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  1. Management as a Domain-Relative Practice that Requires and Develops Practical Wisdom.Gregory R. Beabout - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (2):405-432.
    ABSTRACT:Although Alasdair MacIntyre has criticized both the market economy and applied ethics, his writing has generated significant discussion within the literature of business ethics and organizational studies. In this article, I extend this conversation by proposing the use of MacIntyre’s account of the virtues to conceive of management as a domain-relative practice that requires and develops practical wisdom. I proceed in four steps. First, I explain MacIntyre’s account of the virtues in light of his definition of a “practice.” Second, I (...)
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  • Practical Wisdom: Management’s No Longer Forgotten Virtue.Claus Dierksmeier, André Habisch & Claudius Bachmann - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):147-165.
    The ancient virtue of practical wisdom has lately been enjoying a remarkable renaissance in management literature. The purpose of this article is to add clarity and bring synergy to the interdisciplinary debate. In a review of the wide-ranging field of the existing literature from a philosophical, theological, psychological, and managerial perspective, we show that, although different in terms of approach, methodologies, and justification, the distinct traditions of research on practical wisdom can indeed complement one another. We suggest a conciliatory conception (...)
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  • Corporate character, corporate virtues.Geoff Moore - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):99-114.
    This paper extends previous discussions of corporate character and corporate virtues. By drawing particularly on the work of Alasdair MacIntyre, it offers a perspective on context-dependent categories of the virtues. It then provides a philosophically grounded framework which enables a discussion of which virtues are required for business organizations to qualify as virtuous. It offers a preliminary taxonomy of such corporate virtues and provides a revised definition of corporate character.
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  • Business Ethics and the Brain: Rommel Salvador and Robert G. Folger.Rommel Salvador & Robert G. Folger - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (1):1-31.
    ABSTRACT:Neuroethics, the study of the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying ethical decision-making, is a growing field of study. In this review, we identify and discuss four themes emerging from neuroethics research. First, ethical decision-making appears to be distinct from other types of decision-making processes. Second, ethical decision-making entails more than just conscious reasoning. Third, emotion plays a critical role in ethical decision-making, at least under certain circumstances. Lastly, normative approaches to morality have distinct, underlying neural mechanisms. On the basis of (...)
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  • Unethical, neurotic, or both? A psychoanalytic account of ethical failures within organizations.Simone de Colle & R. Edward Freeman - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (1):167-179.
    This paper aims to integrate insights from psychoanalytic theory into business ethics research on the sources of ethical failures within organizations. We particularly draw from the analysis of sources and outcomes of neurotic processes that are part of human development, as described by the psychoanalyst Karen Horney and more recently by Manfred Kets de Vries; we interpret their insights from a stakeholder theory perspective. Business ethics research seems to have overlooked how “neurotic management styles” could be the antecedents of unethical (...)
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  • Unethical, neurotic, or both? A psychoanalytic account of ethical failures within organizations.Simone Colle & R. Edward Freeman - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (1):167-179.
    This paper aims to integrate insights from psychoanalytic theory into business ethics research on the sources of ethical failures within organizations. We particularly draw from the analysis of sources and outcomes of neurotic processes that are part of human development, as described by the psychoanalyst Karen Horney and more recently by Manfred Kets de Vries; we interpret their insights from a stakeholder theory perspective. Business ethics research seems to have overlooked how “neurotic management styles” could be the antecedents of unethical (...)
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  • Trust Issues and Engaged Buddhism: The Triggers for Skillful Managerial Approaches.Mai Chi Vu & Trang Tran - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):77-102.
    As a transitional economy, Vietnam has undergone tremendous changes over recent decades within a ‘fusion’ context that blends both traditional and modern values from its complex history. However, few studies have explored how contemporary issues in the context of Vietnam have brought both obstacles and skillful initiatives to managerial approaches to doing business. We draw on the concepts of social trust and institutional theory to explore how informal institutions such as religious forces can contribute to the development of individual trust (...)
