Husserl’s Phenomenology And the Problem of the Future: Towards a Practical Approach.Celia Cabrera & Verónica Kretschel - 2021 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 13 (1):61-74.
    ABSTRACT In spite of the supposed lack of attention paid to it by Husserl in his early works on time, the future is an important topic for phenomenology that gains increasing relevance in his late works. Regarding the experience of the future, phenomenology can approach the subjective possibility of anticipating what is not yet given, both actively and passively. A new perspective on the subject’s relation to the future arises thanks to the consideration of practical phenomena. What is at stake (...)
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  • Renovación Y autonomía justificación epistémica Y responsabilidad ética en la filosofía de Edmund Husserl.Bernardo Ainbinder - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70 (177):113-129.
    RESUMEN El artículo sostiene que la concepción fenomenològica de la justificación epistémica y su modo de elucidar la objetividad depende de la vigencia de un cierto ideal de racionalidad como ideal ético que orienta nuestras acciones. Se trata de lo que Husserl denomina el ideal de renovación, que cumple una doble función: a) da cuenta de la tendencia normativa a la corrección sobre la que se asienta la comprensión husserliana de la objetividad, y b) da cuenta de la motivación sobre (...)
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  • Merleau-Ponty and the transcendental problem of bodily agency.Rasmus Thybo Jensen - 2013 - In Rasmus Thybo Jensen & Dermot Moran (eds.), The Phenomenology of Embodied Subjectivity, Contributions to Phenomenology 71. Springer. pp. 43-61.
    I argue that we find the articulation of a problem concerning bodily agency in the early works of the Merleau-Ponty which he explicates as analogous to what he explicitly calls the problem of perception. The problem of perception is the problem of seeing how we can have the object given in person through it perspectival appearances. The problem concerning bodily agency is the problem of seeing how our bodily movements can be the direct manifestation of a person’s intentions in the (...)
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  • A Herança da fenomenologia Husserliana na Hermenêutica de Gadamer/The Legacy of Husserl's Phenomenology to Gadamer's Hermeneutics.João Caetano Linhares - 2016 - Pensando: Revista de Filosofia 7 (13):97-109.
    Uma questão que surge para aqueles que começam a trabalhar com a hermenêutica filosófica de Hans-Georg Gadamer consiste, em parte, na pergunta sobre os limites da relação da hermenêutica com a fenomenologia. Ou seja, até que ponto a hermenêutica expressa posições dependentes dos modos de pesquisa da fenomenologia. Neste texto, buscamos rastrear como essa relação acontece explicitamente nos textos de Gadamer, apontando que há uma consequencia prática da herança fenomenológica que é absorvida pela hermenêutica.
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