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  1. Preference logic, conditionals and solution concepts in games.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Preference is a basic notion in human behaviour, underlying such varied phenomena as individual rationality in the philosophy of action and game theory, obligations in deontic logic (we should aim for the best of all possible worlds), or collective decisions in social choice theory. Also, in a more abstract sense, preference orderings are used in conditional logic or non-monotonic reasoning as a way of arranging worlds into more or less plausible ones. The field of preference logic (cf. Hansson [10]) studies (...)
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  • A first-order axiomatization of the theory of finite trees.Rolf Backofen, James Rogers & K. Vijay-Shanker - 1995 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 (1):5-39.
    We provide first-order axioms for the theories of finite trees with bounded branching and finite trees with arbitrary (finite) branching. The signature is chosen to express, in a natural way, those properties of trees most relevant to linguistic theories. These axioms provide a foundation for results in linguistics that are based on reasoning formally about such properties. We include some observations on the expressive power of these theories relative to traditional language complexity classes.
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  • Scientific modelling in generative grammar and the dynamic turn in syntax.Ryan M. Nefdt - 2016 - Linguistics and Philosophy 39 (5):357-394.
    In this paper, I address the issue of scientific modelling in contemporary linguistics, focusing on the generative tradition. In so doing, I identify two common varieties of linguistic idealisation, which I call determination and isolation respectively. I argue that these distinct types of idealisation can both be described within the remit of Weisberg’s :639–659, 2007) minimalist idealisation strategy in the sciences. Following a line set by Blutner :27–35, 2011), I propose this minimalist idealisation analysis for a broad construal of the (...)
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  • Feedback Relevance Spaces: Interactional Constraints on Processing Contexts in Dynamic Syntax.Christine Howes & Arash Eshghi - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):331-362.
    Feedback such as backchannels and clarification requests often occurs subsententially, demonstrating the incremental nature of grounding in dialogue. However, although such feedback can occur at any point within an utterance, it typically does not do so, tending to occur at Feedback Relevance Spaces. We present a corpus study of acknowledgements and clarification requests in British English, and describe how our low-level, semantic processing model in Dynamic Syntax accounts for this feedback. The model trivially accounts for the 85% of cases where (...)
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  • PDL for ordered trees.Loredana Afanasiev, Patrick Blackburn, Ioanna Dimitriou, Bertrand Gaiffe, Evan Goris, Maarten Marx & Maarten de Rijke - 2005 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 15 (2):115-135.
    This paper is about a special version of PDL, proposed by Marcus Kracht, for reasoning about sibling ordered trees. It has four basic programs corresponding to the child, parent, left- and right-sibling relations in such trees. The original motivation for this language is rooted in the field of model-theoretic syntax. Motivated by recent developments in the area of semi-structured data, and, especially, in the field of query languages for XML (eXtensible Markup Language) documents, we revisit the language. This renewed interest (...)
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  • Fibred semantics for feature-based grammar logic.Jochen Dörre, Esther König & Dov Gabbay - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5 (3-4):387-422.
    This paper gives a simple method for providing categorial brands of feature-based unification grammars with a model-theoretic semantics. The key idea is to apply the paradigm of fibred semantics (or layered logics, see Gabbay (1990)) in order to combine the two components of a feature-based grammar logic. We demonstrate the method for the augmentation of Lambek categorial grammar with Kasper/Rounds-style feature logic. These are combined by replacing (or annotating) atomic formulas of the first logic, i.e. the basic syntactic types, by (...)
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  • Dynamic Syntax.Christine Howes & Hannah Gibson - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):263-276.
    Dynamic Syntax (DS: Kempson et al. 2001; Cann et al. 2005) is an action-based grammar formalism which models the process of natural language understanding as monotonic tree growth. This paper presents an introduction to the notions of incrementality and underspecification and update, drawing on the assumptions made by DS. It lays out the tools of the theoretical framework that are necessary to understand the accounts developed in the other contributions to the Special Issue. It also represents an up-to-date account of (...)
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  • A “Maximal Exclusion” Approach to Structural Underspecification in Dynamic Syntax.Tohru Seraku - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):407-428.
    ‘Case’ and ‘grammatical relations’ are central to syntactic theory, but rigorous treatments of these concepts in surface-oriented grammars such as Dynamic Syntax are pending. In this respect, Japanese is worthy of mention; in this language, the nominative case particle ga, which typically marks a subject, may mark an object in certain syntactic contexts, and more than one instance of ga may be present within a single clause. These patterns cannot be captured if we simply assume that ga marks a subject. (...)