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  • What Personality Has to Do with Trusting People Based on How They Make Decisions.Attila Tanyi, Fatih Cetin, Frithiof Svenson & Marcus Launer - manuscript
    People think that making quick decisions is important for leadership in the digital age. Business ethics experts, on the other hand, say that smart managers take their time, stay calm, and think things through before making choices. There is a long history of moral study in business ethics that both approaches can draw on. This piece uses real numbers to show how much leaders in the information age trust the skills and drive of the people they work with. Dual process (...)
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  • Leaders’ Personal Wisdom and Leader–Member Exchange Quality: The Role of Individualized Consideration.Hannes Zacher, Liane K. Pearce, David Rooney & Bernard McKenna - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):1-17.
    Business scholars have recently proposed that the virtue of personal wisdom may predict leadership behaviors and the quality of leader–follower relationships. This study investigated relationships among leaders’ personal wisdom—defined as the integration of advanced cognitive, reflective, and affective personality characteristics (Ardelt, Hum Dev 47:257–285, 2004)—transformational leadership behaviors, and leader–member exchange (LMX) quality. It was hypothesized that leaders’ personal wisdom positively predicts LMX quality and that intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration, two dimensions of transformational leadership, mediate this relationship. Data came from (...)
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  • Practical wisdom: A virtue for leaders. Bringing together Aquinas and Authentic Leadership.Ignacio Ferrero, Marta Rocchi, Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini & Elizabeth Reichert - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (S1):84-98.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • In search of a fitting moral psychology for practical wisdom: Exploring a missing link in virtuous management.Kleio Akrivou & Germán Scalzo - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (S1):33-44.
    While business as a social activity has involved communities of persons embedded in dense relational networks and practices for thousands of years, the modern legal, theoretical psychological, and moral foundations of business have progressively narrowed our understanding of practical wisdom. Although practical wisdom has recently regained ground in business ethics and management studies, thanks mainly to Anscombe's recovery of virtue ethics, Anscombe herself once observed that it lacks, and has even neglected, a moral psychology that genuinely complements the nuanced philosophical (...)
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  • Aristotelian Practical Wisdom in Business Ethics: Two Neglected Components.Steven Steyl - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):417-428.
    The revival of virtue ethics in contemporary moral philosophy had a major impact on business ethicists, among whom the virtues have become a staple subject of inquiry. Aristotle’s phronēsis is one of those virtues, and a number of texts have examined it in some detail. But analyses of phronēsis in business ethics have neglected some of its most significant and interesting elements. In this paper, I dissect two neglected components of practical wisdom as outlined in Book VI of the Nicomachean (...)
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  • Recovering Aristotle’s Practice-Based Ontology: Practical Wisdom as Embodied Ethical Intuition.Sylvia D’Souza & Lucas D. Introna - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (2):287-300.
    The renewed engagement with Aristotle’s concept of practical wisdom in management and organization studies is reflective of the wider turn towards practice sweeping across many disciplines. In this sense, it constitutes a welcome move away from the traditional rationalist, abstract, and mechanistic modes of approaching ethical decision-making. Within the current engagement, practical wisdom is generally conceptualized, interpreted or read as a form of deliberation or deliberative judgement that is also cognizant of context, situatedness, particularity, lived experience, and so on. We (...)
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  • (1 other version)Practically wise ethical decision‐making: An ethnographic application to the UNE‐Millicom merger.David Andrés Díez Gómez & María del Pilar Rodríguez Córdoba - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (4):494-505.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • (1 other version)Practically wise ethical decision‐making: An ethnographic application to the UNE‐Millicom merger.David Andrés Díez Gómez & María del Pilar Rodríguez Córdoba - 2019 - Business Ethics 28 (4):494-505.
    Integrated approaches in the ethical decision-making (EDM) and practically wise decision-making literature are emerging as alternative perspectives to management theories that conceptualize decision-making in a rationalist and value-free manner. However, more dialogue between both perspectives and qualitative research that applies them is required. In addition, there is a need for empirical analysis on business engagement in the face of grand challenges in developing countries. This paper proposes an integrated practically wise EDM framework to study how Colombian councilors who, in 2013, (...)
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  • Challenging the ‘Million Zeros’: The Importance of Imagination for Business Ethics Education.Cécile Rozuel - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1):39-51.
