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  1. Artifishial: Naturalness and the CRISPR-salmon.Hannah Winther - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values:1-12.
    One of the reasons why GMOs have met public resistance in the past is that they are perceived as “unnatural”. The basis for this claim has, in part, to do with crossing species boundaries, which is considered morally objectionable. The emergence of CRISPR is sometimes argued to be an ethical game-changer in this regard since it does not require the insertion of foreign genes. Based on an empirical bioethics study including individual interviews and focus groups with laypeople and other stakeholders, (...)
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  • Non-safety Assessments of Genome-Edited Organisms: Should They be Included in Regulation?Bjørn Kåre Myskja & Anne Ingeborg Myhr - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2601-2627.
    This article presents and evaluates arguments supporting that an approval procedure for genome-edited organisms for food or feed should include a broad assessment of societal, ethical and environmental concerns; so-called non-safety assessment. The core of analysis is the requirement of the Norwegian Gene Technology Act that the sustainability, ethical and societal impacts of a genetically modified organism should be assessed prior to regulatory approval of the novel products. The article gives an overview how this requirement has been implemented in the (...)
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  • Citizen views on genome editing: effects of species and purpose.Gesa Busch, Erin Ryan, Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk & Daniel M. Weary - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):151-164.
    Public opinion can affect the adoption of genome editing technologies. In food production, genome editing can be applied to a wide range of applications, in different species and with different purposes. This study analyzed how the public responds to five different applications of genome editing, varying the species involved and the proposed purpose of the modification. Three of the applications described the introduction of disease resistance within different species, and two targeted product quality and quantity in cattle. Online surveys in (...)
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  • How to Label ‘Natural’ Foods: a Matter of Complexity.Per Sandin - 2017 - Food Ethics 1 (2):97-107.
    Food is sometimes labeled as ‘100% natural’ or as containing ‘all natural ingredients’. There is however controversy on how to justify, design and implement such labelling. This paper argues that since naturalness is not one single concept, but several ones, and those concepts typically allow degrees, so that things can be more or less natural, thus, this complexity should be reflected in labelling of foods. There is no obvious way of presenting an aggregate measure of a particular food item’s naturalness, (...)
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  • Intuitive biology, moral reasoning, and engineering life: Essentialist thinking and moral purity concerns shape risk assessments of synthetic biology technologies.Lauren Swiney - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104264.
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  • Similarity Arguments in the Genetic Modification Debate.Andreas Christiansen - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (2):239-255.
    In the ethical debate on genetic modification, it is common to encounter the claim that some anti-GM argument would also apply an established, ethically accepted technology, and that the anti-GM argument is therefore unsuccessful. The paper discusses whether this argumentative strategy, the Similarity Argument, is sound. It presents a logically valid, generic form of the Similarity Argument and then shows that it is subject to three types of objection: It does not respect the difference between pro tanto reasons and all-things-considered (...)
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