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  • What Do Words Do for Us?Ronnie Cann & Ruth Kempson - 2017 - Dialectica 71 (3):425-460.
    In this paper we adopt the hypothesis that languages are mechanisms for interaction, and that grammars encode the means by which such interaction may take place, by use of procedures that construct representations of meaning from strings of words uttered in context, and conversely strings of words are built up from representations of content in interaction with context. In a review of the systemic use of ellipsis in dialogue and associated split-utterance phenomena, we show how, in Dynamic Syntax, words give (...)
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  • Underspecification, Parsing Mismatches and Routinisation: The Historical Development of the Clitic Systems of Greek Dialects.Stergios Chatzikyriakidis - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):277-304.
    In this paper, the historical development of the clitic systems of Standard Modern, Cypriot and Pontic Greek is discussed. These three varieties not only present the whole range of variation one can find across clitic systems in Greek but, furthermore, derive from a common linguistic ancestor, i.e. Koine Greek. This paper argues that the transition from Koine Greek to the Medieval varieties and from the Medieval varieties to the respective modern ones can be explained by making the assumption that routinisation (...)
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  • Left-to-Right Asymmetry and Early Association in Korean.Jieun Kiaer - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):363-378.
    This paper shows Korean speakers’ strong preference for incremental structure building based on the following core phenomena: left–right asymmetry; pre-verbal structure building and a strong preference for early association. This paper argues that these phenomena reflect the procedural aspects of linguistic competence, which are difficult to explain within non-procedural grammar formalisms. Based on these observations, I argue for the necessity of a grammar formalism that adopts left-to-right incrementality as a core property of the syntactic architecture. In particular, I aim to (...)
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  • "Grammarless" phrase structure grammar.James Rogers - 1997 - Linguistics and Philosophy 20 (6):721-746.
    We sketch an axiomatic reformalization of Generalized Phrase StructureGrammar (GPSG) – a definition purely within the language ofmathematical logic of the theory GPSG embodies. While this treatment raisesa number of theoretical issues for GPSG, our focus is not thereformalization itself but rather the method we employ. The model-theoreticapproach it exemplifies can be seen as a natural step in the evolution ofconstraint-based theories from their grammar-based antecedents. One goal ofthis paper is to introduce this approach to a broader audience and todemonstrate (...)
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  • Sintaxis Dinámica: un modelo de procesamiento sintáctico-semántico.Nicolás Saavedra - 2015 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 25 (1):87-97.
    Se presentan los aspectos básicos de un modelo de procesamiento sintáctico-semántico denominado Sintaxis Dinámica. Para cumplir con este objetivo, presentamos definiciones e ilustraciones de los componentes esenciales del metalenguaje, y ejemplificamos este modelamiento dinámico presentando el proceso sintáctico completo de composición del significado de una oración simple. Finalmente, se señalan sucintamente algunas características prominentes del modelo.
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  • An Incremental Grammar Approach to Multiple Nominative Constructions in Japanese.Tohru Seraku - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (2):297-331.
    Japanese exhibits the Multiple Nominative Construction (MNC), where more than one nominative-marked NP appear within a single clause. Though the MNC has been extensively investigated in the syntax literature, its relation to rightward-displacement constructions has hardly been discussed. In the present article, we provide new sets of MNC data relating to the three types of right-displacement constructions: relatives, clefts, and postposing. The generalisation is that for the linearly ordered nominative-marked NPs in an MNC string, only the leftmost NP may be (...)
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  • Polyadic dynamic logics for hpsg parsing.Anders Søgaard & Martin Lange - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (2):159-198.
    Head-driven phrase structure grammar (HPSG) is one of the most prominent theories employed in deep parsing of natural language. Many linguistic theories are arguably best formalized in extensions of modal or dynamic logic (Keller, Feature logics, infinitary descriptions and grammar, 1993; Kracht, Linguistics Philos 18:401–458, 1995; Moss and Tiede, In: Blackburn, van Benthem, and Wolther (eds.) Handbook of modal logic, 2006), and HPSG seems to be no exception. Adequate extensions of dynamic logic have not been studied in detail, however; the (...)
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  • Inessential features, ineliminable features, and modal logics for model theoretic syntax.Hans-Jörg Tiede - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (2):217-227.
    While monadic second-order logic (MSO) has played a prominent role in model theoretic syntax, modal logics have been used in this context since its inception. When comparing propositional dynamic logic (PDL) to MSO over trees, Kracht (1997) noted that there are tree languages that can be defined in MSO that can only be defined in PDL by adding new features whose distribution is predictable. He named such features “inessential features”. We show that Kracht’s observation can be extended to other modal (...)
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