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A Lockean Theory of Intellectual Property

Dissertation, The Ohio State University (1997)

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  1. Intellectual property.Adam Moore - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Locke, intellectual property rights, and the information commons.Herman T. Tavani - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (2):87-97.
    This paper examines the question whether, and to what extent, John Locke’s classic theory of property can be applied to the current debate involving intellectual property rights (IPRs) and the information commons. Organized into four main sections, Section 1 includes a brief exposition of Locke’s arguments for the just appropriation of physical objects and tangible property. In Section 2, I consider some challenges involved in extending Locke’s labor theory of property to the debate about IPRs and digital information. In Section (...)
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  • Property Claims on Antibiotic Effectiveness.Cristian Timmermann - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (3):256–267.
    The scope and type of property rights recognized over the effectiveness of antibiotics have a direct effect on how those claiming ownership engage in the exploitation and stewardship of this scarce resource. We examine the different property claims and rights the four major interest groups are asserting on antibiotics: (i) the inventors, (ii) those demanding that the resource be treated like any other transferable commodity, (iii) those advocating usage restrictions based on good stewardship principles and (iv) those considering the resource (...)
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  • Rethinking the ownership of information in the 21st century: Ethical implications. [REVIEW]Tomas A. Lipinski & Johannes Britz - 2000 - Ethics and Information Technology 2 (1):49-71.
    This paper discusses basic concepts and recentdevelopments in intellectual property ownership in theUnited States. Various philosophical arguments havepreviously been put forward to support the creation andmaintenance of intellectual property systems. However, in an age of information, access toinformation is a critical need and should beguaranteed for every citizen. Any right of controlover the information, adopted as an incentive toencourage creation and distribution of intellectualproperty, should be subservient to an overriding needto ensure access to the information. The principlesunderlying intellectual property regimes (...)
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  • Saving Locke from Marx: The labor theory of value in intellectual property theory.Adam Mossoff - 2012 - Social Philosophy and Policy 29 (2):283-317.
    Research Articles Adam Mossoff, Social Philosophy and Policy, FirstView Article.
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  • The Type-Token Distinction and Four Problems with Propertarian IP Justifications.Wojciech Gamrot - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):1047-1059.
    Propertarian justifications of intellectual property postulate the appropriation of various entities, often called patterns, designs, or technologies. These must be immaterial and should not be confused with material structures that embody them. Hence two classes of objects are distinguished. It is convenient to refer to them as types and tokens. The type must involve a condition defining which material structures should be considered its tokens. For an IP regime to be economically meaningful one must necessarily appropriate types in a way (...)
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  • Justifying patents: a critique of the deontological approach.Reuben Binns - unknown
    This thesis assesses philosophical arguments in favour of patent systems. These come in both consequentialist and deontological forms, the latter of which are the focus of this analysis. One kind of deontological argument is based on the concept of desert. I argue that on any plausible conception of desert, the patent system fails to distribute rewards as well as viable alternative systems could. The other kind of deontological argument claims that inventors are entitled to patent rights over their inventions as (...)
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