    Despite increasing the presence of ‘ethics talk’ in business and management curricula, the ability of business ethics educators to question the system and support the development of morally responsible agents is debatable. This is not because of a lack of care or competence; rather, this situation points towards a more general tendency of education to become focused on economic growth, as Nussbaum claims. Revisiting the nature of ethics education, I argue that much moral learning occurs through the imagination, and not (...)
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  • The Moral of the Story: Re-framing Ethical Codes of Conduct as Narrative Processes.Matt Statler & David Oliver - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (1):89-100.
    This paper re-frames business ethical codes as narrative processes by reflecting critically on key ontological assumptions underpinning the existing research, and introducing new and relevant concepts based on alternative assumptions. The first section draws on recent decision-making research to develop a theoretical account of BCEs as complex, socially embedded sensemaking processes. The second section addresses the content of codes, and differentiates between narrative and logico-scientific modes of reasoning. The third section focuses on the quality of code communication and identifies several (...)
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  • Putting ethics and economic rationality together: an Aristotelian and philosophical approach.Regina Maria da Cruz Queiroz - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (3):332-346.
    The gap between economic rationality, as embedded in utility maximization, and ethical rationality, identified with a set of rules that prescribe the right course of action, has been a challenging issue for economists, philosophers, and business ethicists. Despite the difference and the noncompetition between a scientific economic approach of economics and business ethics, and a behavioral and philosophical one, we highlight the importance of the Aristotelian concept of prudence or phronesis applied to business activity. Phronesis allows for a conceptualization of (...)
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  • Mentoring and Practical Wisdom: Are Mentors Wiser or Just More Politically Skilled?Dennis Moberg - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):835-843.
    Mentoring is a natural setting for senior employees to render ethics advice and consultation to junior employees. Two studies examined the question of whether those who mentor are more practically wise than those who do not. Although four different measures of practical wisdom were used, no differences were detected. However, mentors were shown to be more politically skilled than non-mentors.
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  • An Aristotelian-Thomistic Approach to Management Practice.Surendra Arjoon - 2010 - Philosophy of Management 9 (2):47-64.
    Every academic endeavour rests ultimately on a particular assumption of human nature. Two views of human nature are compared and contrasted: (1) a utilitarian naturalistic humanism which holds essentially the view that human nature is materialistic, and (2) an Aristotelian-Thomistic natural law/virtue ethics humanism which holds the view that human nature is both materialistic and spiritualistic. This paper argues that the latter view better captures and explains the metaphysical realities of human nature. In addition, the role of virtues and its (...)
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  • Caring Orientations: The Normative Foundations of the Craft of Management.Matt Statler, Donna Ladkin & Steven S. Taylor - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (3):575-584.
    In view of the ethical crises that have proliferated over the last decade, scholars have reflected critically on the ideal of management as a value-neutral, objective science. The alternative conceptualization of management as a craft has been introduced but not yet sufficiently elaborated. In particular, although authors such as Mintzberg and MacIntyre suggest craft as an appropriate alternative to science, neither of them systematically describes what “craft” is, and thus how it could inform an ethical managerial orientation. In this paper, (...)
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  • To Fear Foolishness for the Sake of Wisdom: A Message to Leaders.Stephanie T. Solansky - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (1):39-51.
    The premise of this paper is that the fear of foolishness is essential to wisdom. Unfortunately, leaders are often conditioned to suppress fear in favor of confidence. However, wise leaders fear foolishness while foolish leaders are fearless. Leaders fall into traps and hit walls that result in fallacies. It is the recognition of these fallacies and the fear of their consequences that compel leaders to seek wisdom. This paper relies on protection motivation theory, the balance theory of wisdom, the imbalance (...)
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  • Ethical Dilemmas in Human Service Management: Identifying and Resolving the Challenges.Cheryl A. Hyde - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (4):351-367.
    Human service managers are called on to make a variety of difficult decisions that often involve fundamental conflicts in values. Such conflicts constitute ethical dilemmas. This qualitative exploratory study examines how human service managers (N = 40), from the United States, identify and resolve ethical dilemmas. The dilemmas identified by the managers tended to result in the restriction of missions, programs, services and practice methods. The resolution of these ethical problems often rested on following the very rules that created the (...)
