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  1. Science, Religion, and “The Will to Believe".Alexander Klein - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (1):72-117.
    Do the same epistemic standards govern scientific and religious belief? Or should science and religion operate in completely independent epistemic spheres? Commentators have recently been divided on William James’s answer to this question. One side depicts “The Will to Believe” as offering a separate-spheres defense of religious belief in the manner of Galileo. The other contends that “The Will to Believe” seeks to loosen the usual epistemic standards so that religious and scientific beliefs can both be justified by a unitary (...)
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  • (1 other version)Pragmatismo e Psicanálise–CS Peirce como uma Figura Mediadora.Vincent Colapietro - 2006 - Cognitio 7 (2):189-205.
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  • Perception, Empiricism, and Pragmatist Realism.Serge Grigoriev - 2011 - Contemporary Pragmatism 8 (1):191-210.
    The essay compares Peirce's pragmatist approach to the problem of perceptual experience as a fallible foundation of knowledge to a sophisticated empiricist take on the issue. The comparison suggests that, while empiricism can accommodate the idea of perception as fallible, theoretically laden, and containing conjectural elements, the cardinal difference between pragmatism and empiricism consists in the pragmatist insistence on the intrinsic intelligibility of experience, which also serves as the ultimate source of all forms of intelligibility; whereas empiricism retains a penchant (...)
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  • The complex challenges of ethical choices by engineers in public service.Gerald Andrews Emison - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):233-244.
    This paper proposes that engineers in public service are confronted with unavoidable complexity in their ethical considerations. The complexity begins with interactions among venues of ethical choices. Engineers must make ethical choices simultaneously at the individual, professional, organizational and societal levels. These ethical domains often conflict. The complexity also stems from situations in which physical properties may remain stable, but important social, economic, institutional and political conditions can change substantially. The paper proposes that the reflective learning approach of pragmatism can (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Pragmatism, quasi-realism, and the global challenge.Huw Price & David Macarthur - 2007 - In Cheryl Misak (ed.), New pragmatists. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 91-121.
    William James said that sometimes detailed philosophical argument is irrelevant. Once a current of thought is really under way, trying to oppose it with argument is like planting a stick in a river to try to alter its course: “round your obstacle flows the water and ‘gets there just the same’”. He thought pragmatism was such a river. There is a contemporary river that sometimes calls itself pragmatism, although other titles are probably better. At any rate it is the denial (...)
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  • The Talmudist Enlightenment: Talmudic Judaism’s Confrontational Rational Theology.Menachem Fisch - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (2):37-63.
    Robert Brandom's "The Pragmatist Enlightenment" describes the advent of American pragmatism as signaling a sea-change in our understanding of human reason away from the top-down Euclidian models of reasoning, warrant and knowledge inspired by the physical sciences, toward the far more bottom-up, narrative, inherently fallible and dialogical forms of reasoning of the life and human sciences. It is against this backdrop that Talmudic Judaism emerges not only as an early anticipation of the pragmatist enlightenment, but as going a substantial and (...)
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  • Disentangling life: Darwin, selectionism, and the postgenomic return of the environment.Maurizio Meloni - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 62:10-19.
    In this paper, I analyze the disruptive impact of Darwinian selectionism for the century-long tradition in which the environment had a direct causative role in shaping an organism’s traits. In the case of humans, the surrounding environment often determined not only the physical, but also the mental and moral features of individuals and whole populations. With its apparatus of indirect effects, random variations, and a much less harmonious view of nature and adaptation, Darwinian selectionism severed the deep imbrication of organism (...)
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  • “Protoplasm Feels”: The Role of Physiology in Charles Sanders Peirce’s Evolutionary Metaphysics.Trevor Pearce - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (1):28-61.
    This essay is an attempt to explain why Charles Sanders Peirce’s evolutionary metaphysics would not have seemed strange to its original 1890s audience. Building on the pioneering work of Andrew Reynolds, I will excavate the scientific context of Peirce’s Monist articles—in particular “The Law of Mind” and “Man’s Glassy Essence,” both published in 1892—focusing on the relationship between protoplasm, evolution, and consciousness. I argue that Peirce’s discussions should be understood in the context of contemporary evolutionary and physiological speculations, many of (...)
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  • The pragmatist enlightenment (and its problematic semantics).Robert B. Brandom - 2004 - European Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):1–16.