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  • Applying the Practical Wisdom Lenses in Decision-Making: An Integrative Approach to Humanistic Management.Claudius Bachmann, Laura Sasse & Andre Habisch - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 2 (2):125-150.
    In management literature, practical wisdom is increasingly perceived as a necessary resource for excellence in judgment. However, so far, little effort has been devoted to provide substantive guidance on how to apply practical wisdom into day-to-day managerial decision-making processes. In order to close this gap, we develop an item-based guideline for self-guided decision-making, which explores the specific aspects a practically wise decision-making process inherently entails. To do so, we introduce the concept of practical wisdom, highlight its recent adaptions in management, (...)
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  • The Role of Courage Within Moral Imagination: A Critique.Nisigandha Bhuyan & Arunima Chakraborty - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-15.
    Moral imagination and moral courage are vital themes in business ethics education, yet their intimate relationship has been a subject of little conceptual study. This paper argues, following Kant as well as the insights of social psychology, that moral courage provides the key constitutive condition for moral imagination to work, particularly in business settings. On the other hand, while thinkers of moral imagination such as Patricia Werhane write admiringly of moral courage from time to time, they spend little time on (...)
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  • Moral Disjunction and Role Coadunation in Business and the Professions.Rita Mota & Alan D. Morrison - 2024 - Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (2):271-302.
    We consider the problem of moral disjunction in professional and business activities from a virtue-ethical perspective. Moral disjunction arises when the behavioral demands of a role conflict with personal morality; it is an important problem because most people in modern societies occupy several complex roles that can cause this clash to occur. We argue that moral disjunction, and the psychological mechanisms that people use to cope with it, are problematic because they make it hard to pursue virtue and to live (...)
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  • Understanding Independence: Board of Directors and CSR.Reyes Calderón, Ricardo Piñero & Dulce M. Redín - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    On August Business Roundtable, the Business Roundtable redefined the purpose and social responsibility of the corporation. Yet, this statement must be followed by substantial changes in the business models of corporations for it to avoid becoming empty rhetoric. We believe that the figure of the independent director may be one of the catalysts needed for this change of paradigm for corporations. In spite of the positive correlation between Corporate Social Responsibility and board independence, the development of the independence of boards (...)
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  • The Narrative Dimension of Productive Work: Craftsmanship and Collegiality in the Quest for Excellence in Modern Productivity.Javier Pinto-Garay, Germán Scalzo & Carlos Rodríguez Lluesma - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (2):245-264.
    Alasdair MacIntyre´s criticism of Modernity essentially refers to the problem of compartmentalization, which restricts the possibility of achieving excellence in an integral lifestyle. Among other reasons, compartmentalization is especially derived from an insular valorization of the workplace based on a reductionist understanding of productivity in terms of mere efficiency. Aimed at overcoming the moral confusion derived from the overestimation of technical, skilled productivity and individualistic cooperation in private corporations, this article offers a thicker explanation of MacIntyre’s theory of productive work (...)
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  • Practical wisdom: a virtue for leaders. bringing together Aquinas and authentic leadership.Ferrero Ignacio, Rocchi Marta, Pellegrini Massimiliano Maria & Reichert Elizabeth Mary - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (S1):84-98.
    This article analyzes in detail the virtue of practical wisdom as described by Thomas Aquinas, and on this basis it develops a comprehensive framework to enrich Authentic Leadership theory, establishing the virtue of practical wisdom as foundational for the authentic leader’s behavior and character development, and highlighting shortfalls that may stem from vices opposed to it. The goal of the article is twofold: First, it seeks to fill a void on the role of virtues –and in particular practical wisdom– in (...)
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  • The Ethical Stance in Banking.Jesus Simeon Villa Villa - unknown
    Banks have a central role and importance in all commerce and hence in all societies. This thesis investigates the ethical basis of banking practice with the aim of developing an account of the virtues appropriate to bankers and banking. One central issue concerns a conflict between the interests of banks and their customers, and how this conflict plays out in relation to the lending policies and fee structure of banks. Such lending policies can have a significant effect on banks, their (...)
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