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  • 'Our Feet are Mired In the Same Soil': Deepening Democracy with the Political Virtue of Sympathetic Inquiry.Jennifer Lynn Kiefer Fenton - 2019 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    This dissertation puts American philosophers and social reformers, Jane Addams (1860-1935) and John Dewey (1859-1952), in conversation with contemporary social and political philosopher, Iris Marion Young (1949-2006), to argue that an account of deliberative equality must make conceptual space to name the problem of ‘communicatively structured deliberative inequality’. I argue that in order for participatory democracy theory to imagine and construct genuinely inclusive deliberative spaces, it must be grounded in a relational ontology and pragmatist feminist social epistemology. The literature has (...)
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  • Continuity and Discontinuity in Human Language Evolution: Putting an Old-fashioned Debate in its Historical Perspective.Andrea Parravicini & Telmo Pievani - 2018 - Topoi 37 (2):279-287.
    The article reconstructs the main lines of three hypotheses in the current literature concerning the evolutionary pace which characterized the natural history of human language: the “continuist” and gradualist perspective, the “discontinuist” and evolution-free perspective, and the “punctuationist” view. This current debate appears to have a long history, which starts at least from Darwin’s time. The article highlights the similarities between the old and the modern debates in terms of history of ideas, and it shows the current limits of each (...)
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  • John Dewey and Daoist thought.James Behuniak - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press, State University of New York.
    In this expansive and highly original two-volume work, Jim Behuniak reformulates John Dewey's late-period "Cultural turn" and proposes that its next logical step is an "intra-Cultural philosophy" that goes beyond what is commonly known as "comparative philosophy." Each volume models itself on this new approach, arguing that early Chinese thought is poised to join forces with Dewey in meeting an urgent cultural need: namely, helping the Western tradition to correct its outdated Greek-medieval assumptions, especially where these result in pre-Darwinian inferences (...)
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  • The Ethical Roots of the Public Forum: Pragmatism, Expressive Freedom, and Grenville Clark.David S. Allen - 2014 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 29 (3):138-152.
    The public forum has been connected to the functioning of democracy, expressive freedom, and the media's role in society. While the public forum's legal contours have been examined, the ethical foundation of the public forum has not. Relying on archival research, this article argues that ideas about the public forum can be traced to the pragmatism of Grenville Clark, who influenced ideas about the public forum through his work on the American Bar Association's Bill of Rights Committee.
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  • Testing tenure: Let the market decide.Shermer Michael - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):584-585.
    Tenure debates and disputes are often irresolvable because of the complex and multivariate nature of contractual relationships between faculty and administration, and the nuanced and varying beliefs about tenure held by the professoriate. The Ceci et al. study leads this commentator to suggest a simple solution – allow individual institutions to define the parameters of tenure according to their unique core values. (Published Online February 8 2007).
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  • A Man of His Time: Thorstein Veblen and the University of Chicago Darwinists. [REVIEW]Emilie J. Raymer - 2013 - Journal of the History of Biology 46 (4):669-698.
    The Darwinian economic theory that Thorstein Veblen proposed and refined while he served as a professor of Political Economy at the University of Chicago from 1891 to 1906 should be assessed in the context of the community of Darwinian scientists and social scientists with whom Veblen worked and lived at Chicago. It is important to identify Veblen as a member of this broad community of Darwinian-inclined philosophers, physiologists, geologists, astronomers, and biologists at Chicago because Veblen’s involvement with this circle suggests (...)
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  • Bernard R. Boxill, race, and social justice: A case study in the sociology of philosophical knowledge.Lucius T. Outlaw - 2021 - Journal of Social Philosophy 54 (3):333-349.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  • Peirce's contributions to Constructivism and Personal Construct Psychology: I. Philosophical Aspects.Procter Harry - 2014 - Personal Construct Theory and Practice 11:6-33.
    Kelly’s work was formed and developed in the context of the American philosophical movement known as pragmatism. The major figures to which this tradition is attributed are Charles S. Peirce, William James and John Dewey. In Personal Construct Psychology, Dewey was acknowledged by Kelly and by subsequent writers as perhaps his most important influence. It has recently become increasingly apparent, however that Peirce was a much more pervasive and crucial influence on James and Dewey than has previously been recognized. Kelly (...)
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  • Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln: A Curious Convergence.Robin Blackburn - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (4):145-174.
    Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln held very different views on the ‘social question’. This essay explores the way in which they converged in their estimation of slavery during the course of the Civil War; Marx was an ardent abolitionist, and Lincoln came to see this position as necessary. It is argued that the rôle of runaway slaves – called ‘contraband’ – and German-revolutionary ’48ers played a significant rôle in the radicalisation of Lincoln and the direction of the War.
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  • Virtue’s Embodied Malleability: the Plasticity of Habit and the Double-Law of Habituation.Michael Pedersen & Stephen Dunne - 2020 - Philosophy of Management 19 (2):155-172.
    This paper urges contemporary Business Ethicists to reconsider the relationship between habit and virtue in the light of recent debates between contemporary philosophers and scientists. Synthesizing insights from current Neuroscience, from twentieth century American Pragmatism and from nineteenth century French Aristotelianism, this emergent intellectual tradition proposes a dynamic account of habit’s embodiment which we will first describe and then advocate. Two recurring suggestions within this habit renaissance are of particular relevance to Business Ethicists: firstly, that there is a ‘plastic’ structure (...)
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  • New Insights into William James’s Personal Crisis in the Early 1870s: Part 1. Arthur Schopenhauer and the Origin & Nature of the Crisis. [REVIEW]David E. Leary - 2015 - William James Studies 11 (1).
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  • “Don’t Mind the Gap!” Reflections on Improvement Science as a Paradigm.Trenholme Junghans - 2018 - Health Care Analysis 26 (2):124-139.
    Responding to this issue’s invitation to bring new disciplinary insights to the field of improvement science, this article takes as its starting point one of the field’s guiding metaphors: the imperative to “mind the gap”. Drawing on insights from anthropology, history, and philosophy, the article reflects on the origins and implications of this metaphoric imperative, and suggests some ways in which it might be in tension with the means and ends of improvement. If the industrial origins of improvement science in (...)
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  • Tão perto, tão distante: William James e a psicologia contemporânea.Renato Rodrigues Kinouchi - 2009 - Scientiae Studia 7 (2):309-315.
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  • Pragmatist Media Ethics and the Challenges of Fake News.Scott R. Stroud - 2019 - Journal of Media Ethics 34 (4):178-192.
    ABSTRACTIncreasing attention is being directed at the impact of fake news on democratic societies across the globe. Scholars in a range of fields are attempting to determine who is behind fake news...
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  • The Need for an Ethics of Sustainable Knowledge Production.Justin Pack - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (4):551-562.
    The modern research university is an unsustainable institution. It normalizes academic activity along the lines of a scientist engaged in normal science and seeks to measure the success or failure of academics based largely on the quantity of their contributions to a particular discipline, often measured in terms of papers published and conference presentations. The ensuing race to produce academic studies is creating unprecedented mountains of academic studies, but often in haphazard, unstructured, and unsustainable ways, especially in the humanities and (...)
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  • Peircean Semeiotic and Legal Practices: Rudimentary and “Rhetorical” Considerations. [REVIEW]Vincent Colapietro - 2008 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 21 (3):223-246.
    Too often C. S. Peirce’s theory of signs is used simply as a classificatory scheme rather than primarily as a heuristic framework (that is, a framework designed and modified primarily for the purpose of goading and guiding inquiry in any field in which signifying processes or practices are present). Such deployment of his semeiotic betrays the letter no less than the spirit of Peirce’s writings on signs. In this essay, the author accordingly presents Peirce’s sign theory as a heuristic framework, (...)
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  • Minority report.Howard Trachtman - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):34 – 35.
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  • William James on divine intimacy: psychical research, cosmological realism and a circumscribed re-reading of The Varieties of Religious Experience.Edward J. K. Gitre - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (2):1-21.
    William James’s interest in psychical phenomena spanned his entire career as a scholar, yet is has been largely neglected. Few if any have adequately incorporated this quirky side of James into their critical studies of his scholarly contributions, not only in religious studies but also in philosophy and psychology. Psychical research was nevertheless very much part of James’s intellectual endeavors and, as this article shall argue, sheds light on an evolving, complex, and contradictory Jamesian cosmological realism. I will contextual James’s (...)
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  • (1 other version)Notas introdutórias ao pragmatismo clássico.Renato Rodrigues Kinouchi - 2007 - Scientiae Studia 5 (2):215-226.
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  • Special Issue Editorial: Poetic Pragmatism and Artful Management.Ruth Bereson & Pierre Guillet de Monthoux - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (3):191-196.
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